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As Carson was telling Sarah all about his sticker chart and the milkies he gets and gives, Jimin was internally freaking out. He never told Sarah that there were 7 of them or that they were vampires. And he seriously hopes that Carson doesn't spill the beans right now. "Carson, do you want to pet the kitties now? That little black one has been watching you this whole time."

The littles head snapped to the right, following where Jimin pointed and he squealed before launching himself across the room towards the little kitten. "You are going to end up taking home a cat if you aren't careful."

Jimin hummed as he watched Carson gently pet the kitten that was purring up a storm, "if that's what he wants, I won't say no."

"He seems to have adjusted well with you, how were the stages since you are in the last one now?"

The vampire would have blushed if he wasn't so shameless about his sex life, because seriously he had 6 boyfriends and an adorable little that keeps him more than satisfied. "The shy one was so freaking cute. It took a bit to figure out the way he names things, but once I did it was a lot easier."

"Hmm, that's good. What about his bratty stage?"

"It was exhausting, he threw fits that would rival the worst toddler on the planet. But we figured out that he's all about rewards and stickers work as the best motivators in the world for him."

"We?" Her eyes narrowed, "are you referring to the man you brought with you to ask about Carson's past owners?"

"Yes," no point in flat-out lying. "I have 6 very close friends and any time that I was out of my depth they stepped in and helped me. Jk the youngest one, came up with the sticker chart. I need to buy him a present for that one." He chuckled trying to make light of it.

"What about the sex part? Is it too much for you? His last caretaker told me that there were days he wanted milkies twice a day."

That's putting it mildly, there were days he wanted milkies from all of them. "I'm much younger than he was and have a lot more stamina. Although, it would have been nice if you would have told me that milkies didn't mean he wanted a cup of milk. That would have saved a lot of tantrums and headaches."

She shrugged, "it's part of the learning curve. He needs to learn to communicate and you need to learn how to navigate and understand him, it seems like you are mastering that quite well." She leaned forward a bit, her elbows on the table, "are you sleeping with him yet?"

"No, we are not there yet. He hasn't asked for it, and I won't push it. I'm happy as long as he's happy."

"He might have asked for it, so pay attention."

Jimin nodded his head as he turned to look at Carson, so bounce is his way of asking for sex. He's only brought it up when talking about his old caretakers, never saying he wanted it with them. But that's okay, they never have to sleep with each other if he doesn't want to. He let Carson play with the kitten until he started yawning, "I need to get him home, I hope we can do this again."

"Of course, I'd love that. Thank you for reaching out. My job prohibits me from doing it, so I greatly appreciate you making the call."

Sarah and Carson hugged tightly and then she left, discreetly wiping tears away from her eyes. "So did you want to take the kitten home?"

"No, but can we come back and visit?"

"Of course we can love. Why don't you want to take him home?"

"Carson not ready, not big enough for kitty yet."

That was very very mature of him, which Jimin told him with a lot of praise and kisses. "Hold on love, you pet the kitty while I talk to the nice lady." He walked up to the counter inquiring about the cats and adopting them. His heart broke a little when she said that most likely the black kitten would be adopted soon, kittens don't last long since that's what everyone wants.

"That's not good, Carson will cry if we come back and he's gone. I'm fairly sure he's named him already."

The girl smiled, as she looked at Carson and the black kitten. "Do you think you'll ever adopt him?"

"Once he's ready to take care of him, of course. But he wants to come back and see him often, if he's not here, that will be bad."

"I'm not supposed to do this, but my brother is a little and I get it. You can adopt him, and just pay for us to keep him here. That way he's yours for whenever you are ready for him, but he'll be here safe for your little to come see whenever he wants."

"You can do that?"

She smiled, "my mom owns this place, I'll just explain it to her. We opened this place up so my brother would have a safe place to go when he was in little space. She'll completely understand, I promise."

If Jimin was into girls and single, he'd so kiss this girl right now. "Thank you," his eyes darted to her nametag, "Ashtin, that's really sweet and unbelievably kind of you." They got the adoption papers handled and money exchanged. "Love, what is the kitten's name?"

"Dracula!" He happily shouted.

Jimin groaned, "of course it is. We're calling him Drac okay?" Carson nodded his head and hummed. Jimin turned back to the girl, "Dracula the kitten it is."

"Don't fret, I've heard worse. A kid the other day came and adopted an all-white cat and named it peaches. When his mother asked why, the kid said it's because he loved Princess Peach. The cat was a boy."

"I guess an all-black cat named Dracula isn't so bad, wait it is a boy right?"

She giggled, "yup, a boy."

Jimin let out a sighed giggle, "thank you again." He turned to his little, "love you ready to go? Say goodbye to Drac, we can come back next week and see him."

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