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"We should go tell them that we are done, if we torture them for much longer they are going to die and I don't want to piss those two off."

Jimin nodded his head agreeing with everything Yoongi was saying. "Tae's back with Carson, once he's cleaned up and in bed we'll tell them so they can start their side of the plan."

Joon was in the shower with Carson, he was too sleepy to argue so he just held onto Joon and let the vampire wash his hair and body. "Do you want a nice bite Carson or are you sleepy enough already?"

"Ice'ite, peas." Joon loves when he gets really sleepy and his speech reverts to his younger age, it's so fucking adorable.

"Okay pumpkin, Joonie will give you a nice bite, and then it's bedtime."

"Ov yoo, tanks."

"Love you too," and he did. He loved this little pumpkin that brought them back to themselves. Tae told them what Carson said at the zoo how he implied that he knew what they were and how he wanted to stay with them forever but he's scared of the blood. There has to be a way to make him an immortal without making him a vampire. That's not what he wants so they'd never force that on him.

But they can't be the first vampires to ever fall in love with a human before. But maybe they all got turned into vampires too? But if there was a way he got to stay human but live forever then they'd always have a fresh supply of blood, as long as he's willing that is. But if there was a way, somebody would have said something. They are some of the oldest vampires they know, it doesn't seem likely that there is something out there that they don't know. 

Joon has made it his mission in life to gather as much information as he can. He likes being the one that the others come to when they want to know something. Google has made him slightly obsolete here lately but it's a good thing they are so used to coming to him. So he'll just Google whatever it is and seem like the smartest person in the room. It's something he has tried his hardest to maintain.

He laid down with Carson and stayed until he was sure that the little wasn't going to wake up. Because he needed to go talk to his boyfriends. He could hear them shuffling around in the living room. Once he heard Carson's deep breaths turn into snores, he slowly made his way out of the bed and threw some clothes on. If he went out there naked he'd end up having sex with someone and that would get nothing done. 

"Have you two decided on what you are going to do with them yet?"

Hobi glared at Tae, "we are at a standstill on what to do. He wants to give them backpacks full of supplies and tell them to run so we can hunt them. I want to tie them to a fucking tree and take my rage out on them with a katana."

"Why not do both, rock, paper, scissors which one gets which human and then they get your version of torture."

They both looked at Jk with their mouths open before Tae crashed into him and kissed him so hard they both fell onto the floor. "Baby, as much as I enjoy kissing you, if you don't stop you are going to get us both riled up and you have some murdering to do."

Tae groaned, "fine, but as soon as I'm back I need you to fuck me. Please?"

Jk chuckled, "of course baby, I'll fuck you so hard you won't be able to leave my bed until you heal."

"Promise because that sounds like heaven?"

Hobi scoffed, "he acts like I didn't rail his ass all morning while he whined and barked at me." Tae whipped his head around and growled at Hobi, "sorry pup, bad owner. I'll shut up now."

Everyone was chuckling at those two, their dymanic has always been so entertaining and fun to watch. Tae turned back to look at Jk, his pout in full attack mode. "I promise baby." He leaned up and kissed Tae's pout away, "how about we make your owner watch as I fuck his pup? You don't have to be in pup space, but I want him to watch me fuck you into a stupor."

His head nodded quickly as he looked back at Hobi to see if that was okay, "can we please?"

"Like I'd ever tell my pup no. Of course baby, I'll watch the show, but when you are done you have to come back to my bed and cuddle with me."

"I can do that, I love to cuddle with my Hobi."

"So are you doing both then?" Jin asked, he was honestly curious. He wanted to watch both if he was being honest. Watch Hobi go all samurai on one of them with his katana and then hunt with Tae. He wouldn't participate in the hunt, he'd leave that for Tae but he wanted to be there, helping scare the pathetic human.

They looked at each other, reading each other's facial expressions. Then they broke out into their signature smiles, "yup, we are doing both." They said at the exact same time.

They spent the next 30 minutes playing rock, paper, scissors and no one was winning. They knew each other too well. "Fuck this shit, let the humans decide." Jimin scoffed as he made his way downstairs. He untied the humans and told them to follow him. They were dirty, and absolutely disgusting in their birthday suits. He told Hobi and Tae to stand in the middle of the living room then he turned to look at the humans, "pick, one of them. One of them has a quick merciful death for you, the other will be painful and long. Hopefully, you pick the right one."

They looked at each other, fear in their eyes and scents and it was delicious. Chad picked Hobi and Brett picked Taehyung. It was probably better that way, Brett would last longer on the hunt than Chad.

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