Not So Happy Birthday

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This is for the wonderful Pookie14374 as requested. I tried my best and I hope you like it. :)

Stiles POV
I can't sleep. Its 11p.m. and my birthday is tomorrow. I'm only going to be 19 so it's not like I can finally go out clubbing or anything but it's still exciting.

I moved feeling Derek pull me back against him, I love him, but he's a fricken heater.

I managed to kick off the blanket and finally fall asleep shortly after.

The next morning I woke up excited. I mean, it's my birthday! I sat up and started poking Derek.

"Babe, get up." I said shaking him.

"Stiles, stop." He mumbled rolling over.

"Der!" I whined laying my head on his side. "Get up. " He sighed sitting up.

"Happy?" he said.

I sighed "Sure."

I went downstairs to make breakfast when my dad called.

"Hey, dad!" I said.
"Hey kiddo, Happy Birthday!" he practically shouted.
"Thanks." I laughed.
"You coming home tonight?" he asked.
"I dunno. I'll text you when I figure everything out." I said pulling the eggs from the fridge.
"Alright. Have a good day. I love you." he said.
"I love you too, dad."

Derek was done in the shower by the time I finished making French toast for the both of us.

"Thanks." He said kissing my cheek. I smiled humming.

"So..anything special going on today?" I asked as we ate.

"Not that I know of?" he questioned. I nodded trying not to frown.

He couldn't possibly forget my birthday...

Scott texted me asking to hang out adding 'Happy Birthday' to the end.

Maybe Derek's throwing a surprise party so he's acting like he doesn't remember? I mean the rest of the pack hasn't said anything either...

I sent back an "okay, see you soon" before heading upstairs to get ready.

"Do you know what today is?" I asked Derek as he walked into his room.

"Uh..Tuesday?" he asked.

"Okay...thanks.." I said "I uh..I'm going out. I'll see you later." I said.

He walked over and kissed me. "Have fun." He said before picking up his book and heading to the couch.


I got to the park walking over to where I was supposed to meet Scott. Why he wanted to meet here, I don't know. But I brought my frisbee because I'm definitely going to be making a dog joke about this.

"Scott!" I yelled looking around. "Scott!?" I sighed sitting in the grass. I wasn't in the mood for this.

"SURPRISE!" I heard behind me making me fall over. I turned around seeing my pack.

"Happy birthday, Mama!" Isaac said hugging me. The rest of the pack blurted out their 'happy birthdays' together so you couldn't make it out very well.

"Thanks guys." I said seeing Scott smiling.

"What'd Derek plan for your birthday?" Isaac asked.

I shrugged "He hasn't even told me happy birthday..." I said knowing I sounded pathetic.

"He will. He's probably planning something cheesy and romantic right now." Lydia said. I nodded, maybe she's right.

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