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"What, why?" Hobi asked, he was bouncing his leg up and down quickly showing his nerves.

"Because Carson made it very clear that he didn't want to do nice bites. According to this we have to have sex with him, and at the moment of our joint release, we have to bite each other. Basically becoming actual vampire mates. As long as the vampire lives, then Carson will live, but as a human consort."

"But that's great," Kook said, looking completely happy.

"It's not, he's told us multiple times that he doesn't want to drink blood. That's why he doesn't want to become a vampire." Tae deflated a bit as he fell into Hobi, thankful that the older wrapped his arms around him.

"If I do this, I'll only have to drink blood once from each of you and then I can stay, forever?"

All seven of them whipped around to see Carson standing there, this is the first time some of them had seen him big, "technically you'd only have to drink from one of us and then you'd be changed."

Carson looked at Joon with a massive pout, "but if I'm going to do this, I want to be tied to all of you. I don't just love one of you, I love all of you."

Yoongi looked at Joon, "would it work, if he did it with all of us?"

Joon scratched the back of his head a bit, "theoretically yes."

"Is no one going to ask how the fuck Joon can read ancient Arabic and Hieroglyphics? Like those aren't common ass things to know."

They all giggled at Jimin who looked completely amazed and partially frustrated. "I can't read all of it, but between the two and the pictures I put two and two together. Plus this lines up with other things I've found."

"And you didn't tell us?"

Joon blushed a bit, "he didn't want to drink blood. I was trying to find another solution."

Carson walked over to the vampire and smacked him on the back of the head, "I love you, and thank you for respecting my wishes, but I'd rather drink blood 7 times and have all of you here, vs not doing it and losing you guys."

Jin walked towards Carson, "so are we going to do this?"

"We are, one a day until I'm your human consort, and you are stuck with me forever." He wrapped his arms around Jin, "do it regardless if I'm big or little, promise me?" He looked around at all of them and one by one they nodded their heads in agreement. "Then who is going first?"

That started a massive argument between all of them, the only one that wasn't fighting loudly was Kook. He was just sitting down watching it all with his large eyes flitting back and forth between his six arguing boyfriends. Carson walked over towards him, "they are a mess aren't they?"

"They are," Carson mused. "Want to go get this started while they are arguing?"

Jk grinned as he stood up and threw Carson over his shoulder, "I'd love to Pearl." He laid him down gently on his bed, "are you sure you are okay with drinking blood?"

"Well I'm not exactly excited about it, but if it means that I get to keep you guys forever, then I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

Jk slowly pushed his way in, "we have to come together and then bite each other. Do you think you can bite down hard enough to draw blood?"

"I know I can, that's how I know I don't like blood," he grinned. "Master beat me that day, but it was worth it."

The vampire was slowly picking up his pace, his hand fisting the base of Carson's cock since he cums so easily. He needs him to hold out until they can cum together. Carson was getting close, Jk could tell. "Hold out for me baby, can you do that?"

He started to whine, rocking his hips to match Jk's pace, "Kookie, please?"

The bed shifted a bit and a hand gripped the back of Jk's neck, "cum for me baby, make our baby feel good."

Jk whined at Jin's words and he started to move his fist on Carson's cock as his hips picked up, "gonna cum," he grunted out as he leaned down to get ready to bite Carson. 

"Get ready to bite Kookie baby, okay?"

Carson moaned but angled his head to where he could, when they came, they both bit each other. A bright light filled their bodies, Jin could physically see their connection to each other. "It's beautiful," Tae whispered from behind Jin.

"It is," the two on the bed were so lost in each other that they didn't even notice that everyone was there. It took about 10 minutes before it was complete, the light fading away as their bodies turned completely pliant. Jin had to maneuver them to where Kook was on the bottom so he didn't absolutely crush Carson. "Are my babies okay?" He mused.

They blinked their eyes open and for a moment and then snuggled into each other and promptly fell asleep. "Someone needs to be there for this each time if we all have the same reaction as Kook, we'll squish Carson to death," Jin whispered as he brushed back their hair.

"I think we should all be here, let them start it alone but when it's close come in. Maybe it'll help the bond."

Joon snorted, "we get it, you like to watch and to be watched."

Jimin shrugged, "well you aren't wrong there. But it makes sense, we want him tied to all of us and we all love each other so why not?"

"You know I have no issues with it," Yoongi smirked as he wrapped his arms around Jimin. "So who is next?"

"We let Carson pick, clearly us fighting over it is pointless. Let him make his choice tomorrow when he wakes up. Maybe we can get two of us done tomorrow. One in the morning and then another in the evening."

"And he's still a human?" Jimin asked as he turned his head a bit to look at Yoongi.

"He is, I can hear his heartbeat."

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