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Tae turned to look at Brett, "here," he pushed the backpack towards the human, "this has supplies that you will need to survive in the woods tonight. Choose to use them if you want. I'm giving you one hour to run and hide, then we are going to hunt you. If we don't catch you by sun up then you are free to go, if we catch you, I'm going to rip your throat out."Brett nodded his head quickly, grabbing the backpack and putting it on his back, and then he ran straight into the woods. "This is going to be fun."

"It is, now we just wait an hour and start our hunt."

The hour went by a lot faster than they both expected, "ready?"

Tae looked at Jin with a murderous glint in his eyes, "more than ready. Let's hunt." They both took off at a leisurely pace, even if Brett ran for days he wouldn't make it out of the woods, and on the other end of them was a massive mountain range. So he was royally fucked. They heard him before they saw him, the scent of fear came next.

"Found him," Jin cackled.

"He panting, it doesn't sound like he's running anymore. I smell blood too."

"What did you expect?" Jin scoffed. "You didn't give him any clothes or shoes to wear and he's running through the fucking forest in the middle of the night."

Tae raised his eyebrow a bit looking at the older vampire, "did you want me to show him that mercy? I easily could have, but his pain humors me."

"No no, that's not what I was implying. Never mind, let's find him. I'm excited to see you rip his throat out, messy, but still fun to watch."

Brett was huddled up in a small ball at the base of a tree eating a protein bar and chugging some water. "Well well well, what do we have here Jin?"

The human squeaked, he jumped up and started running again, leaving his backpack on the ground. Jin plopped down to look inside, "he ate a few bars and drank a couple bottles of water. I'm shocked he stopped. He had to know that we'd be coming for him."

"Jimin and Yoongi starved them and denied them water the two days they tortured them. He probably was having a hard time running without it."

"Humans are so weak," Jin sighed like he was personally offended in some way.

"Says the person that used to be a human."

"Then I got better," Jin said like the cockiest little shit ever.

Got better by turning into a murderous rage monster. Joon had told them all the stories how any little thing set him off and he'd murder entire villages before he'd calm down. They'd almost died a few times because Joon wasn't able to control Jin's temper. That was how they had found them, Jin had just massacred over 300 people and Joon had been unable to stop him.

They sent warriors to kill the beast and Joon barely got them away in time. He's calmed down a lot since it became the seven of them. There was something about the way that Kook calmed him down like no one else could. It was amazing to see, he was the only one that could talk back to him without getting punished. Jin doted on him like Jk was his child. It was always hilarious to see Jin punishing his baby when he was bad because Jk could literally get away with anything outside of the bedroom.

"Come on, let's see how far he made it this time." They kept this up, finding him and letting him run off until the sun started to peak over the horizon. 

"Time to end this Tae," Jin cheered.

Tae walked up to the sniveling man and sneered at him, "are you ready to die?"

"Why are you doing this?"

He cocked his head to the side, "I'm sure at least Jiminie told you. This is for Carson." Then he reached forward and ripped his throat out with one hand. The body falling down onto the forest floor. Sigh, "they fall so easily."

"Humans always do," Jin mused. "Well I'm wearing designer clothes so you can carry the mess back and Kook and I'll will dispose of them."

"Bitch, what the fuck do you think this is? I'm wearing Gucci." Tae cried out in annoyance.

Jin shrugged, "not my fault you didn't change into more appropriate hunting gear. Get on with it."

"You didn't change either?"

"Yeah but I was just observing, that's all." He told the younger as he looked at his nails.

Tae sighed, bending down to grab the human's arms and drag him behind them. "Such a fucking diva," he muttered but he knew that Jin could hear him.

"Takes one to know one." They got him back and dropped him by the pool, Kook had already gotten Chad from the tree. "Ahh Kook you ready? I just need to change first."

Jin changed into clothes that he didn't mind getting blood on, then he helped Kook put the two humans into body bags before throwing them into the back of the SUV. "So are we going to the volcano?"

Jk was smirking as he waited for Jin to answer him, "yup. Can't wait, then we need to head to the borders and plant rumors of sightings for the two to explain them going missing."

It took about a week before Jk and Jin got back home, Carson was pissed. All anyone could tell him was that they'd be back. As soon as they walked in the door he walked over to both of them, kneed them in the nuts, and then stormed off to his room.

Everyone but those two were rolling at how hilarious it was. "What the fuck? Why did he do that?" Jin gasped.

Yoongi shrugged, "someone left our baby without telling him goodbye. He was a little upset and that upset turned into anger the longer you guys were gone."

"We have phones, you could have called us!" Jk croaked between his groans.

"Last time I checked, the phone works two ways." 

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