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"Drac," Carson screeched as he ran into the cafe and made a beeline straight towards his kitten that wasn't really a kitten anymore. Drac meowed and dropped down and met Carson halfway. The giggles and purrs filled the small cafe and it made Tae smile. 

"Hey we brought more stuff," he told the teenage boy that was behind the counter. The kid was new, having only been there about a month or so.

He rolled his eyes a bit, "you guys are basically, pretty much running this entire establishment with your donations. I'm not sure how they handled it before you guys."

"We do what we can."

The teenager smiled and reached across the counter to squeeze Tae's hand, "you do more than that, you should give yourself more credit handsome."

Tae was going to make a rebuttal, but he didn't even get a chance because the next thing he knew Carson stood up from the floor and screamed his name at the top of his lungs like he was dying. "Sweets, what is it, what's wrong?"

Carson smiled like an innocent babe, "nothing, Carson wanted Tae Tae to play with Drac."

The vampire chuckled, aww his baby was jealous. "Okay and of course I'll play. But next time let's not scream, okay sweets? You know how good Tae Tae's hearing is, so you can whisper, and as long as you say my name I'll always hear you."

Several other kitties had made their way over, all seven of them had brought Carson here weekly since Drac was adopted. Carson was grumbling, it got to the point where he didn't calm down until he was sitting in Tae's lap and Drac was in his arms purring.

"That better sweets?"

Carson blushed and nodded his head, "yes. Can Tae Tae help Carson give Drac his gifts? It might make Drac feel better if Tae helped."

"It will make Drac feel better?" Tae mused with a soft chuckle, "and what about Carson, does he want Tae Tae's help too?"

Before he could even say anything he heard a soft whine from Carson and then Drac got dropped much to his annoyance and Carson's arms wrapped around Tae's neck and they were kissing. Not that Tae had any issues with PDA or kissing Carson, he was just a little shocked by it since Carson has never initiated any sort of affection while out of the house. He only holds hands if they ask because they want to keep him safe.

But whatever, he loved kissing Carson so he was going to enjoy it regardless of where they were. He knew the other human was close, he assumed that he'd leave once he saw what they were doing. But he didn't, he awkwardly coughed a bit until Tae had to pull away. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah," he blushed as he fiddled with imaginary lint that was on his clothing, "just wanted to see if you guys wanted anything to drink?"

If they did, he would have ordered it. This kid just wanted to come flirt with Tae and Carson was jealous by it. "No thank you, but." He turned to look down at the sweet little that was in his lap. "Sweets, can you hand me the pages you colored for Drac? I'm sure the nice kid can make sure that they get put up around Drac's house."

The kid scoffed, "I'm 25, older than that weirdo is."

Tae saw red, Carson started tearing up and was whispering that he wasn't a weirdo. "You have two seconds to get Ashtin on the phone before something bad happens."

The kids eyes went wide as he ran off to call Ashtin, she was there in five minutes apparently her shift was about to start anyway. "What's wrong Tae? OMG Carson, baby are you okay? Did Drac scratch you?"

"Drac best kitty," he sniffled a bit, "is Carson weird?" He sobbed as he fell into Tae's chest.

Ashtin's eyebrows went up, "why would you think you are weird? You are the sweetest boy I've ever met Carson. I mean you are so special that Drac picked you to be his owner."

She looked at Tae wanting to know what was going on, "your new counter child called Carson a weirdo as well as tried to flirt with me. You told Jimin this was a safe space for us to bring Carson."

The anger that took over Ashtin was enough to make even Tae lean back a bit, she turned to look at the kid. Tae didn't even know his name, "you are fired, immediately. Clean your locker out and never come back here again. I am appalled by your actions, don't even bother using us for a reference." When he turned to walk out she glared one last time, "get a job that isn't customer service because frankly if you are just trying to get a fuck, it's not going to work out for you."

He left with a huff and a slam of the door, Ashtin bet down, "Carson I am so sorry for his behavior. I never want you to feel like you aren't the most special guy in the world. This is your safe space to play and see your kitty. If anyone makes you feel bad just tell me and I will take care of it. I promise." She looked at Tae, "not that I think any of our other employees would do something so low, I'll give you my schedule so you guys can bring him when I'm here."

"Thank you Ashtin, you don't have to do that. But I appreciate it. I was going to be sad if we couldn't bring him here anymore. He loves this place, not just Drac." He looked at Carson who had finally stopped crying, "want to show Ashtin the pictures you made for Drac? I bet she'll help you put them up for him."

"Oh I'd love to see them and help you decorate Drac's area. Can I please see them Carson?"

The little nodded shyly and dug into his backpack to pull them out, Ashtin sat on the floor and over the top complimented Carson on how great the pictures were.

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