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Joon walked into the living room where Carson was curled up in a little ball fast asleep on the couch between Jin and Yoongi. "Did you have to bite him to get him to sleep?"

"No," Jin yawned, he's not actually sleepy since they don't sleep, more a habit to express he's bored. "He fell asleep after getting all excited about Halloween costumes."

"I heard, so you are going to be a kitty kat Yoongi?"

Yoongi glared at the younger, "only because I'm going to pick Jin's costume."

"What? I never agreed to that shit at all."

"Sucks to be you, it was your idea to dress up so all of us are. We'll take him trick or treating and give him the whole experience."

Jin frowned, then clapped softly. "We'll have to use our powers on a neighborhood. I don't want anyone to say shit about an adult dressing up for candy and I want them to give him the good candy, like full-size candy bars, not that mini fun size shit."

Joon rolled his eyes a bit, Jin is so over the top it's not even funny. So of course he'd see no problem basically kidnapping an entire neighborhood for a night and making them do his bidding. "How about I find a different solution, one that won't drain you from having to control so many people?"

With a roll of the oldest's eyes, "it sounds like his room is done."

"It is," Jk said as he walked into the living room. "Oh he's asleep?" He frowned, "I wanted to show him."

Yoongi shrugged a bit, removing his fingers from Carson's hair. "you can wake him up if you want. He's been asleep for a bit, plus we should start making him food anyway."

Hobi immediately walked towards the kitchen, "I'll start on the food, Jk you can show him his room."

"Don't forget that he can't stay in there tonight because of the fumes." Joon reminded, "it should be ready by tomorrow since we opened the windows, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." He pouted a bit, "humans are so fragile. There are so many ways they can die so easily."

Jk nodded his head not looking at Joon at all, his large eyes were zoned in on Carson's sleeping form. "He really is just the cutest." His hand reached out to card his fingers through Carson's soft blonde hair, "pearl can you wake up for me?"

Carson whined saying he was sleepy as he nuzzled into the couch cushions a bit more. Yoongi chuckled a bit, "gotta do better than that, give him a reason to wake up."

With a determined look in his eye he gently shook the little, "hey Pearl, do you want to see your room? It's dark just how you like and after Hobi will have food for you."

His hazel eyes blinked open slowly as they tried to focus on the face in front of him, "dark?" Jk nodded and Carson hummed his approval, "Carson hungry."

"Okay, let's go see your room and when you are done it'll be time to eat. How does that sound Pearl?"

"S'okay," he said around the massive yawn he let out making all of them coo at him. Jk helped up the sleepy little as he shuffled him towards his newly decorated room. "Wow," Carson whispered, his mouth wide open in awe. "Pretty."

"Do you like it?" Everything that had been painted bright yellow was now back to being dark navy blue. The formally white wainscoting is now black, and the white trim and doors are black as well. They moved out the white furniture for black, the bedding was a dark grey and super soft. There were several paintings all over the room that some of the guys had painted throughout the years.

His little head nodded so quickly, "all for Carson?"

"Yes Pearl, this is all for you. Is there anything you'd like to change? We can, just let me know and we'll get it sorted." Carson looked incredibly shy for a minute, not looking Jk in the eyes at all. "You can tell me, any of us. We won't be upset."

Carson sighed a bit as he rubbed his eye with his fist, "can. Can Carson have music?"

Jk smiled, he knew that would make Yoongi really happy. "You like music?"

"Yes, Master let me have a radio when I was good." He frowned a bit, "I didn't get it much since Carson so bad, but when I did it was nice."

He could hear Yoongi from the living room telling the others that he would take care of it and get their baby boy everything he could ever want. Jk smirked, he knew that was going to make the olders day. "Yoongi is on it. He has a music room, maybe he can show you later. He has a big piano in there."

"A piano? Really?" The little looked so excited about it. 

"Yup a piano. Now I was wondering if you wanted to go see my room since your food isn't quite done yet. If you like it, you can stay in there tonight since your room won't be ready."

His eyes narrowed a bit, "you stay too?"

"If you want me to, but I don't sleep much so if you don't want me to stay then don't fret." Once Carson agreed Jk showed him his room. Taehyung wasn't kidding when he told Carson he'd love it. Both him and Yoongi had the darkest rooms. Where Jimin's room was a light grey with blues and yellow and Jin's was obnoxiously pink like he was some sort of Barbie princess. Joon went with the more natural aesthetic of nature colors. Hobi's and Tae's rooms were so colorful it looked like rainbow bright was their interior decorator. 

Jk's room was all black and dark grey. He'd recently added a bed in his room and fixed up the bathroom. He had discovered that he really liked taking showers. They didn't need it, they didn't get dirty like humans, but there was something about standing under the hot water that was very nice. It made him feel human.

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