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Tae loved the zoo, he loved animals which is why he takes Carson to see Drac more than the others. But getting to see all the fun animals is even more exciting, add in seeing them with Carson and this was gearing up to be the best day ever. They went straight towards where the cats were because he knew that Carson was going to really enjoy seeing the panthers.

"Tae Tae," he screamed as he was excitedly pointing towards the sleeping panther, "it's a big Drac!"

"I see that sweets, he's pretty isn't he?"

"So pretty," he pouted.

Tae chuckled at his little, "if he's so pretty then why are you pouting?"

"Carson wants to pet him, but he's too far away."

"Oh sweets, we can't pet those type of kitties. It's dangerous."

He turned around reaching up for Tae to hold him, the vampire scooped the little up in his arms, "but Tae Tae can't die," he whispered into Tae's ear.

"Still not going to pet the man-eating panther sweets." Carson started to whine, the whine he does before he starts throwing a fit. "Not here, if you start a tantrum we have to go home and that means we can't see the rest of the animals, we can't buy gifts in the gift shop and we won't go out for dinner."

Carson threw himself back, but Tae had amazing reflexes so he made sure that the little didn't fall. He went limp like a noodle and just hung there with a pout on his face while Tae carried him around. He didn't even acknowledge any of the animals until Tae had the idea to take him to the bat exhibit. Finally he got a reaction out of him, he sat up and pointed. A big grin on his face, "Tae, it's BB's, so many BB's." He turned to look at the vampire, leaning in to whisper "do you think any of them are like Dracula?"

"No sweets," he barked out, trying so hard to calm his laughing down. "I promise no bats or vampires are like Dracula, okay."

He was back to pouting, his arms crossed over his chest. "Yoonie said you don't know Dracula, so you don't know if that's true."

"That's correct sweets, I'm sorry. Do you want to go eat? They have a kids cafe where you can eat with the animals. Does that sound like fun?"

"What animals? Will there be kitties there?"

Tae frowned a bit, "no sweets. There will probably be like goats and pigs etc. Animals that you would find on a farm."

Carson was pouting but he nodded his head, "yeah Carson hungry."

"Okay, we'll eat and pet some nice animals, and then we'll go see the rest of the exhibits. If you are a good boy, which I know you are, we'll buy some gifts in the gift shop. How does that sound?"  Carson got shy all of a sudden, hiding himself in Tae's neck. "Oh does my little sweets want something? You know you can tell me anything."

"Can we get BB a friend? BB told me that he's lonely because Carson spends so much time with you guys."

"Aww of course we can get BB a friend, we can get BB as many friends as he wants."

Tae ordered a grilled cheese, some carrot sticks with hummus and a juice for Carson. Then he ordered several buckets of animal feed so they could feed the animals while they pet them. It took Tae a bit to get Carson to concentrate on eating his food vs playing with the animals but eventually he won. He loved watching how happy Carson was feeding the animals and just being himself.

He talked to the animals about every little thought that passed through his brain. But Tae loved it, he loved seeing how happy he was vs the scared little boy that first came to them. They spent two hours at the petting zoo, and the only reason he got Carson to leave is because he promised to take him to see the puppies. Puppies meaning the wolves the zoo had. 

Apparently Carson loved puppies as much as he loved kitties. It made Tae blush thinking about his pup space, what would Carson think if he ever saw him like that? Would he be disgusted, confused? Or would he be okay with it? The wolves were massive, much bigger than Carson thought they'd be based on how he kept telling Tae they were so so big. 

"They are sweets, big enough that you could ride one."

"You can ride puppies?"

Tae shook his head, "well if the pup is big enough sure." He picked the little up, not caring about all the weird glances they'd been given the entire time they were out. "Let's go find some friends for BB."

Carson ran around the gift shop looking at every stuffie that was in there. He touched them all and if they were deemed soft enough, they went to Tae to hold, if they weren't soft enough he'd pout and then move on. In the end Carson picked a massive grey wolf and a smaller panther that he just had to have. The wolf was so big that Carson had to wrap both his arms around it just to hold it upright. "Do you think BB will love his new friends like Carson loves his?"

"I for sure think BB will, do you have names for them?"

"KK and PP," he grinned making Tae groan.

"You want to name them KK and PP? Why?" 

Carson looked at Tae like he was so dumb. "BB is a bat, KK is a kitty and PP is a puppy."

"I. I get that sweets, but KK means okay and PP is what some people call their dick."

The little just shrugged, "I didn't pick their names Tae Tae, they told me their names. I can't change their names, that's not nice."

"You are right, Tae Tae is sorry. Let's head home now okay?"

"Please Carson sleepy."

Jin went to pound on the basement door, "they'll be here in like 15 minutes so shut them up please."

Jimin came one last time, panting as he crashed onto Yoongi's chest. He turned to look at the humans, "silence."

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