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Hobi and Tae could not sit still, and frankly they had no idea how the others were. In less than ten minutes Jimin would be home with their new Little. "I can't believe we are about to meet him? Are you excited?" Tae was bouncing back and forth, more lively than Hobi had seen him in decades.

"I'm very excited, I want to play with him so badly."

Tae frowned, "Jimin told us that he doesn't play with toys though."

Hobi shrugged, "well maybe he'll play board games or video games with us then. I'll figure something out, I promise."

Jimin ushered in a skittish Carson, "love, I'd like to introduce you to my friends." It took about 20 minutes but Carson mumbled each of their names with a small, hello I'm Carson.

"Oh my God, I can't believe we get to keep him," Jin squealed.

Hobi walked over to him slowly, "hi Carson, I like your bat. Does he have a name?"

"BB, BB is Carson's best friend."

Hobi nodded his head as he hummed a bit, "hi BB, I'm Hobi. I hope to be your friend as well."

Carson cocked his head to the side a bit, "BB said no, Carson's friend." Then he turned to look at Jimin, "can get nice bite now, sleepy."

Jimin chuckled a bit, "sure love. Let me figure out who is going to bite you."

Hobi's eyes perked up a bit, "can I please? I really want to spend more time with him." He looked around to see if that was okay with everyone, it took a bit, but they finally agreed. He turned to look at Carson, "follow me and I'll show you your room."

"Then nice bite?"

"Then nice bite, yes." Carson dutifully followed behind Hobi with his BB tucked against his chest. "This is your room, if there's anything you don't like please let us know and we can change it." They didn't really know his preferences, Jimin had asked but Carson never really answered to where he understood.

"Bright," he mumbled.

"I can close the curtains and turn the overhead off if you like?"

Carson shook his head a bit, "no, no bright," he repeated as his hand waved around the room.

Hobi had no idea what he was referring to, so he just agreed it was bright. "Do you like bright?"

"No, dark. Feel safe."

He feels safe in the dark? That's unusual, most kids don't like the dark, let alone feel safe in it. "Okay, how about this? We made a pallet in the closet, I'll give you a nice bite and read to you until you fall asleep."


Hobi opened the closet, it was darker since the shelves were black. It was originally Yoongi's room but he moved into his new studio predominately so he no longer needed this room. The walls were originally a dark navy blue, but they painted them a bright yellow for Carson. Looks like that might have been a mistake. "Yes dark Carson, go look and I'll bring the blankets okay?"

Hobi grabbed all of the spare blankets off the bed and dragged them to the closet. He made a nice little, well nest is the only word that came to mind when he was done and saw what it looked like. "Is this okay?"

Carson nodded before crawling into the middle of the nest, he cocked his head to the side. "Nice bite, please?"

"Okay," Hobi crawled in behind him and bit him. Carson's head fell back to Hobi's shoulder as he hummed nice bite over and over in a happy giggle. When he was done, he nicked his finger and ran his blood over the bites so they'd heal. "Was that okay?"

"Yes yes, nice bite, Carson sleepy. Story now?"

Hobi laid Carson down against his chest, not that he had much choice. Hobi was determined that he was going to be the one to crack his shell. It was dark in the closet, the only light coming from the door, but it's not like Hobi needed it to see. So he started reading and by the time he finished the second chapter he felt the little breaths against his chest. 

So he placed the book down and wrapped his arms around the little, determined to be the best pillow Carson has ever used. "I'll wake him in two hours, make sure he has food. Humans need to eat several times a day." He whispered low enough that it wouldn't disturb Carson, but loud enough that one of the other six would hear. 

"Will do," he heard Jungkook reply.

For the next two hours, Hobi held Carson as gently as he could while the little slept peacefully in his arms. When the time was up, he ran his hand up and down Carson's back. "Hey Carson, it's time to wake up."

"Carson sleepy," he mumbled as he nuzzled his face into Hobi's chest.

"Is Carson hungry?"

That got his attention, the little popped his head up. His lips smacking a bit as he fully woke up, "food?"

"Yes, Jk made you dinner and if you are a good boy then you'll get dessert."

He sat up completely, his head nodding up and down quickly making his hair flop around in such an adorable way. "Carson is not good boy, but Carson wants dessert."

Hobi frowned a bit, "who told you that you aren't a good boy?"

"Master said it, Sir said it. Carson bad boy. Carson not nice, he wants milkies too much and gets punished."

"Oh sweet boy," he cooed as he reached out to pet his hair, but Carson pulled away, he knew he would but he wanted to try anyway. "You are a good boy. I promise."

"Carson likes dessert, only gets is on special days," he mumbled as he held his BB tighter. "Want to be good boy, just wanted milkies. Thought Sir was okay with it."

The vampire was so confused, was milk that expensive that they'd deny it to this sweet boy? Granted he has no idea how much it costs, but he knows there are several gallons in the fridge for him. "We have milk for you, come on and come eat."

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