Sterek One-shots.
Check out book two!
Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (:
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I was asked to make a one-shot based off this photo forever ago by JoeyTribby58 and wow I finally did it. Sorry for the wait but here it is!!
Stiles climbed back into bed, leaning into Derek closely, the wolf wrapping his arm around the younger boy's shoulders. Stiles glanced over at the other who was focused on the book in his hand, sighing he grabbed his phone from the bedside table next to him and started scrolling through some of his social media accounts.
"So," Stiles started, "I did a pregnancy test."
"Uh huh." Derek muttered, too focused in what he was reading to pay attention to what his boyfriend just said. "Wait, what!?"
Stiles glanced over at him and back at his phone shrugging.
"What the fuck, Stiles!?"
"Well, you never know with you werewolves!?"
Derek groaned, "Are you serious?"
"What even made you think I could get you pregnant?"
Stiles bit the inside of his cheek not meeting Derek's gaze. "Nothing..."
"Ugh, fine, I was reading."
"What the fuck could you possibly be reading that gives you an idea like that!?"
Stiles groaned loudly, turning to throw his legs overtop of Derek's. "Fanfiction."
"Seriously?" Stiles nodded, "You're basing your facts off of fanfiction?" Derek asked.
"Leave me alone." Stiles whined.
Derek shook his head, "You're insane."
"I can't believe I love you."
Stiles' jaw dropped, "Don't be an ass."
Derek leaned in kissing the other. "Shut up, Stiles."
"Scott, I need your help."
Scott groaned looking at his friend, "No. Whatever it is, no."
"As my best friend you can't say no."
"Oh my god, what?"
Stiles smirked, "Okay, so..."
"Derek." Stiles called walking over to where he was sitting on the couch.
He looked up to see Stiles rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. "What's wrong?" Stiles bit his lip handing him a pregnancy test. Derek rolled his eyes, "Stiles, seriously? I already told you, you can't ge-" the look on Derek's face was absolutely priceless when he saw the test was positive.
Stiles was thankful that his heart was beating fast enough to pass as nerves to Derek rather than him playing a prank on the wolf. "You were wrong." He whispered.
"I don't know what kind of joke you're playing but it's not funny." Derek said handing the test back.
"Derek, I'm not kidding."
"Then you're insane." Derek scoffed getting up and tossing his book onto the couch. "I'm really not in the mood for this."
Stiles took a deep breathe. "Will you just fucking listen!?" Derek stopped and turned around.
"Fine." He sighed, rubbing his eyes and listening. When he heard the third heartbeat in his room his stomach dropped. "Stiles..."
"I told you." Stiles looked down.
"But that's not...Stiles, that's not possible."
I shrugged, "This isn't my fault."
"So, it's mine?" His eyebrows shot up.
"I didn't say that!" Stiles shot back. "But you should take some of the responsibility."
Derek let out a long sigh, his hands rubbing over his face as he muttered a few curse words under his breathe. "It doesn't make sense."
"Derek," Stiles pulled his hands away from his face. "Come here."
Derek let himself be dragged toward the door, he watched Stiles lean down and pull over the flap of his lacrosse duffel bag. Sitting on a blanket inside was a kitten sleeping. "This is your baby." He laughed.
Derek hit Stiles on the back of the head, "I fucking hate you."
"Do not." Stiles laughed, picking the kitten up.
"You're an asshole."
"That's probably true. But, being a werewolf you probably should've noticed I brought a cat inside with me."
"No, don't even try to turn this around on me."
Stiles rolled his eyes, "Name your baby."
"I don't want that cat."
"Yes you do." Stiles said pushing it into the others hands.
Derek sighed, petting the kitten, "You name it."
"What about Harvey, like Harvey Dent?"
Derek snorted, "Sounds good to me. But I swear to god, you ever pull shit like that again and I'm dumping your ass."
"Don't be such a Sourwolf." Stiles winked kissing Derek.
"I love you, you little shit."
Stiles smiled, "I love you too."
I hope this was good cause I'm not feeling very confident about it tbh