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"Carson," Sarah called as she walked towards his room. He's the only little with a single room since he can't be trusted to be around the others without supervision. "Hi sweet boy," she cooed as she saw him sitting on the floor playing with his little stuffed bat. She still remembers the day he got it. He'd been dropped off at the orphanage about 6 months prior and hadn't said a word to anyone. The head of the orphanage thought it might help to get him out of the home and since he had clung to Sarah she was the one to do it.

The town was gearing up for Halloween, with window displays showing all kinds of spooky things and in the window of one store was a display of stuffed animals. They were cartoonish but they were covered in what looked like blood splatters. Carson took one look at the red and white bat and for the first time uttered a word, "peas," he begged while pointing at it. She wasn't supposed to buy the children toys but she was just so excited that he spoke.

"Did you want something sweet boy?"

Carson nodded his head quickly, pointing at the bat, "batty, peas."

So they walked into the store and she bought him the bat that would scare most four-year-olds, but not Carson, he loved his little BB. When Carson turned 18, he was too old to live at the orphanage anymore, but he wasn't able to take care of himself either. So Sarah found a home he could go to, it took one day of him living in the little home for them to call her and beg her to come get him.

But when she was there, he was fine. Sarah had no family waiting on her at home, and no responsibilities so it was nothing for her to move her life around and start working at the little house to be with Carson. Over the years they tried finding him a caretaker, if they were patient enough they'd be able to get past Carson's shy side. If they were understanding enough, they could handle his bratty side. But the part that usually was the final straw was the sexual side.

It was like once Carson turned 18, his body woke up with needs but his mind wasn't quite caught up. Sarah would have adopted him, but Carson liked men so she wouldn't be able to satisfy his needs the way he wanted. She could handle all sides of him but that one. His last caretaker had a lot of potential, but after a few months he couldn't handle Carson any longer. He wanted fun happy time too often for the older man to keep up with. He didn't like being left at home for long hours and the man felt guilty.

So when the handsome man named Jimin came asking if they had any littles that stayed little all the time, Sarah was excited. He seemed very interested in Carson and it gave her hope. She looked at the sweet boy she's raised since he was dropped off at the tender age of 4, "can you go help the little ones wash their hands?"

Carson frowned, "don't like them. Too loud, too mean. Get Carson in trouble."

Sarah chuckled a bit, "they are loud because you do mean things to make them cry. If you are nice, they don't cry."

"They mean to Carson first," he pouted and she just wanted to bundle him up in a blanket and coddle him all day.

Carson wasn't like the other littles, he never played with them. Or even engaged in other activities. He didn't color, play with any toys other than his BB. He didn't want to watch children's TV, or play outside. He wanted nothing to do with anything childlike, but he also couldn't be convinced to leave his comfort headspace. It's only happened a few times, usually after he's brought back by whichever caretaker promised him the world and then broke it.

He'd wrap his arms around Sarah and cry asking her what was wrong with him. She'd always assure him that nothing was wrong and that he deserved all the love in the world. But she was the only person that ever saw the real Carson, it's how she knew all sides of him and how she knew what he wanted and needed from a caretaker.

She got Carson set up to help the younger littles and then she brought Jimin in. "It's good to see you again Sir," she said as she shook his hand.

"I'm happy to be back, I missed him."

It's been months since he first came here, he'd always spend a few hours with Carson and then he'd go home and come back in a week or so. "Are you finally taking him home?"

"I am, everything is finally ready. I apologize that it took this long, I was unaware of how many things needed to change in my home to make it suitable for him."

She waved it off, "that's fine. And you are still sure you can handle all aspects of him? He'll be standoffish at first, extremely shy, and probably won't talk much."

"It's fine, he's like that now and I still want him."

"That's good, but remember once he feels comfortable in your home he'll change. He'll become a brat so you'll get mad and send him back."

Jimin smiled as his thumb brushed against his bottom lip, "don't worry. I've dealt with a few brats in my day. He'll be in good hands."

Sarah looked a bit skeptical but nodded anyway, "are you sure you are okay with the final stage? I've been told his libido is quite insatiable and he needs someone to be at home with him practically around the clock."

"I come from extreme wealth, I have no need to work so I am always home. I can handle his libido, I assure you."

"Well if you are sure, we can go sign the paperwork, and after he eats you can take him home. He'll need a nap, but he might fight it."

Jimin smiled, oh he won't fight it. Once one of them feeds he'll sleep like a baby. Just like he's done every time Jimin has come to see him. "I'll handle it, I promise."

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