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Yoongi smirked, "gladly." He pulled off Jimin's clothes as fast as he could, wanting to see his gorgeous body. He loves all of his boyfriends, he really does. But Jimin is the only one that he can have angry sex with, their personalities just turn the both of them into bickering messes whenever they disagree on something, and honestly, Yoongi loves it.

His clothes came off next, then he grabbed the lube before he slicked up his cock. He flipped Jimin onto his front, pulling his hips up so his pretty pink hole was right there in front of him. "Gotta be quiet, Carson is up and we wouldn't want him hearing you beg me to fuck you harder now would you."

"Fuck you asshole, I'll never beg."

"Sure you won't baby," he coos as he slowly bottoms out inside him. Normally he'd start moving immediately, but not right now, right now he's going to torture his feisty little baby a bit. He had a tight grip on his hips, preventing him from moving at all. It was pissing Jimin off, if his growls were any indication. 

"I won't beg you, you can stay in there until you get soft for all I care." Jimin's teeth were clenched and Yoongi thought it was adorable that he thought he could resist this.

Yoongi's dick twitched and twitched again, he could feel Jimin clenching as tightly as he could. The older ground into Jimin, no thrusts, because he wanted to get him to beg. But enough that he could get Jimin thoroughly frustrated, he needed him to get mad and explode. Yoongi wouldn't lose this battle of wills, he hasn't in the nearly 1,000 years they've been together and he's not about to start now.

He could do this all fucking day if it meant he was going to win. Jimin wiggled side to side just a bit, but it was more torture for himself than Yoongi because the older had angled himself to where he wouldn't touch Jimin's prostate and it was driving the younger crazy.

"Yoongi," he whined, high-pitched and so needy.

"Careful baby, that's getting awfully close to begging."

Yoongi could see just how tight of a grip Jimin had on the sheets, odds are they'd be shredded here soon. When this was all over, Jimin would probably pissed that he ruined his sheets, but that's a problem for future Yoongi to deal with. Jimin's breath was coming in short pants, his entire body was shaking just slightly, like he was doing everything in his power to hold back from what he actually wanted. 

He wanted to be fucked, but he absolutely did not want to beg for it and that's why Yoongi would always come out as the winner. A few more twitches of his cock and Jimin finally cracked, "I fucking hate you with everything that I am. Fuck me already."

"That's not how you beg baby." He ended each word with a sharp thrust.

"Fuck," he yelled, "fine, please Yoongi, please fuck me into the mattress so hard that I forget everything but your name."

Yoongi smirked, just what he wanted to hear. "Alright baby, hold on." He pulled back, leaving nothing but the very tip of his cock inside the younger before he slammed back in. "This what you want baby?" His pace was brutal, fast, and hard. Just what the two of them wanted and needed.

"So good, faster Yoongi, make it hurt."

His hand squeezed Jimin's hips hard, making the younger vampire cry out in ecstasy. He ran his hand up Jimin's back until he got to his neck, gripping the nape tightly, pinning Jimin down so he couldn't move. As much as Yoongi likes to posture, he does want to give Jimin the mind-numbing pleasure he craves. That they both crave, the feeling of Yoongi fucking him just right as Jimin comes undone and squeezes Yoongi so hard he can't help but to follow.

Jimin whimpered into the pillow, his body going pliant underneath Yoongi. He had him pinned perfectly to where it felt best for both of them. Yoongi nailing Jimin's prostate and Jimin gasping and clenching every time it happened. "Fuck baby you feel too fucking good on my cock. Want to stay here forever."

A loud keening whine left Jimin's lips making Yoongi's chest puff up in pride. His hips picking up to an animalistic pace, he reached around to fist Jimin's cock, his pumps matching in time with his thrusts. Jimin tried to throw his head back, but the grip on his neck was too tight so he gave up and just felt it, felt everything that Yoongi was giving him. His back arched as he cried out, his vision turning white as pleasure ran through his body. Then everything went black and his body went slack.

Just two more pumps and Yoongi was cumming inside Jimin, the younger fell down onto the mattress, drool covering the pillow. Yoongi reached out to run his fingers through Jimin's hair, "I wanted to fuck you dumb, not to sleep."

"N'sleeping," he mumbled as he nuzzled into Yoongi's hand more. "Just feel everything," he hummed.

"Yeah?" Yoongi mused. "Did I make my baby feel good?"

"S'good," he smacked his lips a bit, "thirsty."

Yoongi pushed himself up, going to pull out but Jimin started whining and reaching behind himself to grab onto Yoongi. "Baby, if you want water then I have to pull out. Plus I need to clean you up."

"No, not yet."

The older huffed, "fine, don't bitch when you are sticky later."

"Just spin my ass like a top, then you can clean me and hold me without pulling out."

"You just want to drink from me again," Yoongi huffed.

Jimin didn't even try to deny it, he just giggled before turning enough that Yoongi could see his massive pout. So that's what Yoongi did, he maneuvered him around to where he was on his back, then he lifted him up and carried him to the bathroom so he could clean up his softened cock and stomach. Then he pulled the top blanket off the bed and tossed it on the floor before resting against the headboard. His head cocked to the side, "go ahead baby, drink your fill."

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