B-day Bonus Chapter 53

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A/N I've come to love celebrating my birthday just so I can give you chaos goblins bonus chapters! New book next month, I'll put up a thing for you to vote on which book you want in a few weeks. I'm almost done with my hybrid book so it'll be done by September if everything goes right.

"Daddy," Jimin whispered seductively. There were bodies all around them, they'd been running for their lives for several years now and here he was, his literal wet dream calling him Daddy.

Yoongi looked down at what he was wearing, it was a priest uniform. It was the easiest way to blend in since it was the Catlotic church that was hunting them. Someone saw them kissing and now here they are. "What did you call me?"

Jimin was stripping all of his clothes off slowly, not caring about the carnage around him. "I think you heard me," he got up on his tippy toes and nipped at Yoongi's ear lobe, "Daddy."

Yup, he just came in the middle of a fucking church like a teenage virgin. But can anyone really blame him? The man standing in front of him, was literal sin in the form of a feisty vampire. "I hate you," he grumbled, "now I'm all gross."

"I can clean you up," then Jimin dropped down to his knees and made his way to Yoongi's softening cock. His tongue darted out to clean it up, it was no longer soft. He fisted the back of Jimin's hair and started to pump his hips. "Fuck Baby, doing so well."

Jimin popped off the cock, "doing well for Daddy?" He asked as he kitten licked the tip like it was the best treat he'd ever had.

That was all it took for Yoongi to cum all over the younger vampires face. "Fuck," he grunted when he saw Jimin licking the cum off his lips.

There were loud sounds coming from outside the church, "shit," Jimin gasped as he started to gather another church outfit. "What the fuck is this shit?" He asked pointing to the clothes on his back.

"I think a choir boy's attire, not sure. Jin had another fit it looks like."

"That dude needs to chill the fuck out, maybe if he'd just fuck Joon this wouldn't be an issue."

Once Jimin was dressed they schooled their faces, men with swords rushed in. Jimin screamed loudly before ducking behind Yoongi. "Please, help. Some men came in here and now everyone is dead." He was sobbing almost hysterically because that's what would be expected of a choir boy that just saw their entire congregation murdered.

"It couldn't have been those hell beasts, they can't come onto Holy land," one of the men said making Yoongi want to scoff. Two of those so called hell beasts were right in front of them and one of them just came twice in the past ten minutes right in front of their cross.

"I don't know who they were, but they had a scary looking axe, it had teeth on it."

It would be the only thing that would explain the bites, it seemed to appease the men as they told them to be safe and that they'd find the men that did this.

As soon as they were gone Yoongi's entire body deflated, "well let me suck your cock or you can fuck me, they won't come back tonight."

Jimin rolled his eyes before turning the elder around and fucking him against the massive wooden cross that was the display behind the altar. When they got home Tae was curled up on the floor at the foot of Hobi's bed, "bad day?"

Hobi nodded, "yeah Jin came home upset about something and it scared him so bad that he stopped talking." He was petting Tae's hair and you could see the boy relaxing in front of them.

"Speaking of Jin, where is he now?"

"Not sure, once he saw how scared Tae was he ran out. Kook went to follow him."

Yoongi sighed a bit in relief, "thank fuck, he's about the only one that can calm him down. Joon tries, bless him, but there's something about Kook that makes Jin turn into a big teddy bear."

Jimin sat down next to Tae and ran his hand down his back, "it's been a while since he was like this. Why would Jin's yelling cause him to stop speaking?"

Hobi knew why, but until they were told by Tae or Tae gave him permission, he wouldn't say a word. "Not sure, but it's okay. I love him regardless if he speaks or not."

"I just hope he doesn't bark and growl at me like a scary dog. When we first met remember, he almost bit me for trying to shake your hand?"

"Of course I do, I thought Yoongi was going to rip his head off. But your face was hilarious, the look on your face when he did it was worth the yelling."

It took a few hours before Kook dragged home an exhausted Joon and a slightly less pissed off Jin. "So you killed an entire church?"

Jin raised his eyebrow, "for you asshole. I heard them, those Christians," he sneered, "they saw you two together and they were going to burn you in the middle of the town to rid it of such evil." His mouth dropped open, "why are you two dressed like that?"

"We were hiding in that fucking church when you went all happy happy kill kill."

"Why were you in the Church that was hunting you? Yoongi I thought you were smarter than that?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, pulling the holy water out of his pocket and splashing it all over Jin's face. The elder just snorted before he dried his face with his sleeve. "That's why. These idiots think that we can't walk on holy ground, that holy water makes us burn. We can't say God, or hold a cross. So why would deviant vampires be in a church Seokjin?"

"Uh oh, he used the full name," Hobi giggled. Tae woke up, his head looking around and as soon as he saw Jin he whined a bit, Hobi picked him up and rocking him back and forth telling him how much he loved him and that he was safe, so safe.

"I'm sorry I ruined your plan, but they knew what you looked like Yoongi. You had maybe a day before they realized it was you. Now we can stay here for a bit, I killed all the haters."

There was literally nothing any of them could say, not against Jin. So they just nodded their heads. "Daddy," Jimin whispered which was pointless since they could all hear just fine.

"Come on Baby Boy," he grunted before picking the younger up.

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