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Once Jin and Jk could speak without gasping they told the others that if anyone looked Chad was spotted in Mexico and Brett was spotted in Canada. "What did you do with the bodies?" Joon asked. Jin had been pretty tight-lipped about what he wanted to do with them.

Jk groaned, covering his face with his hands and pulling at his hair a bit, "he kicked them into a volcano while screaming 'this is Sparta. It was absolutely ridiculous, I swear."

"Oh when half-naked Gerard Butler does it, it's hot, but when I do it it's ridiculous? I see how it is."

"So it's over?"

Everyone looked at Jimin, "it's over." Yoongi replied before kissing the side of his head.

"Tomorrow I'll take Carson to see Drac to make up for being gone."

Jk sat up glaring at Jin, "yah and what about me?"

"You snooze you lose, be quicker next time baby."

"Sometimes I seriously hate you," Jk groaned in annoyance as he moved away and cuddled up next to Joon more.

Jin gasped, "how could you hate this handsome face? This face has brought down empires I'll have you know. You peasants are lucky that I grace you with it every day, plus you get his amazing cock might I add."

The other six groaned as they got up from the couches to leave Jin by himself in the living room.

"Hobi I wish you'd talk to me, it's been a week. Jin told me what happened when you were with Chad."

Hobi sighed, pulling Tae down into his lap as he sat down on the couch in his room. "There's nothing to tell you pup, you just don't believe me."

Of course he didn't believe him, because he was lying his ass off. "It was hard for you wasn't it? Seeing another man abuse a young boy? I know I've thanked you a million times for saving me, but more than just getting me out of there, I want to thank you for making me human again. You were always so patient and kind with me. You never cared how many times you had to show me something, you just kept doing it with the sweetest smile on your face. And every time I would get something right, you'd cheer for me."

"I was so proud of you, you accomplished so much Tae. When I found you, naked, locked in that cage, and covered in your own filth. It broke something in me. How could anybody treat another human like that? Especially one as young and sweet as you were. Tae he had you in there since you were an actual child. You were barely an adult when I found you. You were so skinny, but anytime I did something that made you curious, you'd cock your head a bit and smile at me. God I was already so whipped for you then."

Tae smiled as he ran his fingers through Hobi's messy hair, "I still don't understand why it took you so long to turn me? Once I found out, it was all I wanted. To be with you forever, that was like a dream come true."

"I didn't want to take your life away from you. He had already stolen your childhood, I didn't want to steal your life."

"But you gave me so much more. You've taken me to see everything, any whim I had you were right there to grant it. I mean you helped me convince a bunch of vampires to go to Africa because I wanted to see the animals. We were on a boat for weeks, just for me."

Hobi chuckled a bit before kissing him softly on the lips, "true, but it got us Kookie so all in all I say it was completely worth it."

They laid together, just holding each other, trapped in their memories. Jimin and Yoongi were wrapped in each other's arms in Yoongi's room and Joon was kissing Jungkook like he needed him to breathe. Jin made his way to Carson's room, the little might be mad at him, but he was determined for that to change in the morning.

Carson woke up slowly but once he was awake he snapped up and glared at Jin. "Go away, Carson mad."

"Well that's too bad, I was going to go see Drac today. I thought you could take KK to go see him."

The little's eyes lit up, "KK gets to see Drac?"

"If you want, of course. We can go right after breakfast."

Carson sighed, huffing a bit as he kept trying to keep his glare up but it was not working at all. He just looked like Pikachu when he was annoyed with Ash, it was adorable and he wanted nothing more than to squeeze his cheeks. "Fine, but only cuz KK really wants to meet Drac."

Snort, "that's fine munchkin. What do you want for breakfast? I'll make it while you get dressed."

The little rolled his eyes as he crawled off the bed, "silly eggs, duh."

So much sass in such a tiny little package. "Silly eggs it is, you get ready and I'll make your food."

Drac was so excited to see Carson and it was cute how the cat watch him when he was talking to him, almost like he knew exactly what he was saying. He'd cock his head to the side when Carson asked questions, he'd meow back at him and it was so endearing to watch. Everything was going great until a girl walked in and started flirting with Jin.

Jin tried to ignore her without being rude. He'd answer her questions but they'd be short responses and he never asked her anything back. But she was not taking the hint at all. Ashtin wasn't there, so he couldn't even ask for her help, he was on his own with this one.

"You are so handsome."

"Yes I am," he deadpanned.

She huffed a bit, blowing the bangs out of her face as she scooted closer yet again. Carson was on his lap, how did she not realize that he was taken and this was inappropriate? 

The little turned to look at her with a pissed-off face, "can you go away? You are making my boyfriend extremely uncomfortable?"

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