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The fits continued. He'd kick, scream and bite them if they tried to get him to do anything. It had to be him that suggested eating, or bathing or sleeping. If anyone even so much as mentioned it, the fit would commence. It wasn't anything they couldn't handle, they were vampires after all that required no sleep and had super strength and don't even get them started on their powers. Thankfully they haven't had to use them yet, they could usually distract him after he tuckers out from the fit.

Today was not one of those days, he had been screaming for 4 hours straight. He kicked or hit any of them that got close, he even bit Jin when Jin tried to pick him up. The only thing that got him to stop was in a fit he threw BB at Hobi who smiled and told Carson that him and BB were going to go take a nap in the littles room and if he wanted to come nap he could.

"You are taking BB from me?" He cried out.

"No, BB is very tired and you won't nap with him so he asked me to take a nap with him."

Carson sniffled, rubbing snot all over the arms of Jk's sweater he was wearing, "BB tired?"

"Yes baby doll, BB is very tired. Do you want to nap with us or are you going to stay out here?"

"Carson come," he mumbled as he shuffled after Hobi towards his room. It took about an hour for Hobi to get him settled down and asleep. But he did.

He plopped down on the couch looking at his boyfriends, "I know that his brattiness is a lot, but I have to be honest, I expected, I don't know, something harder to deal with. They made it sound like he was the devil, but really he's not that bad. You just have to have patience and understanding."

"Well it's probs because those old farts that adopted him couldn't handle his needs like us."

Jk snorted, "old farts, Jin we are literally older than this country, several times over in fact. We've seen empires rise and fall, and we've seen more wars and inventions than any human alive. You are old as shit, they were like 50ish."

"50 and disgusting, the things they did to him. I know he wants it, but I feel like they took advantage of him in a way."

"And we aren't? I mean before two weeks ago we were biting him daily."

Jin looked at Tae and sighed, he's right, they are just as bad. Even if Carson asks for it. "I wonder why he stopped."

"You mean you wonder why he flat-out refuses to be bitten anymore?" Jimin scoffed. Every time they ask, Carson will slap his hands over his neck like he's protecting it from their bites. "He gets one milkie from Tae and then he suddenly doesn't want that or nice bites."

"Yah," Tae yelled, annoyance laced in his deep voice, "he let us bite him for a bit after the milkie, it's not my fault," he pouted.

"He's just testing us, just like they said he would. He expects us to be mad and send him back." Joon sighed as he scrubbed his hand down his face, "we just have to prove to him that we aren't going anywhere, that's all."

Things stayed much the same, milkies were refused and nice bites would send him into a fit so they stopped even bringing them up. Jimin was sitting on Yoongi's lap, his back pressed against the keys of the piano. His hands were in his hair.

"I want you, I need you Yoongi," Jimin groaned as he rocked into his boyfriend more, he could feel how hard they both were and it was driving him crazy.

Yoongi chuckled as he nipped his way down Jimin's neck to his collarbone, "someone is eager."

"Don't tease me," he whined, "it's been far too long and I can feel that Carson's blood is leaving my system and I want it before I forget myself."

Yoongi groaned, "I didn't realize just how much I missed this until Carson came into our lives. I know that we are older and don't have to drink every day to survive, but fuck if it isn't just amazing having it fresh. Plus he tastes better than any other human I've ever drank from."

Jimin was bouncing up and down on his lap, frustrated just trying to find that friction. "Yoongi," he whined.

"Okay baby, I'll give you what you want." As soon as their mouths smashed together they heard a loud crash and what sounded like a lot of broken glass. "What the fuck was that?"

"Not sure, but it sounded like it came from Carson's room."

They took off running, arriving at the little's room in seconds. They didn't see him, they could hear him so they knew he was in there. All over the floor across from his bed was a mass of broken glass from the large mirror that hung on the wall. "Where is he?"

Jimin looked around, "I think he's under the bed."

Yoongi ran over and laid down on his stomach to see, and Jimin was right, Carson was under there huddled into a little ball, making his small body as tiny as he could. He was murmuring under his breath, "don't hurt Carson, Carson didn't mean to, Carson so sorry." He just kept repeating it over and over and it was breaking Yoongi's heart.

He tried to reach him, but the poor sobbing little was just out of his reach, "you try," he mumbled to Jimin.

Jimin went to the other side of the bed, trying as well but was unsuccessful. "Stupid, you know my arms are the shortest here. You dicks measured it just to rub it in my face, look at cute Jiminie, he's so tiny." He grumbled, "where the fuck is Joon with his stretch Armstrong arms?"

Jin and Joon crashed into the room, looking like they were in the middle of what Yoongi and Jimin were trying their hardest to start, "is he okay?"

Jimin looked at Jin with a sad face, "not sure, we can't reach him."

Joon got down on his stomach next to Yoongi, Tae, Jk, and Hobi were already clearing up the broken mirror pieces. "I can't reach him," Joon muttered.

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