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Joon looked around the mess in the kitchen, "oh so it's okay for me to be in here when you want to fuck Kook, but if I even step in here any other time then suddenly you are chasing me with a frying pan."

He wasn't actually mad, just annoyed that they didn't even ask what he wanted. He doesn't mind watching Carson, he loves the little guy. But the fact that they assumed he would without question or complaint is what's annoying him. But he finished cleaning the kitchen, only breaking one bowl, two cups, and losing a spoon somewhere. He's fairly sure he threw it away but it's gone forever now. There's no way he's going to do dishes, mop the floor AND stick his hand in the garbage. Nope, he'll just play dumb when Jin rants later.

Joon could hear Carson playing in his room, he was chattering away to BB about how he can be big now and how he's not scared to do it anymore. That he might even try here soon. That made him happy, as long as Carson is happy then he's happy. He walked towards his room, "hey pumpkin, do you want to play a video game?"

Carson looked up with a big smile on his face, "sure but can Carson try cockwarming where plug goes?"

If he had a heart it would have stopped, "pumpkin, where did you hear that word?"

Tae Tae said that I like it when I cockwarm after milkies and he wondered if I'd like it in my ass. He was talking to Hobi, they thought Carson was sleeping. Can we try that? Tae Tae thinks Carson will like it and I want to try, please Joonie?"

His brain was short-circuiting that's the only explanation he can come up with for why he hadn't answered the poor curious boy that was looking at him with big wide eyes. "Uhh," was all he could get out.

Carson's face fell, "oh Joonie don't like that, it's okay. Carson can ask someone else."

"No, pumpkin it's not that. Joonie loves cockwarming okay? I just, was surprised, that's all. If you want to try that we can. We can do that and play video games if you want?"

"Really?" Carson practically screamed.

They could, it would make it a million times harder for Joon, but he'll get over it. It's not like he's any good at video games to begin with. Plants vs Zombies is about the only one he can hold his own with. "Sure, it might feel funny at first." Carson cocked his head to the side, "uhh you know how you feel full with your plug in or with Jk's fingers?"

"Yes, it's nice."

"Well my cock is a lot bigger so it will fill you up more and it might be distracting too. So I might actually beat you at your game."

Carson narrowed his eyes, he did not like to lose and if he did, there were times he'd throw the biggest tantrum ever. "Lalnge accepted."

Joon's head shifted a bit, "oh, challenged accepted. Okay pumpkin, let's get to the living room and get you settled then we'll play." Joon turned around and walked towards the living room so Carson didn't see just how freaked out he was. They just started this whole thing with him, well ass stuff anyway. He literally was fingered for the first time 24 hours ago. Now he wants to do cockwarming? Was it something he did with his old caretakers? Does he feel like he has to? No Tae said he'd enjoy it and Carson seemed curious and wanted to do it.

Setting up the PlayStation felt like it took 30 hours because his nerves were fluctuating so much. He was excited, nervous, horny, confused, and honestly like he could pop a boner and puke all at the same time. It was so frustrating, but he'll deal. Getting everything ready he looked at Carson in his massive t-shirt and he could see that he had underwear on, which was shocking but he know how happy Carson will be when he can take them off. 

"Pumpkin, I need to make sure that you are stretched enough for me so it doesn't hurt. I'll have to remove the plug and use my fingers. Is that okay?"

"Yes yes, Carson likes."

Joon chuckled, getting Carson situated. "Pumpkin, I'm going to lay you across my lap."

Carson jolted a bit, "no spank Carson, Carson a good boy."

"Carson is a very good boy and no spankings I promise. This is just more comfortable and accessible in a way. Is that okay pumpkin?"

"No spankings?"

Joon palmed the little's cheeks and pulled him closer to him so he could kiss him softly. "No spankings unless you ask for them. I promise."

His head tilted a bit, "why would Carson ask? Spankings hurt and Carson no like."

"That's true, but Jiminie loves to be spanked. Yoonie spanked him a few times today and he loved it."

The little scowled a bit, "Jiminie is weird."

"He is sometimes, now let's get you situated if you still want to do this." He pushed his underwear down and scrambled to lay across Joon's legs. His little bubble butt was in the air and damn if Joon didn't want to smack it a few times. But he wouldn't, not unless he asked for it. But fuck he'd love to see it jiggle and turn pink. He pulled the plug out and snorted at all the lube that slipped out. Did Kook use half the freaking bottle? Well that's good since he didn't think to bring any and if they want to get his cock in there.

It didn't take long to get him stretched enough, "you ready?"

"Yes yes, want to try and to beat you."

He lifted Carson up and lined his tip right at the little's rim, then he slowly sat him down until he was all the way in. Carson sighed a bit and snuggled into Joon more, his back against the vampire's chest. "Is this okay?"

"S'full," he slurred, almost drunk it sounded like.

Joon snorted, "not sure you'll be able to beat me now."  

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