I'm Fine

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The pack never thought this would happen. They never thought he was depressed, especially not like this. It shocked everyone.

"How could I not see it?" Scott asked the open air.

"Scott it's not your fault. None of us noticed." Isaac reassured him.

Derek was the one to find him. He'll never forgive himself for not knowing.

And now here they are. The entire pack and a few stragglers who don't know about the supernatural, waiting, waiting for Scott's mom or some random doctor to come out and tell them that everything is okay.

They need to know Stiles is okay.

Derek was fed up. He knew Stiles was just sitting in his room. The doctors weren't doing anything at the moment, he was stable, so why couldn't they see him?

Melissa walked out finally. "Is he okay!?" Scott shouted.

She nodded. "He wants to see you. " she turned her attention toward the alpha. "Derek." He looked up.

"Me?" He choked out.

She nodded "You too, Scott. The rest of you can go in later. Only two at a time though." she said sadly before taking the two wolves to see Stiles.

"S-stiles..." Scott's voice cracked when he saw his best friend in the hospital bed. "What happened?" He asked.

"Stuff." Stiles said sitting up.

"Stiles, I'm being serious!" Scott almost yelled.

"So am I." Stiles was quiet.

"You owe me an explanation!" Scott said angrily.

"I don't owe you anything, Scott." Stiles snapped. Derek sat in the chair next to Stiles. "The only person in this fucking hospital I'd ever tell is Derek." Derek snapped his head up.

"That doesn't make any sense." There was a cough in the hall. They knew the pack was out there listening and Stiles did care.

"I always put your happiness before mine. I always put everyone's happiness before mine expecting someone to do the same but nobody ever does!" He yelled.

"Stiles, that's not true." Scott started.

"A-and because I'm so fucking focused on everyone else I can't fucking breathe! And not once did any of you ever say thank you, except Derek. I do anything and everything you ask and nobody can say thank you. Nobody. Nobody gives a shit how unappreciated I feel, how worthless I feel." He continued. "You're supposed to be my best friend, Scott. You. And the only person who's been around lately, who's made sure I was okay, is Derek. And Derek fucking hates me." Stiles said wiping his face.

"I don't hate you." Derek finally chimmed in. "Jesus, Stiles. I don't hate you even a little." He said.

Stiles smiled "Well, that makes one person because I don't even like me anymore." He frowned.

Scott was crying now. "How the hell could you say that? I always ask you how you are. I tell you all the time how much you mean to me!" Scott said. Stiles laughed.

"Your half ass attempts to see if I'm okay don't normally seem to sincere. You have your head so far up Isaac's ass I'm completely irrelevant in your life anymore." Stiles said. Scott opened his mouth to say something else when Stiles spoke up again. "Just get out." Stiles mumbled laying down and turning towards Derek.

"Stiles..." Scott said getting ignored by his best friend and his alpha. He sighed and left.

"Stiles, what happened? Why didn't you call me?" Derek asked after a few minutes.

"I didn't know I could." He said.

"You can always call me. Okay?" Stiles nodded. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked.


Stiles looked at his alarm clock 12:00 was flashing on and off the screen. He sighed rolling over on his bed. Once again he was home alone. Once again he was sad. He picked up his phone scrolling through his contacts.

She would listen, If she was alive.

A tear rolled down his face.

Bambi Eyes
Probably with Scott.

I don't even really know you.

Probably asleep.

He hates me.

God that hurts to think about. Derek hating him.

She wouldn't care.

Can't shut up long enough for me to speak. Wouldn't care. Never seems to anymore.

He gave up tossing his phone on the floor. His dad was out drinking again. He'll come home and tell Stiles how useless he is then pass out on the couch.

He laid in bed for awhile finally getting himself to stop crying.

He heard a small tap on his window looking to see Derek. He opened it.

"Hi?" He questioned.

"I thought I heard something. Wanted to make sure you we're still breathing." Derek joked.

Stiles shrugged "Still here unfortunately." Derek gave him a small smile.

"You okay?" Derek asked. Stiles nodded. Derek didn't believe him. "Okay. Well..I have something I need to do. So..I'm gonna go. Get some sleep, okay?" Derek said. Stiles nodded sitting on his bed and then Derek was gone in a flash.

'Of coarse he wouldn't stay' Stiles thought to himself. He started crying again. He was sick of being in pain, of crying himself to sleep every single night. He was done. He wasn't going to keep living like this.


"I didn't want you to come back. But you did." Stiles said. "And I love you for that." Derek was trying not to cry. He remembered finding Stiles. He remembers leaving Stiles' house knowing something was wrong, that's why he came back. He knew Stiles was struggling with something and would've opened up if Derek hadn't bolted.

"Der, are you crying?" Stiles asked.

"I-if I hadn't come back..you'd be dead..." Derek said.

"So? Nobody would care." Stiles said.

"I would." Derek replied shocking Stiles.

"You would?" Stiles asked sitting up. Derek let out a choked laugh.

"Yes! Stiles, I fucking love you, you idiot. Why do you think I let you come over all the time and I get you stupid things or make you dinner or-" Stiles cut Derek off.

"Shut up." Stiles said. "Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I didn't know how." Derek said. "But I do. Stiles, I love you so much."

Stiles smiled "I love you too, Der." He said pulling Derek's arm to come up onto the bed. Derek sat in front of him. Stiles smashed their lips together. 

"Don't ever try to leave me again, okay?" Derek said pulling away.

"Okay." Stiles whispered.

This one's kinda stupid but oh well.

Any requests? Let me know!

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