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Jimin latched on immediately, taking deep greedy pulls from Yoongi's neck. It didn't take long before he started rolling his hips, causing Yoongi to hit him deep inside. "Fuck Jimin, again?"

The younger hummed against his neck as his hips lifted before slamming back down. Jimin pulled his mouth away so he could kiss Yoongi, "if I keep feeding I'll drain you dry," he cheeked.

"And I'd gladly let you, you know that," he spoke softly and sweetly as he brushed some of Jimin's hair behind his ear. It was in absolute contrast to what their lower half was doing. "Fuck baby, just like that. Are you going to make me cum?"

Jimin whined as his movements picked up, bouncing faster up and down Yoongi. "I'm close," he moaned before their lips crashed together again. It didn't take much longer before they both came. "Gonna have to clean me again?" Jimin chuckled.

Yoongi just grabbed the dirty blanket from the floor and used that, "am I allowed to pull out or are we going to play all day?"

Jimin bit his lip a bit, looking shy like Yoongi's cock isn't still inside him. "Play all day," he whispered.

"That's fine, but we have some things to talk about. You didn't get to hear what Joon came to tell us since you stormed off earlier."

"Yeah, well you were being dumb about the pool."

He bit his tongue a bit, don't throttle the snarky vampire that has your dick up his ass. Knowing Jimin, he could squeeze hard enough to break Yoongi's cock if he wanted to. And frankly, Yoongi liked his cock a lot and he'd rather keep it in working order. "Okay, you are right." That got a surprised gasp out of Jimin that made him seem like he was really happy. Which in turn made the older happy. "Joon brought it to my attention that there are these natural pools that use plants to filtrate the water. We can do that if you want?"

Jimin perked up, his hands on Yoongi's chest. "Really? We can do that? You wouldn't mind?"

Yoongi chuckled a bit, "Jimin, I give no shits about the pool. I don't even like water. But if it makes you happy and it'll be safe for Carson then yes, that's what we will do."

Anyone could tell just how happy Jimin was at that moment, his entire body was practically vibrating with happiness, which is why Yoongi was not surprised at all when he started grinding down on Yoongi, rolling his hips back and forth, his cock trapped between the two, rubbing on Yoongi's abs. Yoongi hissed a bit, oversensitivity was becoming a real thing. Jimin whined, oversensitive as well, Yoongi wasn't exactly small and he pounded the fuck out of Jimin's hole earlier.

"Baby, I knew you wanted to play all day, but if you don't at least give me a break I will legit run out of cum."

"That's the goal, I want to give you so much pleasure that you empty your balls completely."

Yoongi just groaned, but let Jimin do as he pleases. He did torture him earlier, so maybe this is his payback? "Okay, next thing we need to talk about." He grunted out as Jimin kept up his movements. "Joon told us that his stage of the plan is done and it's on us to torture the two fuckers. Did you have any ideas?"

The menace that is Park Jimin grinned like he had just won the lottery. "I do, I have so many ideas." His bouncing picked up a bit, his breath coming in in little pants, "I want to show him just how much they hurt Carson."

With a soft grunt, Yoongi squeezed Jimin's hips, helping him move a bit faster. "Oh yeah and how are we going to do that?"

"First, we find them and drop them off like 10 miles from the house in the woods. Make them follow us, barefoot and naked in the middle of the night. Once they get to the basement, we put those cock cages on them that make it hurt if they get an erection and impossible for them to cum." He grinned as a particularly good hit to his prostate happened. "Then we chain them into a position that they can't get out of and have a machine fuck them with a massive dildo. No prep and no lube, just like they did with our baby."

Yoongi groaned as Jimin reached out and started pinching his nipples, "and are we doing anything else to them?"

"No, we can't kill them, that's Hobi and Tae's job and I won't take that away from them. But I plan to make them feel all the pain that they put Carson through." He crawled off of Yoongi making the older whine a bit, before he presented his ass like the greatest gift Yoongi has ever been given. "Now, fuck me, don't hold back."

"You are seriously going to be the death of me Jimin, death by a fabulous ass. What a way to go."

"Do I need to fuck you? Or are you just going to stare at my hole?"

The older smirked as he reached out to smack Jimin's left cheek hard, watching it move under his palm. "Well baby it's hard not to look when your hole is just gaping right in front of me."

Jimin snorted as he turned his head a bit to look back at Yoongi, "it's gaping because your big dick spread me open so wide that it won't close for hours. I'll have to use a plug if I want to keep all your cum inside me."

"Is that what you want? Want to feel my cum inside you, filling you up, sloshing around every time you move?" A loud moan left Jimin as he moved his hips back chasing after what Yoongi was telling him. "I can see my cum inside you, already wanting to spill out because there's so much in there."

"More Yoongi, I want more. I want so much that it's impossible to keep inside, even with a plug it'll still spill out. I want to feel you for days."

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