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"Pearl, if you didn't get to cum why did you want to bounce?"

Carson teared up a bit, "because after they'd cuddle with Carson."

"Oh, my poor Pearl. You know that you don't have to bounce to get cuddles right? I was going to cuddle you all night anyway."

"Carson knows, but maybe it feel better with you. You give Carson milkies, maybe bounce nicer."

Jk chuckled, "oh it would definitely feel a lot better with me, with any of us. But first, let's start off slow. How about I finger you and see if you like that?"

The little cocked his head to the side a bit, "what's that?"

"It's what you are supposed to do to stretch you so bouncing doesn't hurt at all. But it can also be pleasurable for you. It'll be nice to get you stretched for a bit before you have bounce with any of us."

"Carson wants that," he grinned.

That made Jk's chest swell up with pride, he wanted to be the first to give him this pleasure. Yes he could have been the first to sleep with him, and odds are because he said no he won't be. But that's okay, they need to retrain him. Get him to see how pleasurable all of this can be with the right person. They all want to shower him with love and affection.

"Lay down Pearl, Kookie has to go get something from his room really fast. While I'm gone, I want you to touch yourself, all over, see what you like. Can you do that for me?"

Carson's breathing was slightly erratic, his pupils blown wide. "Yeah, Carson can."

Jk ran off to his room and grabbed the lube, running into Joon on the way back. "Lucky fucking dawg, how did you convince yourself not to?"

"Did you not hear what he said?"

Joon shook his head, "no, I only caught pieces, Jin was yelling at me."

"What did you break?" Jk got out right as Jin yelled from the kitchen, "he broke 10 plates. All I wanted him to do was put it in the cabinet. Now he's permanently banned from my kitchen."

Jk chuckled, "wow 10 plates? That has to be a record."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Now tell me what I missed." So Jk explained how the other caretakers would basically fuck him without prep or lube and then once they came and it started getting good for Carson they'd stop. And how he'd only do it so he could cuddle them. It took everything he had to calm Joon down from his murderous rage. "Talk to the others, they need to know. I have to get back to Pearl."

He kissed Joon quickly and then made his way back to Carson, he could hear the littles whimpering and moaning quietly. When he walked in he had one hand on his cute cock and the other was pinching one of his nipples. His back was arched up and his mouth wide open as he gasped whenever he pinched a little harder.

"Is that how my beautiful Pearl likes it?"

Carson didn't even look at him, he just moaned out a yes. Jk was in heaven, seeing his little Pearl pleasuring himself, and discovering what he likes in touches is amazing.

"Can I touch you now?" Carson nodded his head, his hands reached out towards Jk making grabby hands at the older. "Okay, I'm coming," he chuckled at how silly and cute the younger was.

Jk crawled onto the bed, pouring the lube onto his fingers, "I'm going to start with one and work my way up to three. If at any time it hurts, please tell me to stop. When you feel like you are ready for another finger, tell me, okay?"

"Yes yes, Carson ready for pleasure please."

"Okay Pearl," Jk pushed Carson's legs towards his chest, telling him to hold his thighs. He wanted to see his tight little pink hole as he slides his finger deep into it, he wants to see it sucking him in, clenching around his finger begging for more, he wants to see his rim all red and puffy from Jk's abuse to it.

One finger slid in, it was such a tight squeeze, almost virgin-like in its tightness. Anyone could tell either the guys that had sex with him had tiny cocks or it's just been that long. Probably both, he can't wait to see Carson's hole gaping after they've thoroughly fucked him right. To see it winking at them, just begging to be filled again as their cum spills out in droves. He wants to fill him so full that he looks pregnant, that every time he moves they'll be able to hear the cum sloshing around inside him.

Carson was moaning, canting his hips down towards Jk's hand, just trying to get him deeper. "Do you like this?"

"Yes, so much better, wet."

Jk chuckled a bit, "it is, lube is a godsend really." He curled his fingers against Carson's walls, purposely avoiding his prostate, he wanted to wait until he has more fingers inside him before he starts to abuse it. Knowing how his last caretakers were, they probably never even showed him just how amazing it is to have your prostate milked. And oh is he going to milk it until Carson has no more cum left in his tiny little body. "Are you ready for another finger Pearl? If not it's fine."

"No hurt?" The little asked in a small voice.

"No, it won't hurt. You'll feel the stretch but it shouldn't hurt."

"Okay, next one please."

Jk leaned up kissing Carson on the lips softly, "such a polite little boy you are, I love you."

"Carson loves his Kookie too, more kisses, please?"

"Of course," Jk will take any chance he can to kiss his adorable little. It took them a bit to get him to understand the how to behind it. He was very new to kissing when they first started, but he's a very quick learner, picking up on what they each like and what he likes as well. Their lips meshed together, tongues sliding against each other as Jk pushed in the next finger, making Carson gasp into his mouth before his eyes fluttered closed and he came against his stomach.

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