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Cross the sun and hop onto the moon, the boundaries of a family never seem to end.

Wisdom and Valor. The proud motto of the Kathozh family. It was an ideal I held close, even during my time as Tahmina, living among the Wantsuo family in Loscye, hundreds of miles away from my birthplace.

No matter the distance, I never forgot my roots, for the County of Hona boasted a lineage that stretched through centuries. House Kathozh's sigil became the essence of that enduring heritage.

I can still picture it vividly, like a memory etched in the light of day. I was no more than six when my mother, the head of our household, lifted me in her arms and revealed our family's history. It was then I first gazed upon the Tri-Lunar Tree.

An ancient oak, its towering branches intertwined with three moons.

"See here, my little Mina," My mother, Countess Pleione, said softly

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"See here, my little Mina," My mother, Countess Pleione, said softly. "This tree symbolizes strength, wisdom, and deep roots. And the three moons represent life, magic, and destiny cycles." She lifted me higher, allowing me to better see the family banner, which had passed from one head of the house to the next for generations. The moons formed a perfect triangle—one full, one crescent, and one new—signifying balance, growth, and renewal.

"There," She pointed at the base of the revered tree. "What do you see?"

"A serpent and a stag!" I cried out eagerly.

Her smile was warm as she gently bounced me in her arms. "Very good," She praised. "The silver serpent, coiled around the tree, stands for knowledge, cunning, and hidden mysteries." Its iridescent scales shimmered faintly. "And the stag with its golden antlers—vigilant and proud—represents the nobility and spirit of our house."

Her fingers traced the design, guiding my young eyes upward. "Above it all rests the Celestial Crown, adorned with five radiant stars. The crown represents divine favor and authority, while the stars are our ancestors, watching over us from the astral realm."

The midnight blue background of the banner, with its faint silver constellations, tied it all together. It was the same deep hue as my hair, the color passed down through many Kathozh generations, representing the vastness of the night sky that our people in Freu Prein cherished.

"Our house may not be a Grand Duchy, nor royalty, but it is rich in knowledge and united by love," My mother told me, her voice full of quiet pride.

"And power too, right?" I asked. I was six and had yet to show any signs of magic, which, in a family of sorcerers, was a growing concern. I had overheard whispers from the maids and distant relatives that perhaps I was born without mana.

She paused, then nodded thoughtfully. "Being a sorcerer shapes a part of someone's identity, yes, but true strength comes from unity. When a family is at peace, it can move forward together."

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