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Carson woke up the next morning and shuffled into the kitchen, he had a blankie over his shoulders and he was holding BB by one wing as he yawned so cutely. "Carson hungry," he mumbled as he walked towards the fridge.

"Okay baby boy, go sit down and I'll make you something to eat." Yoongi told him, "here, some milk to hold you over since you love it so much."

Carson made a confused face but took the cup and went to sit down like he was told. "Can I have silly eggs?"

Yoongi cocked his head to the side a bit, "umm sure. But can you tell me what silly eggs are?"

"Eggs with fun colors."

The vampire's eyes widen a bit, "okay, I can do that. What color do you want?"

"Orange and purple."

"I can do that, after you eat what do you want to do?"

He shrugged, "Carson sits in room and talks to BB."

Jin looked at Yoongi and frowned, "why don't you talk to us?"

The little eyed them warily, "will that make Carson a good boy?"

Yoongi sighed, they are going to have to do so much damage control for this poor kid. "You are already a good boy Carson. But we'd love to talk to you if you don't mind that?"

"Okay," was all he said as he waited patiently for Yoongi to serve him his silly eggs. When the plate slid in front of him, he clapped quietly and murmured a sweet thank you before digging in.

The two vampires watched him eat, Taehyung and Jimin went to go talk to Sarah and the other three were currently redoing Carson's room to make it darker. "Would you like to watch a movie?"

Carson looked at Jin and frowned, "Carson no like cartoons."

"That's fine, we don't have to watch cartoons. Although I do love them, it's okay that you don't. We can watch whatever you want to watch."

His lips pushed out as the little thought for a minute, "scary movie okay?"

"You like scary movies?"

Carson nodded his head quickly, "Sarah said not at little house, but Sir let me watch them." He giggled a bit and it was the sweetest sound either of them had ever heard in their very long lives. "But Sir got mad when Carson liked them. So watch when Sir not home. No milkies if caught, but Carson like scary movies."

Yoongi looked at Jin, "that explains his BB and the dark thing. He's not phased by dark scary themes. His favorite holiday is probably Halloween."

"Oh God, I can't wait to dress him up and take him trick or treating," Jin squealed, not whispering at all like Yoongi was. 

Carson popped up, "Carson be vampire please!" He was so excited and if the vampires in their house actually breathed this would be the point where they would have stopped.

"You want to be a vampire?"

The little looked at Yoongi with so much excitement. "Carson loves vampires, Dracula fly like BB and Carson loves BB." He held the little bat into the air and flapped his wings while squealing so adorably.

"Does he think vampires turn into bats?" Jin whispered as they watched Carson actually play happily for the first time.

"I think he does," Yoongi looked at Carson, "sweetheart, vampires don't fly nor do they turn into bats."

He stopped playing, resting BB on his lap. He turned to look at Yoongi curiously, "you know Dracula?"

Yoongi barked out a laugh, "well no. But.."

"Then how do you know that they can't fly or turn into bats?" When neither Jin nor Yoongi answered he shrugged, "Carson be vampire for Halloween then." That was the end of the conversation and he turned to watch the movie again.

Jin started out with low chuckles, then it turned into the annoying high-pitched rolling laugh he does when he can't control it anymore. "Oh God, we have to keep him forever. He is by far the cutest little thing I've ever seen."

"You can be a vampire Carson, I can't make you turn into a bat or fly like Dracula but I can make you the coolest vampire ever in existence."

Carson beamed at Yoongi before holding his hand up in the air, Yoongi looked at Jin with his eyebrow raised. "He wants you to give him a high five." When Yoongi still looked confused Jin rolled his eyes and gave Carson one. "Carson how about we dress Yoongi up as your bat?"

Yoongi was about to protest but he saw how excited Carson was, "why me?" Yoongi whined.

"You are the smallest, can't have his bat absolutely towering over the vampire now can we?"

"Jimin is the same size as me, technically he's smaller. I'm way broader than he is. Make him the bat."

Jin rubbed his chin like he was some mob boss deep in thought, "that is true, guess we'll have to make you an adorable little kitty kat."

"I am not going to be a fucking cat," Yoongi yelled. Carson leaned over and pinched Yoongi's inner thigh, "ow what the fuck Carson," that earned him another pinch, "damnit Carson why are you doing this?" Carson tried to pinch him again but Yoongi stopped him, "why are you pinching me?"

Carson pinched his eyebrows together, "Sir said that naughty words get pinches. Carson didn't know at first, thought they were silly words. Sir pinched Carson a lot since Carson was such bad boy."

"He pinched you on your inner thigh for saying bad words?"

The little nodded, "and when I wanted too many milkies, thought Sir was nice, but he wasn't. He did mean bounce to Carson."

Yoongi looked over at Jin and he could see that he was brimming with anger, "well while we don't exactly want you to say naughty words, we won't pinch you if you do as well as if you want milkies. You can have that any time you want."

"Really?" Carson sat up looking really excited, "Carson loves milkies." 

"Still don't get why he gets so excited about milk, like it's in the fridge and he can get it anytime he wants," Jin grumbled.

Yoongi could hear the three in Carson's room, the painting was already done and it sounded like they were switching the furniture out.

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