All I've Ever Wanted

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This is for Always_Reading1410 I hope you like it!

Derek POV

We were supposed to have a meeting but neither Scott nor Stiles are here. And they are the one's with the information we needed for the meeting.

I groaned pulling out my phone, again, and calling Scott. Once again, no answer. I tried Stiles, the line rang twice and I heard his voice. 

"Hello?" His voice was muffled like he was covering his mouth. "Stiles, where are you?" I heard a sob break through his lips into his hand. "I-I'm not coming to the meeting tonight Derek." He said. "What's wrong?" I asked walking away from the rest of the pack. "N-nothing. I uh, I just...I don't want to talk about it right now." He let out another choked cry making my heart break. "Stiles, you can talk to me." I said honestly. "I know Derek. I'll talk to you later." He said sniffling and hanging up.

As I was walking back to the living room the loft door opened and Scott waltzed in. "Where have you been?" I asked angrily. "No where important." He snapped pushing a folder into my chest and sitting next to Isaac. "I've been calling you for the passed hour!" I snapped back, throwing the folder onto the coffee table harshly. "I was busy. Get on with this fucking thing before I leave." His eyes flashing. I flashed red back at him making him remember who was in charge here. 

The next morning there was a knock on my door, my bedroom door. "uh..yeah..come in." I yawned rubbing my eyes. I watched the door slowly open and the owner of the knock walk in. "Stiles?" I questioned seeing his eyes were all puffy like he had just got done crying. He opened his mouth like he wanted to say something but his voice hitched and he broke into tears. I got up quickly pulling him into a hug. "It's okay." I cooed. "I-I need you're h-help." He said into my shoulder. 

We were sitting at the island in my kitchen before he started talking. I watched him stir his cup of coffee around for a few moments before letting a sigh escape. "I need to borrow some money." He said softly. "How much money?" I asked. "t-two thousand dollars..." He said, voice so low that if I didn't have heightened hearing I wouldn't have heard him. "Two-Stiles, that's a lot of money." I said rubbing my hands over my face. "I-I'll pay it all back. I'm going to look for jobs today. I need to help my dad we don't...we're stuck and it's my fault." Tears silently falling from his cheeks to the counter below him. "How is it your fault?" I watched him wipe his face, hesitating, almost as if he was deciding if he wanted to tell me or not. "My dad spends most of his money on my pills because the insurance won't cover it. A-and depression and anxiety is way to bad for me to not have them. A-and my ADHD pills only get half covered from our insurance and..I just..he couldn't pay the bills last month. Our power got shut off. I-I wanted to talk to Scott, to ask him what I should do and he told me to 'stop being such a scaredy cat and get over it' like that's even something I can control." He kept his gaze locked on his cup. "I just want to be able to help him out." He sighed.

"Tell you what." I said getting up and grabbing my jacket. "I'll give you one thousand." I said starting to write the check out. "And, until you guys start getting back on your feet, I'll pay for your pills. Okay?" I said. "I don't know how long that'll be I can't ask you to do that." He said finally looking at me. "I want to." I pushed the check in front of him. "I'll pay you back. Every penny." He said. I sighed walking around the island over to him. "I don't want you too." I said pushing a kiss onto his forehead. "I do want to go back to bed though." He looked up at me. "I know it's early I'm sorry." he said softly wrapping his arms around me. 

Stiles POV

"Why are you guys in such a rut?" Scott asked spinning in my computer chair. "Because of my pills." I replied. "What ones?" He asked. "All of them, my depression, anxiety, ADHD." He stopped spinning and looked at me. "I don't know what to do Scott." I mumbled knowing he heard the words crystal clear. "I do, stop being such a scaredy cat and get over it." He replied. "What are you talking about?" I replied. "If you weren't such a scaredy cat you wouldn't need your anxiety pills, and if you got over whatever the hell is holding you down, there goes the depression too." He replied. "You're kidding me right?" I asked. "No, I know what it's like to be sad sometimes. I get over it without pills." He replied. "You're an idiot." I snapped. "If I could just 'get over it' don't you think I would have by now?" he shrugged. "You probably just like the attention." He said starting to spin again. "Oh my god. Get the fuck out." I snapped again. "What?" He asked pausing his spinning to look at me. "I said get out. Leave." I yelled. He rolled his eyes. "You're only mad because I stated the truth." He got up walking to my door. "YOU'RE A FUCKING IDIOT SCOTT! I can't fucking believe you would even say that to me." He laughed "It's cause it's true. You're whole 'I'm so sad' shit is getting old. Get over yourself, other people have bigger problems than you do Stiles." he said leaving.

I woke up in Derek's arms. He was rubbing patterns on my hip where my shirt rose up a little. "You okay?" His voice was hoarse with sleep. "yeah." I whispered rubbing my face and relaxing back into him. I looked around his room. It's weird being in here, to be laying in his bed with him. I don't even remember coming up here. The fact that I'm exhausted and didn't sleep at all last night probably took part in that situation. "Scott was an idiot for saying that to you." He said softly as if reading my mind. "I know. It hurts though. And don't pity me, I hate when people pity me." I replied. I felt him softly pinch the skin on my hip. "Looks like we do have something in common Stilinski." He said. I looked up to see a small smile spread across his face. "Yeah, I guess we do."

We had a pack bonding the following Friday and I definitely wasn't ready. Derek ended up picking me up and taking me to the pharmacy to get my pills. I felt horrible as I watched him pay for them. He had a horrible look on his face. He looked sad almost. I grabbed the bag off the counter looking up at him. "Are you sure you want to do this? I feel horrible." I said sadly. "I'm sure Stiles." He smiled wrapping an arm around my waist.

We pulled into his driveway seeing most of the pack was already there. I really don't want to see Scott right now but I know I have to. He's pack. 

Derek grabbed my duffel bag from the backseat and got out. I followed him inside, the pack turning to look before going back to their own conversations. Derek took my bag upstairs. It's weird that he's being so nice right now. I set my pills on the counter, facing the counter I propped my head up on my hands, elbows jabbing themselves into the hard surface. 

I felt someone wrap themselves around me from behind, nose buried in the crook of my neck.  "Cheer up." He mumbled. "I can't." I replied. He turned me around so I was facing him. "What's wrong?" He asked. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders to play with the hair on his neck. "I just, I feel horrible. I wish I could just fix it by myself..a-and I wish my best friend wasn't such an douche..I just. Nothing seems to be going right." I said sadly. "What about this?" He asked "What ar-" I was cut off by Derek's lips being pressed against mine. I felt my eyes shut slowly as I melted into the kiss. "Did that feel right?" He asked against my lips. "That felt perfect." I whispered back. He smiled kissing me again before pulling me into the living room.

Before I even had a chance to sit down Scott stopped me. "C-can we please talk?" he asked. He looks like shit, then again, I don't look much better. I nodded and followed him to the kitchen.

"I just, I'm sorry. Like, really sorry. I-I talked to my mom..she explained it to me. I didn't realize...I've never had to deal..I didn't know." He said not being able to figure out exactly what he wanted to say. "What you said hurt." I replied. "That..I do it for attention. Why would I do that?" I asked. "I don't know, I just kinda thought...I mean your the only human in the pack, I guess I just thought you wanted something to make you..stand out I guess. I don't know, it was stupid and I realize that and I'm really sorry." He said. "I forgive you" I said softly. "Can we be friends again?" he asked. "We can try." I smiled a little. He wrapped me in a hug and I'm pretty sure someone growled. I turned around to see Derek walking toward us. 

"Hi Der." I said. He didn't respond as he opened the fridge, grabbed a beer, and walked out. 

We walked back into the living room and Scott pulled me down next to him. Derek gave me this look like 'what the hell' making me send back an apologetic one.

After the movie the pack wanted to play a game. We all got up to sit around the table, Derek hooked his hand around my arm pulling me towards him. I smiled "Hey sourwolf." I said wrapping my arms around his neck. "You were supposed to sit by me." He pouted quietly into my shoulder. "I'm sorry Der." I smiled. "We can sit together now." I suggested pulling him toward the rest of the pack. The only seats left unoccupied were on opposite sides of the table from each other. I pushed Derek into the chair closest to us and sat on his lap. "Better?" I asked ignoring the looks from the pack. He nodded "Good, now you don't have to be all jealous." I said turning to look at what game they chose. "I wasn't jealous." He said, the tone of voice stating I offended him. "You totally were." I replied grabbing a monopoly game piece.

I felt him grab my face, turning my head so I was looking at him. "No, I wasn't." He said before kissing me. I smiled into the kiss tuning out the comments from the pack. He pulled away and said "But you're mine." he pecked my lips again before turning his attention to the game.

I felt him snake his arms around my waist pulling me as close as he could.

I kissed his cheek and turned my attention to the game. I felt him kiss my shoulder softly.

 It took me awhile but I finally realized, Derek Hale is all I've ever wanted. 

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