I just wanted to let everyone know that the first chapter of 'Catching Fireflies' my interactive Teen Wolf story is up!!
stonewallkey here's your request. It's kind of short but I wasn't sure how to make it longer, I hope you like it and that this is what you wanted though!! Also, I'm sorry it's taken me so long!
Derek hung back waiting for his cue as he watched the other cast and crew members walk around set. He was picking at the strawberries that were on the table for everyone when one of the actors walked over.
"Hey." He said grabbing a donut.
"Uh, h-hi."
The other laughed, "Have you seen this show before?" He asked. They were on set for a show called "New Girl" and both played a part in the next upcoming scene.
"Y-Yeah, I have."
"Are you okay?" He asked getting a nod in return. "Oh! I never introduced myself! I'm Stiles!"
"I know, I've seen you in a few things."
Stiles crinkled his nose almost as if he didn't like the fact that Derek already knew him. "Oh." He laughed just before he was called by Zoe, the lead girl in the show that he was doing the scene with. "I'll see ya around..."
"Derek." He said quietly.
Stiles smiled, "Derek."
He watched Stiles laughing with the other stars in the show, Derek didn't have a big part, he was a firefighter with like two seconds of screen time, he didn't think it was super necessary to try and befriend all the other stars, they'd probably ignore him anyways. They asked him to play the part of the firefighter and he really needed the money, he wasn't here because he wanted to act.
Stiles and Zoe ran through the scene, laughing when one of them messed up, and starting over. Soon enough, it was time for Derek to play his part, he hadn't bothered reading the script past his one line, he didn't really care what was going to happen, he'd see the episode eventually anyways.
"Sir, we tried to make love on the bench...but, uh, there was a man there." Zoe said, turning her head as she was pressed shirtless up against Stiles, the two of them trapped in the door of a playground castle. "Oh! He's still there, he must have been very tired, he slept through all those sirens."
"This man's dead." Another actor who was playing a firefighter yelled.
"WHAT!?" Zoe yelled before Stiles joined in, "OH MY GOD!!"
The scene passed as they gave statements to the officer, still trapped in the small castle, Derek pretended to be talking with another firefighter already knowing that it wouldn't make it in the scene so it didn't matter whether or not they did a good job.
"There's so much death in the world!" Stiles cried.
"Seriously, dude?" Zoe said. "Take your pills, I'm sick of you!"
"I'm sick of you!!" Stiles shot back, still crying. The two of them starting to argue.
And that was Derek's cue, he walked over with an axe, "Don't move." He said his only line.
He was slightly shocked when Stiles shouted, "I THINK I MIGHT BE GAY!" but felt something warm fill his stomach.
Zoe adding a "Yeah!"
"Oh my god..." Stiles cried again.
And that was it, it's done, the scene is over, and they told everyone to go home for the day.
Derek helped the two get up, Stiles smiling at him.
"How'd I do?" He laughed.
"Great." Derek said softly, forcing his eyes not to gaze across Stiles' half naked body.
Stiles smirked, "Ya know, if you want to...you could come back to my dressing room with me."
"Wh-What...?" Derek asked.
Stiles looked ashamed, "I'm sorry, I thought you were, I mean...I thought we kinda...I get it, I was wrong. You're straight. Super straight. Of course you are. I'll just leave you be."
"No!" Derek yelled, grabbing Stiles' elbow as the other male tried walking away. "I am. Gay I mean. I just didn't expect you to..."
Stiles smiled, "So you'll come back with me?" Derek nodded, smile painting his face.
Maybe taking this job wasn't so bad after all.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: