A Force Of Nature

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I don't know why but my hands are shaking
I can see you coming and I stand here waiting
Yeah I get tongue tied in the conversation
It's an F'd up, bad, sick situation

There he is, Derek Hale. I hate being part of this pack. Kind of. Not really. I love everyone in it but I get so nervous around Derek. He's just so, so, ugh.

He was walking over to me and I felt the palms of my hands start to sweat. I didn't know they we're shaking until I rubbed them on my pants.

"Stiles, what wrong?" He asked.

"N-nothing I uh, why ha why would s-something be w-rong? Nope. Everything is A-OH-KAY hmm y-yup." Goddamn it.

'Cause you're a force of nature
Look at what you've done
I can taste the danger but I don't wanna run

"Stiles. No." He fought.

"Derek please!" I begged.

"You could get hurt! You're not coming." He said. I pouted.

"Why do you even care?" I mumbled.

"Because you're important to me. If you got hurt I wouldn't be able to live with myself." He said.

I feel your lips move in and they take me under
You know just what to do, how to make me want you
And I know I'll be broken when it's over
Oh but I can't help but pull you closer

"Derek!" I yelled running up to him as he got back from the fight with the other pack. He raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm glad you're okay." I smiled.

He stared at me for awhile. "What?" I chuckled. A second later I felt his lips on mine moving slowly. I grabbed his jacket pulling him closer.

'This is going to hurt' I thought to myself just before he pushed me away and walked into his room not coming back out while I was still at the loft.

I tried to tie my heart down, board up all the windows
Oh but it's too late now
I let you get too close

I tried to stay away. It wasn't easy. I didn't want to see him. I told myself it was a crush. I told myself I would get over it but not seeing him everyday hurt. I caved.

I'll be here 'till we collide
I don't care if I survive
So crash into me one more time

The next pack meeting. Oh God. I took a deep breath walking into the loft. Nobody paid notice to me as I walked in although I knew that they were aware of my presence.

I wanted to leave. I planned on bolting as soon as the meeting ended. But that didn't work. Not at all.

"Stiles can I talk to you?" Derek asked as everyone else was leaving.

I sighed spinning in my heels. "Yes?" I asked.

He waited until everyone was gone before pushing me into a wall and growling. "D-der. I don't know what I did but i-if you could tell me before killing me..m-maybe I could fix it." I stuttered. Stupid tongue.

"You're mine." He growled kissing me. "Got it?" He pulled away.

"Did you just ask me out by demand?" I questioned smiling. He pushed his face into my neck wrapping his arms around me.

"Mine." he mumbled.

Baby you're a force of nature

I got this idea from the song 'Force of Nature' by Bea Miller. I love this song. I dunno, it just hits me. Okay, okay.

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