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"But Jin," Jk whined, "I want to fuck you."

"And I said no, so you have two choices. Let me fuck you and you'll get off. Or don't let me fuck you and no getting off for you."

Jk frowned, wanting to smack the older man in front of him, "I could just go to my room or find Joon, hell I could fuck Tae while he's blowing Hobi. You aren't the only one here that can get me off."

Jin smirked, the kind of smirk that let anyone around him know that they fucked up, that they fucked up really really badly. "Is that what you think baby?" He stalked towards the younger, grabbing him by the throat and pinning him to the wall. "I hate to break it to you, but none of those options you mentioned work for me. So now, I'm going to fuck you and you don't get to cum. If you do, I will punish you."

There were so many things Jk wanted to say, he wanted to snap back, say something snarky. But he's learned over the years that when Jin gets pushed to a certain point, you should probably back down and take whatever he's giving you because if not, the outcome can and will be completely worse. "I understand, I'm not allowed to cum. How would you like me to serve you Sir?"

This made Jin grin, out of all of them, Jk was one of the hardest ones to train. He's headstrong and likes to fight back. He's a full-on brat, that likes to be in charge. He doesn't mind bottoming, though it isn't his preference, but when he does bottom, he's a true power bottom. Jin is the only exception to that, he will give all control to Jin and that makes Jin truly happy. To have that power over someone that doesn't normally give it to anyone. He's the Sir here, not that disgusting old man that abused Carson.

"Remove your clothes and let me look at you," Jin had a bored expression on his face, like seeing Jk naked wasn't anything new. It's not, they know each other's bodies as well as their own, but all of his boyfriends are gorgeous. Jk wasted no time, he stripped his clothes and folded them neatly knowing that Jin would only punish him more if Jk made a mess. "Would you like to be prepped?"

"Yes Sir, if that's okay with you?"

"I'll allow it," Jin grabbed his chair and sat down next to the bed, "get on the bed, all fours, if you can make me hard with your show, I'll fuck you."

Jk did as instructed, he made sure that his hole was in the perfect line of sight for Jin to see. "Sir, may I use lube?"

Jin chuckled darkly, "you may since you asked so sweetly. Such a good boy for me." Jin tossed him the bottle, "proceed."

So that's what Jk did, he drenched his fingers in lube, his other hand spreading his cheek more. He slipped one in, working it in and out slowly, avoiding his prostate since he wasn't allowed to cum. But he has to enjoy it, if he doesn't Jin will just punish him more. He likes bringing Jk to the edge over and over again. So he slipped his second finger in, it felt great, the stretch and burn. "May I touch myself Sir?"

"Do you think that's wise baby? You aren't allowed to cum. I don't want to have to punish you more for breaking the rules."

Jk whined a bit as he slipped his third finger in, "I won't, I just want to give Sir a good show. Please may I?"

"As long as you don't cum, you may. Is there anything else you want?"

"Just you Sir," he groaned. 

He fights it so hard, but he slips into his role so easily whenever Jin shows any amount of dominance towards him in the bedroom. "And you'll have me as long as you can get me hard. Those are the rules baby."

Jk started stretching himself with vigor as his hand fisted his leaking cock. He just squeezed the base and moaned loudly. He wanted to cum, he wanted to cum so fucking badly, but he won't because he's a good boy. He kept moaning, making a whole production out of it. "Sir?"

"Yes baby?" Jk bit his lip, questioning whether he should ask this or not. It can go either way, Jin could be merciful and answer him or vengeful and punish him. Jin chuckled, "just ask baby before you make your lip bleed."

Jin couldn't see him so how did he even know? "How?"

"Hmm? How did I know you were biting your lip? I know you baby. Now ask your question."

"Are you hard yet?" He just blurted it out, there was no going back anyway so might as well just say it.

"If I was hard my dick would be inside you."

Jk deflated a bit, his shoulders dropping onto the mattress, he needs Jin to fuck him because he's not sure how long he was going to be able to last and he really doesn't want to be punished more than he already is. So he kept up with the fingering and moaning Jin's name. Finally, he heard the rustle of Jin's clothes as he was removing them. Jk wanted to cry in relief, he glanced at the clock, it's been over an hour of him fingering and stretching himself.

As soon as Jin touches his prostate he's going to cum and that fucking bastard knows it, this was his plan all along. He loves watching Jk fail. Jin walked over to him and ripped Jk's fingers out of his hole, "look at you, you are winking and all for me."

"Just for you Sir," the younger moaned quietly.

Jin lined himself up, rubbing his head all over Jk's sopping-wet hole. "I can't wait to punish you," he whispered right before he slammed into Jk and the younger cried out before he came all over the sheets. "I guess you aren't my good boy after all."

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