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Carson was sitting at the table eating when Jimin and Tae crashed into the house, their hair was messed up and they smelled like sex. Jin smirked at the two, "oh did someone have some fun today?"

"Having fresh blood is doing wonders for my libido."

The little popped his head up, "ly-be-do? What's that?"

Jimin started to blush and stammer, Tae snorted "it means he wanted to have happy fun time sweets."

"Oh," Carson hummed, "I miss master, he let Carson bounce if Carson was really good that day. I miss nice bouncing."

"Bouncing?" Hobi asked with his head cocked to the side a bit.

The little nodded his head with a soft sigh, "master lay down and let Carson bounce until Carson feel good, then Carson get milkies if master happy with Carson's bouncing."

They all looked at each other, "is he talking about sex?" Yoongi whispered. Once the other six nodded their heads they were horrified. Yes they knew that he wanted to have happy fun time, but it seems like his old caretakers abused that and used it against him. They could never do that to him, it's meant to be enjoyed by both partners. Not used as a power to keep the other in check.

Yoongi's fist clenched, trying to rein in his anger. "Baby boy, we already told you that you are such a good boy and if you want happy fun time all you have to do is tell us. Any of us, okay?"

Carson didn't speak, he just nodded his head before he got up and walked away with his BB. "Anyone going to say just how fucked up this is? Like I know he wanted sex, but does anyone else feel like he was in a way manipulated and assaulted?"

Jin looked at Joon who was cringing, "yeah, big time. I feel so bad for him. He's so sweet."

They spent the next month preparing for Halloween. Carson was still very quiet, only really speaking if he was addressed. He asked for milkies every day and when they handed him a cup of milk he'd sigh before drinking it. Jin was cackling at Yoongi, he was dressed in all black with fluffy cat ears on his head and a clip-on tail. He wanted to get the butt plug one, but deemed it would be too difficult to do since he was wearing tight jeans. Jimin was dressed as a lifesize BB much to Carson's enjoyment. 

Hobi was dressed as Freddy, Tae went as Jason, Joon was the killer from Scream, Jk was jigsaw and much to Jin's annoyance Yoongi had decided to make him Chucky. Jin tried arguing that he'd be a much better Chucky than Jin ever could since he was so small and cute but Yoongi just waved at his cat getup and Jin stopped.

Joon had contacted a local nursing home and asked if they could have a Halloween party, that they had an adult with the mindset of a child that wanted to trick or treat without prejudice. They quickly agreed since it would give the residents something fun to look forward to. So Carson went door to door filling up his bag, then they played Bingo, bobbed for apples, carved pumpkins, and ate some delicious sweets and food. 

All seven of them were so excited to see how happy Carson was, and when he fell asleep on the ride home they couldn't help but coo at just how perfect he was. Until the next morning, apparently, they had passed the first test and that meant that he was now a full-on brat.

"I want milkies," the little one screamed at the top of his lungs.

Joon filled a cup up and handed it to him, only to have it thrown right back at him and for Carson to throw a major tantrum. He always cleaned his mess up, sniffling and muttering how they promised. But they just let him be. They switched to sippy cups so if he threw it there would be no mess.

He was laying down on the kitchen floor screaming about how much he hated them and how mean they were, he wanted milkies and they promised.

Hobi squatted down, trying to pull Carson up but it wasn't working. "You promised," he sobbed. "I ask all time, never give it to Carson."

"Baby doll, we give you milk anytime you ask. But you throw it at us, are you sure that's what you want?"

"Carson wants milkies, not milk." He jumped up, "I hate you stupid meanies."

"Yeah well we love you, so there," Hobi shouted back.

Tae cocked his head to the side, "oh my god we are so stupid."

"What?" Jin asked, bags under his eyes from the stress of Carson's fits. The only thing keeping him going was all the nice bites Carson asks for.

"He wants milkies, we thought he meant milk. But he just confirmed it's not milk. Think about what he's been saying about that Sir guy and master dude. It was a reward, that and bouncing. What if milkies is something sexual?"


Tae smirked at the oldest, "well cum is white like milk and you suck on a baby bottle, maybe he meant that?"

"His doing it or us doing it?"

"Does it matter Jin? It's not like you haven't blown every single one of us thousands of times over the years and vice versa."

"It's not that," Jin cringed, "I just want to make sure that it's what he truly wants, I don't want to be like those others. I care about him and want him happy."

"And apparently milkies make him happy. I'm going to go talk to him, he's hiding in Yoongi's room under the piano right now." Tae got up and made his way towards Yoongi's room. Even if Carson was doing his best to hide under the piano they were so attuned to him after all the nice bites.

It took a bit for them to be able to tune him out, he's not loud per se, but even his heartbeat was like the loudest thunderstorm with their hearing. His little breaths, even the way he sniffles were scary loud for them. So yes, they are aware of where he is at all times.

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