It's Called Heartbreak

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Stiles POV

It's the last week of my highschool career. I should be happy. I should be ecstatic. But no, I'm not. I'm blue, sad, down in the dumps, depressed to the point of no return. And its all because of Derek Fucking Hale.

We've been dating since last summer and now he won't answer me. We've been fighting lately and I kind of figured we weren't going to last much longer but he could at least have the decency to tell me if we're no longer together.

"Stiles!" I heard my best friend yell behind me. I slowed my pace waiting for him to catch up. "Hey, bud!" he said smiling.

"Hi." I mumbled checking my phone for the hundredth time this morning. I know Derek hasn't texted, I know he hasn't called, but I still hope to see his name on my phone.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked. I shrugged.

"I think I'm single.." I sighed.

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Derek won't answer me. We haven't said a word to each other in a little over a week." I told him.

"I'm sure something happened. He loves you like crazy." Scott said. The bell rang making me sigh in relief, I didn't want to talk anymore.

To: Der Bear
Hi..again..I don't know what I did..but if we aren't together anymore..could you at least tell me? I'm dying here, Der. I can take you being mad but I can't take being ignored.

Derek POV

"Awh Der, your little teenager texted you again. He thinks your silence is you breaking up with him." Peter laughed.

"Seriously Peter fucking stop!" I yelled pulling at the chains around me.

"But that's no fun." he said sarcastically. "Maybe I should text him back?" He gasped.

"Peter don't! Please!" I begged.

"As much as I love hearing you beg, its not going to do anything. So shut the hell up."

To: My Mate
Stiles, stop texting and calling me. If I wanted to talk to you I would. We. Are. Done. O-V-E-R got it?

"Poor Stilinski. You just broke his heart." Peter laughed. "And over a text. What a dick move, Derek." He tossed my phone on the floor.

"What the hell Peter!? What the fuck did I do to you!? We haven't even seen each other in almost a year!" I yelled.

"You have to much power nephew, I need to fix that. Forcing you to lose your mate will just make things easier. And frankly, its fun."

Stiles POV

I was in the middle of history when my phone went off. I quickly pulled it out hiding it behind my text book.

From: Der Bear
Stiles, stop texting and calling me. If I wanted to talk to you I would. We. Are. Done. O-V-E-R got it?

My mouth dropped and I swear to god my heart just shattered. I felt a tear roll down my face as Scott hit my arm.

"Stiles, what happened?" He asked worried. I grabbed my back pack knocking the chair over and running out of the room.

I'm having a panic attack.

I want to die.

I might as well be dead.

After school ended Scott walked into my room. I was curled up in my bed crying.

"Stiles.." he choked out sitting on my bed next to me.

"Derek dumped me over a text." My voice cracked.

"He doesn't deserve you." Scott said in an attempt to make me feel better.

"I love him, Scott. Just being with him is like realizing all you ever wanted is right there in front of you. I'm not me without him anymore." I said.

"Stiles, you don't need Derek to be you. You don't need Derek to be happy. I get that you're hurt but you will definitely get through this and if you need me to, I'll go to his house and beat the shit out of him right now." Scott said. I sighed.

"Don't do that." I said bursting into tears again.

"Come here." he said pulling me into his arms.

"I'm in physical pain Scott." I gasped.

"I'm guna kill him." He muttered back.

Later that night Scott called his mom telling her he was staying here. He fell asleep around midnight, it's now 3 A.M. and I'm still awake.

I heard a thud down the hall. I shrugged it off assuming it was my dad getting ready for work. He said he had to go in earlier today.

When my door opened is when I knew it wasn't my dad. "Stiles," the person muttered before falling over.

It was disgustingly dark in my room and I couldn't see him but I'd know that voice anywhere. "Derek!?" I yelled falling off my bed to go to him. Scott woke up as I yelled.

"Stiles I-I didn't break up with you." He said holding his stomach. Scott growled. I turned on my light.

"Yes you did?" I questioned pulling his shirt up.

"N-no. It was Peter." He said scrunching up his face in pain.

"S-scott the box on my dresser. Grab it." I said shakily pointing. "What happened to you?" I asked looking him over. He had 3 bullets in his stomach, marks around his ankles and wrists like he was tied up-I knew they would be gone in a matter of hours-and he smelt like he hadn't showered in a week.

"Peter. He came back." Derek watched me take the bullets from the container. I handed them to him. He broke them open and shoved the wolfsbane into the wounds.

After his screaming subsided he finished explaining. "He had me chained up for the past week and a half. I wasn't ignoring you, I swear to god. He said I have to much power and the best way to hurt me was through you. He sent that text to you. Not me. I swear to god, Stiles." Derek said honestly.

"Told you something happened." Scott said in a cocky tone.

"Get the fuck out." I replied not taking my gaze off of Derek.

"Please believe me." Derek said sitting up.

I smiled "I believe you, Der." I said hearing Scott mumble about not being appreciated and walk out.

Derek pressed his lips to mine "you know when I mentioned the billion songs about heartbreak I didn't expect you to break mine." I joked.

"I didn't do it!" He panicked.

"I'm kidding." I kissed him. "But don't you ever fucking leave me." I said relaxing into his arms.

"I told you before. You're stuck with me." He said into my hair.

"I love you, Derek." I said.

"I love you too, Stiles."

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