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Carson loved sex, he never knew that it could feel this good. It didn't hurt, it was nothing but absolute pleasure. He can't even remember how many orgasms Jin gave him before he finally came. He had to practically beg the vampire to cum, his body not able to handle all of the pleasure. When Jin came, Carson chuckled, "I want to talk about you guys being vampires. But I have a feeling that when I wake up I'll be little again."

"We'll talk, next time you are big. I promise." 

Jin assumed that they'd have a chance in a few days. But it's been months now and they still hadn't seen big Carson. They didn't mind, they weren't laying when they said that he could be whatever he wanted.

Carson was bored, Drac was snoozing in the sun no longer wanting to play and everyone else was busy. He didn't know what they were doing, but they were stressed out about something and always reading old pieces of papers. The only ones that were even home were Hobi, Tae and Joon. But Joonie was researching in the library. He told Carson that he can come get him whenever he needs him, but Carson didn't want to. 

Joonie looked so stressed, his hair had been pulled in so many different directions and he had bags under his eyes. So he decided to go see what Tae and Hobi were doing. "That's my good pup," he heard Hobi say. Carson pouted, they got a puppy and didn't tell Carson? That's not nice.

Carson pushed the door to Hobi's room open with a massive pout on his face, "Hobi," he whined. "How could you bring a puppy home and not let me play?"

Hobi froze, mid-throw of the rope that Tae had just dropped back into his lap. Tae whined and barked softly as he gave Hobi his best sad puppy eyes. He wanted the toy, he wanted to play. So that's what he did, he threw it and tried to think of how to explain this to Carson. "Baby doll, uh."

"Tae Tae?" Carson asked softly as he walked towards the two. 

Hobi was starting to get scared, Tae never let anyone near Hobi when he was in pup space. They could get near Tae, but not Hobi and he has and will bite anyone that comes close. This could get bad, very very quickly if Hobi isn't careful. Carson reached up for Hobi to pick him up and Tae was coming back with his toy looking at the two. "Baby doll, I need you to go stand over there for a minute."

"Why?" He whined making grabby hands for Hobi.

Tae got closer, close enough to bite the little, and Hobi was afraid that he was going to have to actually discipline the poor pup. But he didn't need to worry, he dropped the toy in front of Carson and yipped softly, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "He wants you to throw it."

"Okay," Carson giggled as he picked the toy up and threw it. Every time Tae brought it back Carson would clap his hands and then pet Tae softly. "Tae Tae is the best puppy ever."

When Tae got tired, Hobi pulled Carson into his lap and Tae laid down next to them with his head in Carson's lap. "Baby doll, do you know why Tae is like this?" Carson shook his head, not even looking at Hobi. He was thoroughly focused on petting Tae. "You know how sometimes you are little and other times you are big?"

"Sometimes Tae Tae is a vampire and sometimes Tae Tae is a puppy?"

That made Hobi chuckle, "yes that's right. Does it bother you that he's a puppy sometimes?"

Carson gasped, "no I love puppies. Why haven't I seen him sooner?"

"Well, it's not something he likes to show others. Just me."

The little pouted big time, "does that mean that Puppy Tae doesn't love Carson? Only vampire Tae Tae?"

Tae sat up, shaking his head a bit. "No sweets. I love you regardless, if I didn't I wouldn't have let you anywhere near Hobi while I was in pup space."

Carson grinned, scooting closer to the vampire, "does this mean I can ride you?"

Tae's mind went to dirty places before he remembered the day at the zoo where he told Carson if the puppy was big enough that Carson could ride it. He smiled at the little and ruffled his hair, "yes sweets, next time I'm a puppy you can ride me all you want. Tae is a strong puppy, I promise."

Hobi looked at the younger with his eyebrow raised, "I feel like this isn't R-rated."

"It's not, I told him at the zoo when he saw how big the wolves were that he could probably ride them."

"Ah," he turned to look at Carson, "I'll get you a cute little rein so you can ride him all around the house baby doll."

Tae groaned before throwing himself back onto the couch dramatically. "Hate you so much right now."

"You love me," Hobi giggled as Carson wiggled his way over and laid down on top of Tae with a sweet sigh. 

"Tae Tae, Carson hungry and wants to bounce."

Tae chuckled, "okay sweets. Are you wearing your plug?" Carson nodded his head quickly. "Then how about this, you cockwarm Hobi while I feed you and then once you are done you can bounce until your heart is content."

"Really?" He yelled as he jumped up clapping his hands happily. 

Hobi sat down in the chair, getting Carson situated on him so Tae could start feeding him bites of chili. Over the past two years, they've had the little, they are proud to say that they've become fairly decent chefs. There wasn't anything that they made that he absolutely hated.

It was hard for Hobi to be still, being inside Carson and not moving was always difficult and his love of cockwarming made the challenge 1,000 times harder. But at least he wants to sleep with them now. He just wished that he could have gotten to see him big, only Tae and Jin had that honor.

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