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Jk wasn't mad that he came that easily, he honestly wasn't even that surprised. He was more upset with himself that he didn't get to show him how amazing it would feel to press on his prostate and he can't even do it now since Carson is about two seconds away from falling asleep. "You did great Pearl, when you wake up we'll do it again if you want?"

Carson yawned, nodding his head a bit, "like being full," he mumbled before he fell asleep on the pillow.

"Someone bring me a small plug," he whispered hoping that at least one of them wasn't getting dicked down and would hear him and bring it.

Joon walked in a few minutes later with a small starter plug, "that didn't last long."

"Yeah, only two fingers, no prostate action either. But that's okay, he'll get there."

"You needed this?"

Jk smiled, reaching his hand out for it, "yeah he said he likes being full. Thought he might like waking up with it inside him."

"Can I put it in?"

"Sure," Jk tossed him the bottle of lube, Carson was wet enough inside, but for easier insertion lubing up the plug couldn't hurt. As soon as Joon got it ready, Jk pulled his fingers out and watched as Joon slid it in and locked it in place inside the little. "Watch him, gonna wash my hand and get him cleaned up."

When he got back with a wet rag, Joon was literally watching Carson, his eyes trained over the littles face looking at him with so much love in his eyes, "I didn't mean it literally you know?" He chuckled as he tossed the older vampire the rag. 

Joon cleaned him up, a soft smile grazing his face. "he's really beautiful, he's come out of his shell so much since he got here. We got really lucky with him. And it's not just the blood, I know that has a lot to do with the way we are changing, but I feel like we found ourselves again."

"I do too, I'm just worried. He's going to get older and we, aren't. I don't want to lose him Joon."

"I don't either Kook, it hasn't even been a year and I can't imagine our lives without him." He got up, because if he stayed any longer he'd end up staying the night with them and none of them are sure if Carson is ready for that or not. "But I'll think of something, I promise. We won't lose him."

"I love you," Jk whispered as he leaned over the sleeping little to kiss his wonderful boyfriend. 

"And I love you," with one last kiss to Jk and a soft one on Carson's forehead, he got up from the bed and headed to his room. He knew that Jimin and Tae looked into Carson's previous caretakers and they decided that it wasn't the time to do anything. But now, knowing what they did, they need to pay.

Master, or better known as, Brett Hamilton age 42. Had Carson when he was 19 for less than a year. Brought him back because he was too much and untrainable. Named partner of a small law firm a few towns over. Not married, no children, no criminal record. It seems like no one knows he's gay, maybe that had something to do with him sending Carson back as well. Regardless, the way he abused Carson is not going to go unpunished at all.

Just have to decide what's the best way to do that. Now onto the next one.

Sir, or better known as, Chad Matthews age 63. Had Carson when he was 20 for less than a year. Brought him back because Carson demanded too many sexual things from him and he couldn't keep up. Joon grinned when he saw what his job was. It looks like Chad was the Mayor of his town. How would his residents feel when if they knew he abused a young teenager for the better part of a year? Chad was married for over 40 years and had 3 grown children in their mid-30s to early-40s.

Things were taking a great turn, these men could easily be punished and all without them really even having to make themselves known. "Kook, you up?"

"Yeah, just holding Carson. Why?"

"Gonna have a meeting with the others, if you want to come, please do. If you want to stay with Carson just listen in because I'm about to get this punishment started for those predators."

Jk chuckled, "they don't know the true meaning of predators. Even after your punishment, part of me wants to drain them dry for what they did. I want to hunt them, smell their fear as they piss themselves like animals. I want them to feel the pain that Carson felt."

"Can we do it without getting caught though?"

There was a deep chuckle behind him, the rest of his boyfriends were standing there clearly having heard everything. "We can if they never find the bodies."

Tae is the happiest, bubbliest person you will ever meet. But cross him and he's one scary mofo. Yoongi cracked his neck, grinning like a fool, "so are we doing this? It's been far too long since I've been on the hunt and gotten to murder someone."

Jin sighed, sitting down on the couch. "Look, I want them to pay as much as you do. But murder? That's risky isn't it?"

"We are vampires, it's not like humans can catch us." Hobi frowned a bit, "but we need to make 100% sure this is what we want. Because once we tear them apart, there's no going back. We can't be like, oops, my bad, let me squish them back together. They'll be dead dead."

"As opposed to just dead," Jimin deadpanned. "Look you know I'm petty as fuck, so I'm down for murder with a bit of torture beforehand. But I want them humiliated first, I want them to feel alone and isolated. Then and only then can we murder them."

Jk smirked, "then that's what we do. Joon you plan the humiliation and Jimin and Yoongi can plan the torture, Tae and Hobi will plan the murder. Jin and I are backup for whatever you guys need, we'll dispose of the bodies."

Jin smirked, "aww look at our baby, making plans."

"Someone has to be the smart one out of the seven of us. I mean you guys didn't lift the fucking bed and I had to come up with the sticker chart. If it was up to you six, Carson would still be under the bed throwing a fit." Jk huffed with no real malice in his voice.

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