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I watched Stiles in the kitchen. He was making everyone dinner for the meeting tonight and got here early because he found a recipe he wanted to try. Isaac and him had been talking about school while he was sorting through everything he needed to make the food. I couldn't help but notice how fucking perfect he is. His moles looked more like constellations scattered across his skin. His hair was always the perfect amount of messy now that he'd let it grow out. I'm hoping he keeps it this length. I can just picture my hands running through it. Gripping onto it. Pulling it. He wiggled his nose and looked at me, his eyes seemed to dart around a bit, as if he was examining me. They're a deep earthy brown but there's a ring around them that reminds me of a new penny. One you find on the sidewalk that glistens in the sun. And then he smiled at me. A big toothy smile that faded into a shy one. He bit his lip and turned back toward Isaac as he let out a laugh.

"Babe!" I yelled, my car window rolled down. He turned to look at me, waving toward his friends as he ran over.

"Der!" He smiled climbing into the Camaro, "What're we having for dinner?"

He clicked his seatbelt and started to play with the radio, "I was thinking Pad Thai."

"Yum." He smiled, his hand closing around mine.

We sat up all night watching movies, playing video games, and just being together. We fell asleep well after midnight. I heated up some left overs when I got up seeing it was 12:30 in the afternoon. Stiles followed me out, feet rubbing across the floor.

He wrapped his arms around my neck, "Can we do nothing all day?"

"Yeah, we can." I smiled, pressing a kiss onto his lips.


Stiles squealed as he walked into the bathroom. I laughed dumping more bubbles into the tub.

"You're a child."

"Yeah, but you love me." He smiled, pulling his shirt over his head.

I watched him climb into the tub before handing him a glass.

"You're being awfully romantic, bubble bath and wine?"

"Champagne, actually." I got in behind him

"What's the occasion?"

I wrapped my arms around his middle, "Nothing, I just love you."


We laid in bed that night, Stiles' head in the crook of my neck, legs thrown over mine.

"I never thought it'd be you." He said sleepily. "I never thought I'd fall in love with you, of all people."

"I'm glad it was you." I replied kissing his head.

"Me too, Derek."



I shook out of my thoughts looking up at Isaac and Stiles who were both staring at me. "Yeah?" I asked.

Isaac laughed, Stiles rolling his eyes, "Can you try this?" He asked holding a spoon out toward me.

I tried it, Stiles watching me like a hawk, "It's amazing, Stiles."

He beamed at my reply, "Awesome."

I sighed, walking off into the living room. I can only imagine what it would be like to be loved by Stiles Stilinski.

Do you guys want a one-shot about Sterek hiding their relationship or a Sterek with Kids one-shot. IDK what to write next.

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