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"There you are, I thought you got lost or something."

"Naw, just got lost in thought that's all. Let's get this started." He pushed Chad towards the woods. He wanted to get him deep enough that Carson wouldn't hear the screams. It would take a bit for the man to scream, and Hobi wanted to really, relish in them. 

They secured him against a tree in the middle of the forest, his arms wrapped around the back of the tree, standing there completely naked. Cockcage still on. "Fuck he's really disgusting. Like I get why he has to pay for sex, I just wish he wouldn't have abused Carson."

"Same, but don't worry, Carson is in a much better situation now. He'll be happy for the rest of his life and this motherfucker is going to pay with his."

The first slice went to his right calf, then he hit his left bicep. He kept this up, making quick slices that weren't too deep. A few screams left his lips as he begged for a mercy that Hobi was not going to show him. He was taking out his anger for Carson on this man yes, but he was also taking out his anger on the man that caused Tae so much pain and suffering. 

Once the man had told him everything he'd done to Tae, Hobi snapped. He needed to feed anyway and he had refrained from feeding on Tae. He wouldn't no matter how hungry he was. He dragged the man into a stall and drained him. Then as soon as the sun went down, he took Tae into the house and got him cleaned up, changed, and fed more. Then he asked if he wanted to come with him. He wasn't sure if the pup understood, but he followed behind him like a puppy regardless. 

The pup could walk like a human, but doing so made him skittish. Hobi had a feeling that it was because the man wouldn't let him be a human, Tae drank out of a dish and ate like a dog or with his hands. It took months to get him to learn how to use silverware and cups. But Hobi was patient, Tae switched his entire schedule around so that he was nocturnal like Hobi. He'd wait at wherever they were staying while Hobi went out to hunt and bring back necessities for Tae.

They fell in love, Tae almost immediately and Hobi slowly. He didn't want to love Tae, the broken human, but it was inevitable. It was impossible not to love Taehyung, his boxy smile could make anyone fall. But it was his unwavering trust in Hobi that made him fall. He didn't even bat an eye when he found out what Hobi was. He had followed him one night, curious as to what he does every day when he leaves him.

He found Hobi in an alley, drinking from a much bigger man. "Tae," he gasped.

"Why?" Was all the younger asked. So that night he told him everything, and that night Tae begged Hobi to turn him. That he loved him and wanted to be with him forever. Once it was done, that was the first time they made love and Tae became his pup happily.

"Are you going to finish him or just stand there lost in your head?"

Hobi snapped his head to the right looking at Jin with wild eyes, "what?" He was confused, what is Jin talking about?

Jin gestured towards the man that was still tied to the tree, "are you done with him?"

"Oh, shit sorry." He raised his arm and brought it down swiftly chopping Chad's dick off. Then he ran the katana straight through the man's heart. He gasped before taking one last breath and then slumping down. "Not as entertaining and drawn out as I wanted, but it'll do."

"I can't wait to dispose of his body."

Hobi nodded his head as he was cleaning the blood off his katana, "have you decided how you are going to do that yet?"

Jin grinned like an absolute madman, "I have a few ideas, yeah."

"Want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Naw, not yet."

The younger chuckled a bit, "fine, keep your secrets. Are you going with Tae on his hunt?"

"Yeah, I'm really excited to see just how hard Brett thinks he'll be able to get away."

"Tae should enjoy hunting him, that was always something he loved after he turned. He took over hunting the humans for us. He hasn't done it in so long."

Jin nodded before clapping him on the shoulder, "alright, just leave his body here. There are no animals so he'll be fine until we are done with Brett. Odds are he won't last until morning anyway and Kook and I can dispose of them."

"Will do, have fun."

Jin snorted before leaving Hobi in the woods and walking about to the house. Tae was just coming out of the back door with a backpack full of supplies, "he's done already? I figured he'd drag it out for at least another hour or so."

"Same, he kept spacing off though. Like he'd be swinging his sword."

"Katana," Tae interrupted.

"Huh, oh. Yeah, katana and he'd just stop and stare into space."

"Which one was it?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Jin countered.

Tae sighed, "what color was the handle?"

"Oh emerald green."

Tae frowned a bit, "he was thinking about me, about how we met each other."

"You two never talk about it. Whenever someone asks him, he always says it's not his story to tell."

"Of course he does," he snorted. "He found me when I was still human, which you guys know. But he found me in a not-so-great situation. He saved me, and when I finally convinced him to turn me I gave him that katana as a present. So by using it, he was probably thinking about the day he saved me from the man that was abusing me, much like Chad did to Carson."

"Oh Tae, why did you never tell us?"

He shrugged, "it's been hundreds of years. It no longer bothers me, but clearly, it still bothers Hobi. I'll talk to him after this."

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