This is 3,000 words. :) :) :)
1. The Physical Attraction Phase
At first Derek hated Stiles. He hated his stupid upturned nose and his stupid moles. He hated the way the sun reflected off his pale skin and how his smile stretched seamlessly across his face. Derek could go on and on about the hatred he felt toward Stiles and how he looked and all his stupid little details. The way his facial hair started to grow out in patches and how he let his hair grow out.
But, eventually, the way Derek saw Stiles changed. His stupid upturned nose became an adorable little button nose that he wanted to kiss. His moles weren't just moles but constellations that scattered across his skin. The way the sun glistened against his pale skin made Derek smile every time he was outside with the younger male. He smiled every time Stiles crinkled his nose and let his smile draw itself across his face. He wanted so badly to tell Stiles that his 'stupid brown eyes' weren't stupid brown eyes, they were copper against honey, they melted the colors together with a warmth that brought a homey feeling to Derek. He loved the way Stiles let his patchy facial hair grow out a little too long when he was busy researching or studying for his exams and when he decided against buzzing his hair again the only thing Derek could picture is tangling his fingers in it when they did things that Derek really shouldn't be thinking about doing with Stiles.
2. The Friends Phase
Derek wouldn't admit it but as soon as he accepted his feelings toward the only human in his pack he immediately tried to befriend him. They'd been acquaintances since the day Scott and Stiles trespassed on his property but he didn't really know anything about Stiles and if he wanted to woo the boy he'd at least need to know his favorite color. (Derek won't admit he smiled into his pillow like a teenage girl when Stiles' text back was the same green as your eyes, doofus. Maybe red on occasion if I'm feeling frisky.)
He started renting comedies for pack nights because Stiles likes comedies. He stocked his fridge full of Stiles' favorite drinks and the cupboards had Stiles' favorite snacks. Derek learned that Stiles was struggling a lot in college. He thought he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps but now he wasn't so sure. He kind of liked the idea of art. He wanted to change his major, write or graphic design or something he still wasn't sure. Stiles was also terrified to talk to his dad about it because he remembered how the Sheriff wanted Stiles to put his ADHD to good use and was proud when Stiles claimed he wanted to be part of the BHPD.
The one thing that really stuck with Derek is when he learned that Stiles wanted to be part of the pack because he was afraid he'd lose Scott otherwise. Derek was shocked when Stiles confessed that he only had friends because of Scott and he wasn't even sure if they were really his friends or if they just pretended for Scott's sake.
'I'm your friend, Stiles' Derek said softly. Stiles smiled and leaned into wolf letting a small thanks escape his lips.
3. The Exploring Phase
This one is normally taken the complete wrong way but if anyone knows Derek it's that he enjoys sex. He's had his number of one night stands and dated several people at a time before he started an official relationship with one of the few people he found he was able to trust enough to be more than a good fuck.
The pack liked to poke at his love life asking him who the lucky lady of the week was. As soon as Derek started to have feelings for Stiles he dropped every other person he'd been talking to.
'Who'd you fuck this week, was she hot?' Erica would tease.
Isaac would butt in, 'or dude. Did you finally expand your horizons yet?'

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: