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By the sword, the light shines bright.

"Lord Fenrir... may I ask how old you are?"

"I am seventeen years of age, milady."

"I never got the opportunity to ask. But you said you're the oldest son of the Barony... do you have siblings?"

"There are seven of us in total. I have two older twin sisters and a plethora of younger siblings. One of my sisters is very close in age to you. Perhaps you will meet her in the future."

Lord Fenrir smiled a lot.

That was the first thing I noted about him. Despite his emotion, he always seemed to have a cheery and hopeful outlook on everything. He rarely became dismayed with my mistakes when I wielded my wooden sword and was quite patient in instructing me on how to do a variety of movements.

If I were being frank. Fenrir was a better teacher than Commander Jubal; I hated to say it especially since I was still so early into the training regimen with the young lord mostly because the commander seemed to have several years of experience compared to this teen that presented a lot like a young adult. Something about the flow of his movements when he wielded a sword contradicted a lot that I had been taught previously.

 Something about the flow of his movements when he wielded a sword contradicted a lot that I had been taught previously

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It felt almost unnatural how he was moving.

Like his skills were being limited and bared from extending past his true abilities

I didn't have an eye for things like capturing the true emotions of others. Nor did I understand some statements made by others figuratively. But if there was one thing I learned as a Private Investigator, otherwise known as P.I. at my lab was studying others' movements. How familiar they were with the equipment, the chemicals, and how well-versed they were in the topic they were researching. All of that I could pick up just from their movements.

And this lord here had the movement of someone who was containing something. Maybe something important, I wasn't quite sure at the moment, so it was only natural I began peppering him with questions.

It's been several weeks since father had palmed me off to be trained by Lord Fenrir; he was one of the rotating Plarinu knights that came about here and there depending on the particular assignment he was sent on, but now he spent a lot more time here at the estate because of his teaching gig with me.

"You seem to be very inquisitive today, Lady Lavania, is appropriate for me to ask why?" He inquired.

Lord Fenrir was also extremely polite and accommodating. It was odd to see such a demure-like personality in a male, especially the kind that frequented this particular nation. He was modest and very considerate of people and his surroundings. I would argue to say he was raised pretty well.

Lehamo could take lessons from his behavior.

"Lord Fenrir is exhibiting strange qualities that is why I asked," I replied to him swiftly.

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