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A home away from home.

The sky was orange.

That was the first thing I noticed when the strange woman—my mother, I mean. Even I couldn't deny that the way this person was treating me correlated with the fact that she had given birth to me and I was her daughter.

At least I think I was a girl.

My caretakers placed dozens of ribbons and bows on me and my head, so I could only infer that I was still a female as I had been my entire life.

Either way, seeing the sky for the first time since I had been thrust from the astral plane was a breath of fresh air, but I seemed to have lost the ability to process my thoughts for a moment when I saw that the same familiar blue sky I had become accustomed to, was no more.

The blue heavens of my other world was replaced with a soft peach and amber shade that wasn't overwhelming like the fruit of an orange, but still different nonetheless. Even the clouds seem to have more of a slate tone to them than the fluffy white clouds I had been familiar with.

What kind of world is this? I thought to myself

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What kind of world is this? I thought to myself.

This was the first time I was taken out of the stuffy room since coming into this strange place. It was nice to get out and not be fussed about by my mother and another strange blue-haired woman who tended to bathe and dress me in her stead.

When those two weren't vying for my infant attention, another large and tall man would visit. I assumed he was my father; he would greet me with a bright smile, hold me tenderly and place a multitude of kisses against my face and hands. He was also strange-looking, but I would return to that eventually. Right now, the sky was the most fascinating thing to me at the moment.

The fresh air was nice and it smelt absolutely divine; like fresh flowers and cut grass.

The sun was nice and warm on my face, but it was still a bit chilly; I was bundled in many plush blankets and my mother held me tightly as she spoke animatedly, pointing to different things in the vicinity.

At this point in the season, it had to be Autumn, the temperature pointed to that.

I liked it out here. I felt content.

I continued to allow my mother to speak and point to different things around the area we were in. It seemed as if we were in a park; there were so much greenery around and open space to be about.

Though, we didn't travel far, so I doubt it was a recreational ground, but what did I know? I was in an infant child's body. Probably a few months old at this point, I lost track of time since the days were rather repetitive with mundane cloth changes, embarrassing playtime, and feedings. 

After a while, the days would merge with each other, essentially bore me.

I spent an exceeding amount of energy refreshing my mind with old formulas from physics and chemistry courses I used to take in university and professional school. My memory from my former life was still fresh as the day I first stepped into this plane; the night terrors and dreams I had frequently, I believe were the cause of this. In a sense teleporting my mental being—or essence to that exact moment in time where the past events had occurred.

My Starseed Meets Me In A Different WorldWhere stories live. Discover now