It was pack bonding tonight. They were having a bonfire at Derek's new house and everyone was having a good time, drinks in hand, music playing. Stiles watched fondly as Derek laughed with some of the pack members, Scott calling the human over toward them. They all had a small conversation before they walked off to play beer pong leaving Stiles alone with the Alpha.
"Don't look so sad." Derek laughed pulling him into his arms, beer bottle clasped tightly in his hand.
Stiles laughed allowing himself to relax into the wolf, "I thought werewolves couldn't get drunk."
"Hey," Derek piped, brows scrunched together, "I am not drunk." He scoffed. "Tipsy, maybe. But not drunk." Stiles snorted. "I don't know what Deaton did this time but whatever it is, it's good."
Stiles just smiled, he liked when Derek was able to open up. When he let his actual self shine through his hard exterior. He had such a hopeless crush on the wolf and everyone knew it. But who could blame him? Derek was all soft and squishy inside and it just made everyone so happy.
"Stop thinking," Derek whined, starting to sway the two back and forth with the song.
"Sorry." Stiles mumbled, "You seem happy."
Derek just smiled, "Well, yeah. I'm with you aren't I?" Stiles rolled his eyes. "What?"
"Nothing, Der."
They swayed for a while, ignoring the howls of the pack nearby as the game started coming to an end. Derek lifted the younger males chin. "You know you're beautiful, right?"
"You're drunk, Bear."
Derek shook his head, "I told you, I'm not. Promise." He said, eyes scanning every inch of the others face.
He leaned in pressing his lips to Stiles', Stiles let his arms snake up around Derek's neck as they devoured each other. "Let's go inside." Derek whispered.
"Why?" Stiles muttered back, pressing little kisses on the wolf's lips.
Derek rubbed their noses together, "I wanna be with just you."
The wolf led the other into his room, pushing him gently toward the bed. "No." Stiles said.
"What?" Derek pouted.
"I'm not having sex with you, Der." Stiles sighed, biting his lip. "You're drunk."
Derek shook his head and laughed, "Again, I'm not. And I don't wanna have sex."
"Then why are we in here?"
Derek rubbed the back of his neck, "iwannacuddle." He mumbled under his breath.
"Yeah, excuse me, what was that?"
He groaned, "I wanna cuddle..." his words twisted through the air as a whine escaped the older male's throat.
Stiles laughed, nodding, "We can cuddle."
Stiles woke up the next morning, Derek still fast asleep next to him, little puffs of air hitting him gently. He watched the wolf's troubled eyes as they moved slightly, his heart clenched knowing he fell in love even more with every breath. He almost wondered if Derek was actually asleep, if he was dreaming of the younger male. He sighed, brushing the thought off, staring up at the ceiling.
When Derek finally woke up he yawned, glassy eyes staring lovingly at the pale boy. Stiles just smiled a little knowing this moment would soon be covered up. He knew already, he knew Derek covered everything he truly was up, he made everything seem dark, but sometimes, like right now, when he had his guard down and it was just them, Stiles was able to see the light shine through.
The pack woke up and had breakfast together before heading out for the day. Derek became his grumpy old self toward the pack again making Stiles' heart break a little bit. Stiles tended to hang around a bit longer after pack nights to help clean up. Derek would keep on this façade though. He'd grunt and scowl and stay quiet while Stiles would talk to him. Then he would mutter about going for a run.
Stiles would sigh and watch the wolf leave. He wanted Derek. He wanted him to be happy, to feel as if he could open up and be himself, to be his. They had moments. They had a lot of moments but every time Stiles would ask what was happening between them Derek would roll his eyes and tell him not to waste his time.
Stiles didn't see it as wasting time though, he didn't understand why Derek thought it was so crazy that someone could love him. Could want to do things to help him and make him happy. Stiles didn't care. He would let Derek be grumpy because he was a fool for him, even if Derek thought it was crazy.
"Thank you." Derek would always say when he saw Stiles made dinner, or straightened up, or just stayed with him so he wasn't alone. But it wasn't what Derek said, no, it was how he said those two simplistic words. Vulnerability squeezing the life out of them. Derek's eyes screaming for the other to just stay, please. Derek's shoulders would drop, his scowl would fade, and he'd relax around Stiles. Even if it was only a little.
Stiles showed up late one night after Derek had butt dialed him, Derek quickly apologized on the phone but Stiles could hear the sadness in the air as he spoke. So he got in his jeep and made his way over.
The wolf was sitting on the porch when Stiles arrived. Didn't even bother to look up at him when he got out of the car. The younger plopped down next to him pretending the wolf's cheeks weren't stained with tears.
"You don't have to do this on your own." Stiles said quietly, his hand intertwining with Derek's. After a moment Stiles spoke up again, "I can be your shoulder to lean on, your right when you feel wrong."
Derek just turned to look at him. Stiles gave him a sad smile and wiped away the tears.
"Why?" Derek asked, voice cracking, "Why do you keep coming back when I keep pushing you away?"
"You don't understand yet?" Stiles chuckled, "Let me be the one to bear the pain, I'm not going anywhere. I want to break down your walls. I'm here. I love you."
Derek bit his lip, eyes watching his every move before he just nodded, scooting closer to let Stiles hold him. "Thank you." His words were barely a whisper, "I love you." They sat together, Stiles rubbing comforting circles on Derek's back as the wolf's tears became sniffles, "please don't leave me."
"I won't."
If you have a request message me or comment below. I'll try to do it for you :)
Hope you liked this one

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: