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Below the sewer, a shadow follows.

Los Angeles, CA; Age 28.

"Thank you all for coming to Los Angeles Charger's official fan day! We truly appreciate seeing all of you here to meet your favorite players, getting to know them, and seeing the stadium. I hope you all had a great time."

My eyes continuously followed the number of families with their children waving and being escorted off the field of SoFi Stadium after a tedious day of taking pictures, signing autographs, doing short interviews, and playing a really lax scrimmage game with the fans of the team.

There were so many people here though the stadium was extremely large which allowed the small groups of people who had managed to get free tickets to this event today to feel like this was a catered VIP and intimate experience to meet the actual players of the game they enjoyed watching during the on-season.

I usually didn't find myself comfortable in environments such as this. I wasn't an athletic person, I barely made it through my high school extracurricular of cheerleading and didn't take anything else up active after that torturous participation was no longer required of me. So seeing many young boys and men grinning from ear to ear, their eyes nearly bustling out from their eye sockets just for a chance to shake hands with football players was beyond me.

Still, I came here to support my best friend because he asked for me to be in attendance, with the promise of there being tons of sweet snacks for me to have at my leisure which of course was no fib he told on his part. I guess the good part of having a friend that was a star and famed player on a well-known NFL team was the perks that came with it.

I mostly stuck around the wives and girlfriends of other players on the team in special temperature-controlled rooms where they got to gossip, drink champagne, take pictures, and more. At times, some of them had to go down to the field to take pictures with their husband's fans or have a short interview talking about their significant others, but for the most part, they stayed out of the way.

On the other hand, I grew antsy when there wasn't much for me to do and since I didn't bring any of my research work from Standford with me, I found myself plenty on the field watching Andrew and some of the L.A. Charger Girls meet and greet fans.

Somehow Shane Merritt had ended up beside me, exhausted, very much sweaty, and maybe a little irritated that the day had still not concluded despite the fact the sun was beginning to set on the horizon of the stadium's grand height

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Somehow Shane Merritt had ended up beside me, exhausted, very much sweaty, and maybe a little irritated that the day had still not concluded despite the fact the sun was beginning to set on the horizon of the stadium's grand height.

Beside me, he let out an exasperated sigh of relief, "Thank God this is over. Trust me I love all the attention but this has been going on for hours!" He whispered to me.

"Have you considered just quitting football altogether to avoid the hassle?" I suggested to him.

Shane who had his hands crossed over his broad chest, covering the number forty-six that he wore proudly arched his eyebrow at me. "I can't just quit, Mel I have a contract I have to fulfill and money to be a loss if I break said contract."

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