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Once Carson was done eating he braced his hands on Hobi's shoulders and started moving, "baby doll, do you want to move to a bed?"

"Nuh uh, bounce, need to bounce."

"How about I let you bounce until you cum and then we move to the bed?"

"Yes yes, please," Carson begged so sweetly. So Carson started to bounce, Hobi helping him so he didn't get tired. His hands practically engulfed the little's waist. His fingers touching each other right over Carson's belly button. "Hobi," he whined

"Are you close baby doll?" Hobi knew he was, he could feel just how tightly Carson was clenching as well as listening to his breathing. He looked at Tae and nodded, "I need you to lean back for me."

Carson whimpered, not wanting to stop having pleasure. But once Tae wrapped his lips around Carson's cock, the little cried out a bunch of nonsense before he shook through his orgasm. His body slumped against the table behind him. He had the cutest smile on his face. "I think we broke him," Tae mused.

"Baby doll, do you still want to go to a bed and bounce?"

He started to whine, "I'm tired, sleepy."

"That's fine," Hobi started to lift him off of his still-hard cock.

"No," he cried out as he shifted himself to where they were flush against each other.

Tae looked at the little with his head cocked to the side, "you said you were tired sweets."

"Too tired to bounce," he pouted.

"Exactly so Hobi is going to put you to bed. Or did you want to cockwarm Hobi while you nap?"

"That and I want Hobi to finish, please?" He begged with his best imitation of sad puppy eyes.

Tae started to cackle, "he wants you to do the work not him. He's tired of bouncing, literally, not tired of sex."

"Yes yes," Carson cheered always so happy when Tae figures out his riddles.

So Hobi picked up the smiling and giggling little and carried him to Tae's room. He gently laid Carson down on the bed with Tae crawling next to them. "You ready baby doll?"

He nodded but he was looking at Tae, "Tae can I have milkies please, sleepy milkies?"

Tae snorted, "you can but once you are asleep I'm pulling out. There's no way you can cockwarm both of us for your nap."

He pouted, tears starting to well up in his eyes. "Hey baby doll, there's a way you can have what you want but I have to pull out and roll us onto our sides."

Carson didn't even answer Hobi, he just started pushing his chest to get him away. The vampire chuckled as he pulled out and rolled Carson to his side. He laid behind him and slid back in, setting a slow pace so Carson could have his sleepy milkies and if they pulled this off correctly Carson would be able to cum again.

Hobi was hitting deeper at this angle and the slow pace made sure that his cock dragged against Carson's walls in the best way, with constant pressure against his prostate. His moans were muffled because of Tae's cock, but both of the vampires could hear how happy he was. They came together, the three of them. Before they could even say anything they heard the little snores coming from their baby.

"Do you think they've found anything? Hobi I can't lose him and since he doesn't want to be turned, if they don't find a way, we'll lose him."

"Baby, we have time, he's only 24."

Tae sighed as he got comfortable on his bed, "but he's human and they can die so easily. I want him forever Hobi, even pup me loves him and you know how big of a deal that is."

"I do baby, we'll find something. None of us will give up. Get some rest, you have to be exhausted." Tae ran his fingers through Tae's hair until he was fast asleep with Carson. "Joon, please find something. My babies heart is breaking."

He knew Joon could hear him, "I'm trying, I promise," he sighed.

Joon wasn't lying he's been trying for almost a year to figure out a way to keep Carson with them forever but as a human since he doesn't want to do nice bites. Six months ago he told the others about it and asked if they'd help since he still hadn't found a trace of a way to fix this. The rest were scattered around the globe looking for ways. They'd leave for a few days and then come back, usually bringing back scrolls as old as themselves, in languages that are long dead.

Their big break came two weeks later when Jk came back, he was the last to arrive since he went the furthest away. "I found something?"

"What is it?"

Jk raised his brows a bit at Jimin, "does it look like I can speak Arabic or emoji?"

"What? You were in Italy dumbass, they speak Italian."

"And this isn't in Italian, not that I could read that either. Look I went to Monte Cassino and dug around in their vault."

"How did you pull that one off?" Jin was surprised because their powers have never really worked on holy people. Something about their evil not working on God's servants.

Jk shrugged a bit, "a whole lot of charm if I'm honest. That and a sizable donation to their Abbey. Either way it got me into the vault, alone, where I found this." He was waving a really old piece of papyrus in the air. "Can't read it, but the picture was enough to get me curious."

Joon took the paper he was waving in the air and gently laid it down on his desk, Kook was right it was Arabic and a few Hieroglyphics mixed in. But the drawing on the back let them know that it was about vampires. The fangs with dripping blood were enough to show that. But next to the vampire was a human with blood on their face. "Google translate doesn't work," Jk mumbled as he looked over Joon's shoulder. "I already tried."

"Don't worry about it Kook, I know what this is. It's exactly what we've been looking for, but we can't do it."

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