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"Do you think I'll be able to do this and he'll stay asleep?"

Tae looked at Yoongi who was frowning down at Carson, neither of them wanted to disturb his nap, but he needs to be cleaned. "I seriously can't believe he came from sucking me off, like seriously that's so fucking hot."

Yoongi grunted as he slowly pulled the dirty boxers off of Carson, the wet rag gently moving across the little as he cleaned him up. Carson started to whine, Tae reached out and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. Carson started nuzzling into Tae more, lightly sucking on his cock again. "Fuck, if he doesn't stop I'm going to get hard again. Hurry the fuck up," he grunted towards Yoongi.

That bastard just chuckled like seeing Tae getting tortured was the funniest thing he's ever seen. Yoongi got him cleaned up and his boxers back on. "Should we put him on the couch? This can't be comfortable."

"If you can do it without him waking up and my cock still in his mouth sure." Yoongi raised his brow, questioning the younger, "he said it has to stay in there until he wakes up. It makes him feel safe and on the clouds he said."

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "ahh he goes into sub-space. That's cute."

"It really is," you could see just how much Tae was already enamored with the adorable little.

With a soft sigh, Yoongi got Carson situated on the couch between Tae's legs in a more comfortable position. "Well, I guess I'll go."

Tae looked at Yoongi and bit his lip a bit, "or.. Maybe I could get a taste of you, it's been far too long and I miss it."

Yoongi's eyes went wide, "you want to suck my cock, right now while he's sleeping with your cock in his mouth?"

"I mean, only if you want. But yes that's what I want."

No one can resist the youngest three, and now Carson. So seeing Tae pull his puppy dog eyes was all it took to make Yoongi cave. It's not like he's being put out, he's the one receiving pleasure. "Can you do it and not get hard, don't want our little choking while he's trying to sleep."

"I think I can, if I start to get excited then I'll stop for a second. I promise."

Yoongi nodded, that was good enough for him. He's missed those lips wrapped around his cock. He was getting excited just thinking about it. He looked down where Tae was just stroking him outside his pants, "stop teasing me, want to fuck your face and throat."

Tae gasped like he was really surprised, but the glint in his eyes showed that he wasn't, that he was excited about that prospect. Tae pulled Yoongi out of his pants, "fuck I forgot how big you are. So thick that it stretches my lips to the max."

"Well let me see that baby, let me see your lips stretched around my fat cock until your lips are puffy from use and your throat is so raw that the only thing that can soothe it is my cum."

"Fuck, you are so hot," he whispered before he devoured Yoongi's cock all the way to the hilt. When he got it as deep as he could, he stayed there, nuzzling into his pelvis with his nose. Moaning around the cock so much that he was turning into a vibrating cocksleeve for the older.

"You can't get hard baby, you gotta calm down." Yoongi tried to get Tae to focus as he ran his long fingers through Tae's floppy hair. He looked over at Carson who was starting to stir, he could see his mouth moving a bit, using Tae as a pacifier to lull himself back to sleep. "You are going to wake him up."

Tae whined, loudly, almost in a distressed way. Yoongi cooed at him, bending over so he could soothe both of his babies, one to stay asleep and the other to calm down enough so he can finish doing what he wanted to do. Once they calmed down Yoongi fisted Tae's hair, slowly pumping in and out of his mouth. He bit his bottom lip, trying to keep all the noise inside so he didn't wake Carson.

"You are doing so good baby, taking me so well." Tae hummed around Yoongi's cock, making the older groan and snap his hips faster. Tae's hands reached out and around Yoongi's thighs, squeezing them and making him go faster. "You want me to ruin you don't you baby?" At Tae's high whine, Yoongi chuckled. "Okay baby, I'll give you what you want."

Tae was angled perfectly for Yoongi to fuck down his throat, enough that it could be seen, Tae's throat was the perfect vessel to show Yoongi's cock going in and out of it. "Close," he grunted out making Tae suck his cheeks in and start to moan. "Fuck baby," he whisper yelled as he came. His vision went white for a second, as his body kept rocking, prolonging the pleasure for as long as possible. To the point of oversensitivity, but he didn't care, because he could hear how much Tae was enjoying it as well.

The younger pulled back, looking thoroughly fucked out as he licked and smacked his lips in happiness. "God I missed that so much," he mumbled. His voice slightly raspy from the abuse from Yoongi.

"I should be the one saying that," Yoongi chuckled.

Tae looked down at Carson who was still happily sleeping, "well it looks like we'll all be getting more blowjobs since apparently he really likes milkies."

"And I'm completely okay with that." Yoongi pushed Tae over gently so they could cuddle on the couch together while Carson napped. "They warned us about his brattiness, but honestly all he's ever done was throw tantrums about milkies."

Tae snorted, "why do I feel like you just signed our death warrants?"

"You don't have to make it sound so ominous, like damn."

Tae couldn't stop laughing, having to hide his face in Yoongi's neck so he didn't wake the younger from his deep baritone.

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