To: Der
I miss youFrom: Der
I just left babeTo: Der
I know but I still miss you.From: Der
I miss you too, StilesTo: Der
when do you come home? I forgot.From: Der
next weekTo: Der
you're a drama queenTo: Der
but you love itFrom: Der
No, I love you.To: Der
I love you too Der.(SCOTT TO STILES)
To: Stilinski
What you doing?From: Stilinski
Nothing. What's up?To: Stilinski
Allison and Lydia wanna go to the movies.From: Stilinski
EhTo: Stilinski
c'mon it'll be like a double dateFrom: Stilinski
1.) It's not a date. I don't like Lydia anymore.
2.) I'll go if you buy me popcornTo: Stilinski
deal.Stiles POV
I haven't told Scott about my relationship with Derek yet. Hell, I haven't even told my dad I'm bi yet. It still amazes me how the sourwolf stole my heart.
He had some stupid pack he had to meet in New York. I don't remember why, I also don't care, I just miss him. We've been texting since he left and I've basically been living at his loft.
"STILES!" Scott yelled making me jump.
"What?" I asked.
"Lydia was trying to talk to you." he said. I turned around to look at Lydia in the backseat.
"Sorry...what?" I asked. She shrugged.
"It's not important anymore." You could tell she was upset. I sighed hearing my phone go off. Scott pulled my phone out of my hand.
"Hey!" I snapped.
"Why are you texting Derek?" he asked. I took my phone back.
"I'm not.." I said cringing at how unsure I sounded.
"It said Der." Scott said.
"Okay, fine. I am. But who else am I going to text? I'm with you guys. I only text you guys." I said.
"Or you could text nobody and actually you know, talk to us." Lydia said. I sighed.
"You like him, don't you?" Allison said.
"What?" Lydia asked.
"Not you, Stiles, he likes Derek." Allison said proudly. I ignored her looking at Derek's text. I asked him what he was doing get a 'on my way to meet the other pack, you?' I smiled responding with 'ignoring Scott, Lydia, and Allison' hearing the car door slam I saw we were at the theater. Quickly I got out catching up to the others.
A few days passed and I was in my room with Scott. We were studying for our history final. Well, he was. I was texting Derek.
"Who are you talking to?" Scott asked looking at me from my desk chair.
"Just..someone." I said hiding my face in my pillow.
"Awh Stiles is it a lover?" He asked bouncing up and down. I didn't answer him I just smiled. "Who is it!?"he squealed.
"I can't tell you yet." I said. Scott sighed mumbling a "fine" before going back to studying.
About a half hour later I got a call from Derek. Scott looked at me and smiled. I could tell he knew it was "my lover"-as he put it-by the look on my face. I sat up answering it.
"Hi" I said happily.
"Hey you" Derek replied.
"Watchu doing?" I asked.
"Just got back to the hotel. Are you at the loft?" He asked.
"Nope." I said popping the 'p' "not at the moment. Why?" I continued.
"Can you go there? I need you to email me something from my computer." He said.
"Yeah. But can I do it in the morning?" I asked looking at Scott who was staring at me."Scott quit staring at me." I said to him. He smiled and kept staring. I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah tomorrow's fine. Scott's with you?" He asked.
"Yeah. We're..well he's studying..was studying for history. Now he's staring at me." I said seeing Scott's face light up."You told your lover about me?" Scott smirked. I rolled my eyes. Derek chuckled.
"Well you should study too. Text me okay?" He said.
"Okay." I replied sadly.
"I miss you, Stiles." he said.
"I miss you too. Be careful. Please." I said holding back the urge to call him 'SourWolf.' in front of Scott.
"I will." He said "Oh and babe.." he added.
"Yeah?" I smiled at the pet name.
"I really really like you." he said. I laughed. I know he loves me but he's Derek and he's a grump so he won't say it out loud yet.
"I really really like you too." I replied.
"Go study" he laughed.
"Okay. Bye" I said.
"Bye, Darling." he said. I felt my face heat up as the line went dead.

Sterek one-shots
FanficSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: