Audio Tapes Part 1

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Tapes that have been on the long night chapters will also be present here. 



Unlocked by collecting 30/152 devices.

Subject: Squaridot.
Type of File: Recorded Audio.
Number of Files: 1/3

"Good morning, peridot."

"Don't be so diplomatic, you deceiving witch! I know as a matter of fact, you wouldn't be contacting me if you do not seek my intellectual expertise and proficiency."

"Of course. I just wanted to drop some useful information to you."

"Bah! There's nothing on Homeworld that I don't already know about! You're quite likely playing an artifice on me so you can acquire control of my brilliant intelligence."

"On the contrary, peridot. Why would I waste my time informing you on something that you have knowledge of?"

"As I previously mentioned, you have a desire to control things, and I'm one of the very few things you cannot control, thus hitting you where it hurts, your ego."

"Your puny attempts to belittle me is quite amusing. Oh, well, I guess you don't need to know the information I wanted to pass on to you."

"HA! I find it quite humorous at your pathetic attempt to psychologically control me into conceding. You failed, of course. I can read you, White. You're statuesque, resplendent, prepossessing and alluring. All to cover up the factuality that you're just scared of losing your queen status when, some day soon, the hoodlums of Homeworld gain enough intelligence to leave this authoritarian planet, along with your fellow comrades, and you'll just be all by your lonesome."


"Am I correct? I am always right one hundred percent of the time."


"Hello? Are you too humiliated to even muster up a pointless comeback? Or have I hit the egotistical bullseye?"

"We're done talking for today."


Subject: Squaridot.
Type of File: Recorded Audio.
Number of Files: 2/3

White Diamond sniffled.

"Greetings and salutations, White! I'm here for our daily chat again! Or are you still weeping over the truth being handed to you?"

"You will regret what you have said to me."

"Oh, I highly doubt that you can find me. The only reason why I'm even bothering with the likes of you is because I still require compensation from your fellow Diamonds. I know you won't tell them about our chat, as it would reveal just how small you really are on the inside."

"Why do you even bother to contact me? Why must you insist that you're smarter than me?"

"Because our planet used to have intellectual integrity, until the unpredictable death of Pink Diamond occurred and changed you three. You used to lead with actual intelligence, nowadays, you lead with only brawn at your side, letting your minds turn to mush and thus, you lost your touch. If you were as sharp as you used to be, you might actually have a chance of locating me. Your pugilistic punishments only further solidify that you're not intelligent anymore. You and your comrades are only SLIGHTLY smarter than the average gem, while I'm way ahead."

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