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Jk paused his sweeping and looked at the four vampires with his eyebrow raised, "are you or are you not vampires?" When they just stared at him he huffed before walking over towards the bed, he reached down between Jin and Jimin and pulled the bed frame up, allowing Jin to reach in and pull Carson out. "Seriously, I'm the youngest one here."

Jin started fretting over Carson, he could smell blood but he couldn't see where it was coming from. "Carson, baby are you okay?"

But Carson wasn't answering him, he was rocking back in Jin's arms crying about how sorry he was and he was begging them not to hurt him because it was an accident. Jimin's eyes started to fill with tears, "oh Love, you aren't in trouble. We are just worried you hurt yourself, that's all. We can smell blood and we want to get you all patched up."

When Jimin reached out to try and get Carson to look at him, the little whimpered and tried to curl in on himself more, Jin looked at his boyfriends, "go get a first aid kit, the one with the Halloween bandaids in them. The rest of you leave the room, it's going to be too overwhelming for him once I get him calmed down."

Jimin sighed but got up to do as Jin asked, Tae scrunched his face up, "get him better please, It hurts too much seeing him so broken like this."

"I will I promise," Jin assured the younger as he watched them leave the room one by one, taking the broken mirror and mess with them. Jimin came back a minute later and set the first aid kit down, then with a soft smile he turned around and left. Jin just sat there with Carson in his lap as he rocked him back and forth. Continuously telling him what a good boy he was, how much they loved him and that they weren't upset at all, nor was he in trouble. 

It took a long time, far longer than Jin thought it would for Carson to calm down and stop sniffling. "Munchkin are you back?"

"Carson so sorry, BB wanted to fly, hit the mirror and it crashed. I. I didn't mean to, please don't send me back. I pay for it."

"Oh Munchkin," he sighed as he wrapped his arms around Carson tighter, "of course we aren't sending you back. We told you that you were stuck with us."

"But they always send Carson back."

And those people did, but he knows without a doubt that Carson will never leave them if they have their way. "Not us, baby I'll hold you and we'll all assure you how much we care but can I clean your wound up? I got the Halloween bandaids for you."

"The bat ones?"

"Yup the bat ones, there are also some pumpkin ones pending on how many you need." He wasn't hurt too bad, just a few small cuts on his legs and feet. Only one was really bleeding, the rest were more scrapes than anything. After 15 bandaids were placed on Carson, some on spots that weren't even scratched, like his forehead. He was finally smiling again. "Are you feeling better?"

"Carson not in trouble? Carson stay here?"

"Of course, let's make sure BB is okay too and then we'll go cuddle with the others and watch a movie. How does that sound?" Carson nodded his head happily and pulled BB out from where he had him clutched between the two. BB sustained a lot of damage according to Carson. He needed a splint for one wing and for the rest of his body to be wrapped up to where he looked like a mummy. But Carson was finally satisfied with BB's care and then they could head out to the others. 

Jin could hear them, they were mildly freaking out about Carson's reaction with the mirror. Had something like that happened before and the other caretakers reacted poorly towards him? As soon as they got him settled on the couch, wrapped up in his favorite blanket that had Jack Skellington on it Hobi finally got the courage to ask. "Carson, you aren't in trouble and we aren't mad. But how did the mirror break?"

"BB wanted to fly like a real bat, Carson saw a movie one time where a toy used a fan and then flew around the room. But BB didn't launch like Buzz did, he flew straight into the mirror making it fall and crash."

"Is that how you got hurt? When you went to go get BB from where he landed?" Carson nodded his head and it made Hobi sigh, "baby doll, next time something like that happens can you just yell for us? We'll save BB so you don't get hurt."

"S'okay, like bandaids," he mumbled as he picked at the bandaids on his leg.

Tae barked out a laugh, "well if you like bandaids, what about stickers then?" Carson perked up more than they'd seen in over a month. "Looks like he likes stickers," he whispered.

Jk smirked, once again he's about to prove just how much of a genius he is. "Well I guess it's a good thing that we made you a sticker chart and every time you do something good, you'll get a new sticker."

Carson jumped up cheering as he bounced up and down on the couch, Joon narrowed his eyes at Jk, "you know damn well that we have no such thing."

"And we don't sleep and he does, he's going to bed here soon. By the time he wakes up in the morning, we'll have it. Calm down grumpy."

So Jk told Carson that after the movie if he goes to sleep like a good boy, in the morning he can choose the first sticker to go on his new chart. Carson was more than happy to do just that. Normal sticker charts are usually just poster board, but they don't do normal. So they went with a massive piece of plexiglass and had it framed. They proudly hung it up in the middle of the living room wall where everyone could see it.

They had even bought thousands of Halloween stickers and anything dark. That was the day the fits basically stopped unless he was really upset.

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