Derek POV
I pulled up to my house hearing the pack inside. We were having a pack bonding weekend. Isaac's request. I got out of his car, the wind nearly knocking me over as I walked to the door.As soon as I walked inside I felt Isaac cling to my side. "We ordered pizza" he mumbled. "Okay." I hugged back.
I walked into my room to see Stiles sitting at my desk humming to some song that was playing through his headphones. I quickly changed before walking over and pulling one of them out. "Hi Der. I can leave if you want..." he said looking at me. "No. You're fine. What are you drawing?" I asked looking over his shoulder. "A wolf." He mumbled. "Very clever." I joked. "I was trying to think of what you would look like in full wolf form." He mumbled. I smiled. "Maybe I'll show you some time." I said getting up.
"Scott stop!" Stiles laughed as the other tickled him. The girls were looking through movies to find one for tonight. The twins and Jackson were raiding my kitchen. And Isaac was laying on the floor on his phone. I rolled my eyes yawning as the thunder outside became louder.
Stiles POV
I jumped a little under Scott when I heard the thunder. "Relax." Scott said moving so I could get up. "sorry" I said quietly. "Where's Derek going?" I asked as he went upstairs. "Probably to bed. He has to work tomorrow." Isaac said. "But tomorrow is Saturday? He doesn't work on Saturday." I added. "His boss is being a real hard ass lately." Isaac got up. "Will you guys pick a movie already?" He groaned.Derek walked back downstairs in nothing but his boxers, going into the kitchen, and walking out with a bottle of water. "GOODNIGHT DEREK!!" Isaac yelled. "Night." He yawned scratching his head and marching back up the stairs.
He should never wear clothes.
The storm outside got worse as the night progressed. I pressed myself up against Scott for the movie falling asleep shortly before a loud crack of thunder shook the house. I wanted to cry. I fucking hate thunder. Everyone was asleep spread out in the living room. I shook Scott. "Scott wake up." I said softly. He groaned and pushed me away. I sighed jumping again as the house shook.
Staring at the staircase for a minute or so I finally got up. "Derek's not guna kill you." I mumbled to myself making my way to his room.
"Der." I said hearing my voice shake. "Stiles?" He said half asleep. "Are you okay? Whats wrong?" He yawned rolling onto his back. "C-can I sleep in here?" I asked. "Why?" He asked sitting up. Before I could answer the thunder made me jump again. I squeezed my eyes shut trying not to cry knowing I failed as a tear rolled down my face. I opened my eyes to see Derek moving over. "Come on." He yawned. I climbed next to him feeling him pull me to his side. "Its just thunder." He mumbled. "I just don't like it." I said rubbing my eyes. He tightened his grip around me when the thunder shook the house again. "I'm sorry." I cried. "Just relax. I got you." He kissed my forehead.
Derek POV
I woke up to Stiles clinging to me. The storm hasn't gotten any better and by the way he kept rubbing his eyes I knew he'd been awake because of it for awhile. "Let me up." I said softly. "What? Why?" He said fear lacing his words. "I gotta get ready for work." I said untangling myself from him. He sat up and I felt his eyes on me while I was getting ready. "Why do you have to work?" He asked. "Cause my boss is an asshole." I replied hearing him let out a small puff of laughter. "I'll be home around 2. I think you can live until then." I turned to face him. He shook his head. "Scott's still sleeping." He said tensing up when the thunder roared for the millionth time. "Isaac's awake." I said. "Why's he awake?" He asked. I shrugged "Isaac's always up this early." He sighed. "Isaac's not you though." I sat next to him. "So? Why do you need me?" I asked. "I feel safe with you." He mumbled and if my hearing wasn't heightened I probably wouldn't of heard him clearly. I sighed "Why are you so afraid of thunder?" I asked. He looked down playing with the blanket. "I don't know. I uh..I think it's partially because the died...there..was a really, really bad storm...the power went out across beacon hills. I-it just scares me." He said starting to cry. I pulled him into a tight hug. "I'll be back at two. No later. I promise." I whispered to him. "Okay.." he said softly basically jumping into my lap. "Why won't this damn storm stop!?" He cried. I kissed his cheek "come on" I got up."Yeah?" Isaac yawned opening his bedroom door. I pushed Stiles toward him "he doesn't like the thunder and I have to leave" I said seeing Stiles give me the cutest sad look ever. "So that's where you ran off too last night." Isaac smirked wrapping an arm around him. "Two?" He asked me. I nodded. "No later."
Stiles POV
I was stuck to Scott's side as soon as he woke up."Stiles, relax." Scott laughed. "Yeah, no. I can't." I replied. "I think I'm dying. This is what dying feels like." I said. "Why are you so afraid of thunder?" Isaac asked. "I don't want to talk about it. I've just always been afraid of it." I mumbled hearing the door open. I saw Derek walk in a pull off his jacket.
"Der!" I called running over and hugging him. "Its only 12:30" I mumbled into his shoulder. "I know." He replied. "You needed me." He said. "Can you let go now?" He chuckled. "I wanna change." I hugged him tighter. "No." I replied trying to keep my balance on my tip toes. He sighed and picked me up carrying me upstairs.
"I'm so sick of thunder." I mumbled into his shoulder. "You're getting yourself all wet by hugging me." He replied. "I don't care, I don't feel scared with you." I said. He kissed my neck "let go real quick." He mumbled. I sighed sitting on his bed.
He pulled off his shirt and pants pulling a pair of sweatpants lazily up not covering his ass all the way and walking to his dresser. I knew he could probably tell I was staring but I couldn't help it. His ass is just...perfect. I heard him laugh as he opened a box on top of his dresser and pulling his boxers down more. "That better for ya?" He asked. "I uh..I'm..I didn't....I'm sorry." I mumbled still staring. He laughed again walking over to me fixing his pants. "You're cute when your nervous." He said sitting next to me. I was about to reply when I heard more thunder making me jump.
He wrapped a necklace around my neck, the pendant in the shape of a crescent moon. Afterwards he put on one of his own. His was a Gibbous, the opposite of a crescent.
"I uh...I think I know why you feel safe with me." He said. "This will tell me if I'm right." He said moving closer pushing the pendants together. "Hold yours." He mumbled. I grabbed it looking up at him and back down. The pendants started to glow making Derek smile. "Why's it.." I started. Derek dropped the necklace kissing me. "My Luna." He whispered. "You're what? Derek, why'd it glow like that. I'm so confused." I said feeling him press his lips against mine again.
"Right, you uh, you know it as mate." He said. "You're my mate. But we don't really use that term, we use Luna. Um..the necklaces were from my mom." He started. "She used them with my dad, he was human like you, it helps you figure out if you're mated to each other." He paused. "When wolves are mated to other wolves it's easy to tell. But when we're mated to a human it's more difficult. I mean, I kinda figured, I just wasn't sure. I am now." He said. "So I'm..we're.." he nodded.
"Luna" Derek called me. I smiled "what sourwolf?" I asked. "I just wanted to call you my luna." He smiled. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HIM!?" Erica yelled. I laughed. "I called him Luna." Derek responded wrapping his arms around me from behind. Erica and Isaac squealed while the rest of the pack shot around confused looks. "Why'd you call him that?" Scott asked "cause he's my Luna." Derek smiled kissing my cheek. "What the fuck is a Luna?" Jackson asked. "Me." I replied as Derek kissed my cheek. "They're mates." Isaac filled in. "That's so fucking cute!" Lydia screamed running over and hugging us. "Get married, right now. I'm planning the wedding." She said. "I think it's a little early." Derek laughed looking at me. "I just want you to hold me." I said softly resting my head on his shoulder.
We spent the rest of the night in the living room with the pack. Isaac, Scott, and the twins were playing video games. Jackson and Lydia were arguing about something stupid. Boyd and Erica were on the floor talking amongst themselves. I, on the other hand, was wrapped in my mate's arms protected from the wind and rain.
"You okay?" He asked in my ear. I nodded "I'm with you aren't I?" I asked seeing him smile. "My Luna." He whispered kissing me. "Mine."
I don't know where this came from but I spent the time to write it so here it is. This was also longer than I expected it to be(1647 words). Two claps for me. *clap* *clap*
Okay, well goodnight everyone. You're all perfect, don't forget that!!!

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: