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"Sweets, can I talk to you?"

"No, no one listens to Carson. Not here, not at the little house. Carson always tells the truth, no one listens or believes. It's why Carson don't talk."

Tae frowned, "sweets, I told you on that first day that you could tell us and we'll believe you. So I want to ask you some questions so we can clear this up. Can you do that for me?"

He couldn't see the little but he could hear that he nodded, he only hopes it was a yes nod and not a no nod.

"When you say milkies, you don't mean you want to drink a cup of milk correct?"

"Milk and milkies are different, Carson told you this."

The Vampire chuckled a bit, he had told us that. "Then can you tell me what milkies are?"

"Milkies make Carson so happy, they make Carson feel safe and on the clouds."

Well that clears it all up, not. "That's nice, how can we give you milkies then? Tae Tae wants his sweets to feel safe and on the clouds."

He heard a bit of scrambling as Carson made his way out from under the piano, "really? Tae Tae give Carson milkies?"

"Of course, I'm just not sure what it is so I need you to walk me through it first."

Carson was nodding his head in excitement, "there are two milkies, one milkie puts Carson to bed when he's sleepy. The other is just when Carson wants to be happy."

"Okay, and which milkie does Carson want right now?"

He shuffled over towards Tae a bit, "Carson sleepy, can I have that milkie?"

"Sure sweets, you'd rather have that vs a nice bite?" They had learned that the longer they feed the sleeper he gets, so if they don't want to make him tired they barely take any. Not that they need to feed as often as they do, they just enjoy it and Carson asks for it.

"Nice bite first, then sleepy milkie please?"

"Sure thing," Tae went to sit down on Yoongi's couch and he pulled Carson into his lap so he could give him a short nice bite and then they could get on to the sleepy milkie. He's not positive but he thinks he's speaking about blowjobs and possible cockwarming. But he'll have to see if his suspicions are correct or not.

He bit Carson on his neck, not drinking much since he wanted a sleepy milkie. Once Carson hummed his really happy hum Tae knew to stop. "You good sweets?"

"Sleepy milkie time?" He asked with a small smile on his face.

"Of course, if that's what you want. What do I need to do?"

Carson slid down onto the floor on his knees, his hands went to the waistband of Tae's joggers and his suspicions were correct, "after I get milkies, I stay here and nap. Okay?"

"Will my cock still be in your mouth?"

The littles face screwed up like that was the dumbest question he's ever asked, "yes, it's sleepy milkies."

"Okay sweets, I'm at your disposal." He cocked his head to the side a bit and it made Tae smile, "take what you need, that's what I meant."

Carson nodded his head and continued on his mission to get his sleepy milkies. Tae's cock was already hard just anticipating what was to come. None of them have given each other head in a long time, it's just recently that they even started sleeping together again. And all because of this beautiful little spitfire that's kitten licking his tip like it's the best lollipop on the planet.

"Fuck sweets, that feels amazing," he grunted while trying to control himself. He wanted to fist the little's hair and fuck into his throat until he cums, but this isn't about him. It's about what Carson wants.

Tae was too keyed up to last very long, but once he started cumming he didn't know what to expect but he damn sure didn't expect for Carson to moan around his cock like he was having an orgasm as well. As soon as the little was done swallowing everything he nuzzled into Tae's crotch and promptly fell asleep with Tae's softening cock still between his lips.

"Did you have to do that on my couch?"

Tae looked up to see Yoongi standing there in the doorway with his arms crossed, he looked annoyed but they've been together for long enough to know that it's all bravado. "Finally figured out what the fuck milkies are and why he kept throwing his cups at us."

"I heard, good to know." His eyes scrunched up, "did he cum just by giving you head?"

Tae looked down and groaned as he raked his hand down his face, "fuck that's hot. Can you get a rag and a new pair of underwear for him? He's pretty out of it so he should stay asleep."

"Sure Master, I have nothing else better to do than to be at your beck and call."

"Of fuck off grumpy. You don't want him to nap in his cum do you?"

"Well no," Yoongi grumbled.

"Then get him cleaned up, I would but I'm kinda stuck at the moment."

Yoongi complained but he did as asked because he doesn't want his baby boy to wake up sticky. He came back with a wet washcloth and a new pair of boxers for Carson. Much to Jin's annoyance Carson's favorite attire when home is one of their massive t-shirts and a pair of boxers or nothing at all. 

It caused a massive tantrum when Jin told him that if he was eating at the table he needed pants, that's the rule. Carson cried saying that it wasn't on the rule list and he was a good boy and to not take BB away. It took Hobi calming him down for twenty minutes and explaining that it wasn't a big enough rule for it to go on the sheet and he won't be punished for it ever, corrected and told to put pants on but that's it.

When he came back to the table with shorts on, eyes red, and sniffling Jin walked over and kissed the poor upset little all over his face until Carson got annoyed and pushed him away.

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