Moment Like You

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Stiles Stilinski is unlike any other and maybe I'm the only one to notice, to appreciate it.

Unlike most people, Stiles enjoys the little things. He doesn't look at something like most would, he values it's use, he's astonished by the concept that it's even possible to have such a thing in a world like this. That is what I love most about this boy.

"Stiles?" I questioned the pale teenager who was swinging on the playground swings. "Hi Der!" He said happily with a huge grin on his face. "Aren't you a little old to be playing on the swings?" I ask. Stiles laughed "you're never to old to swing and besides I love swinging so I don't care." He said not slowing his pace back and forth. "Why?" I asked. "Its the closest thing to flying I can get." He said. "I mean, you can go so high and when you feel like you might fall, this silly little thing catches you." He sounded amazed. "Like who could've thought of such a thing?" He asked not seeking out an actual response from me on the subject. I smiled at the teen. He truly is something.

I was walking through the woods near my old house. I was planning on rebuilding it but I needed to find some motivation and lately, I'm lacking.

I passed Stiles sitting by a small creek tossing rocks into it. "Hey kid" I said making the other jump. "Hi" he said softly tossing another rock into the water. "You okay?" I questioned sitting next to him. "Yeah" he said genuinely. "Why are you out here?" I asked. "Its pretty. Peaceful." He said tossing another rock. "I know it's weird. A teenager choosing to sit here alone than play video games or hang with his loser friends." He said not seeming to care if that's what I thought. "Its a little strange, but I used to do it so I can't say much." I said hitting his arm lightly with my own. "Its just...peaceful." he sighed. "like, I think it's cool that we have all this stuff like computers but this, this is real. You can't fake this. And don't say you can because when people try it looks like shit." I laughed. "I know what you mean Stiles." He rested his head on my shoulder.

The pack wanted to have a bonfire so of coarse Stiles being up for practically anything convinced his dad into letting him have everyone over. His dad was working the night shift tonight and told Stiles several times that he better not destroy the house.

Stiles was watching the pack laugh and talk with each other. Smiling to himself before setting his gaze in the fire. He was quiet, content. I pushed my leg against his making him shoot his gaze to me. "Hi" he said softly. "What you thinking about?" I asked the rest of the pack lost in their own conversations. "How lucky I am to have this giant group of idiots." He chuckled. "If Scott hadn't gotten bit...I wouldn't have this little family...I wouldn't have you." He said softly. "Its kind of amazing." He set his eyes back on the fire. "Something that was seemingly so fictional to everyone...actually being so real. Like, that's just..I can't even put it into words. And without this...this..." he struggled to verbalize his thoughts. "If Scott hadn't gotten bit..I would've never even spoken to any of you..let alone be sitting here with everyone. I only ever had Scott a-and I just...I'm glad I'm in this pack. It means way more to me than you know, than I know how to explain." He said a tear escaping down his cheek. I wrapped in arm around him "we're not going anywhere. Okay?" I said for only him to hear. He leaned into my touch "you better not."

I watched as Stiles sat on the porch of the newly rebuilt "pack house" (as the pack called it) he dragged me outside because in his words "the sky looks like cotton candy." And he was right. The way the sun hit the clouds as it set covering every inch of what just minutes ago was blue with pink. It was amazing. His face covered in awe as he walked out into the grass more. The trees covered it a bit but he was amazed none the less.

And as he stared at the sky in awe, I stared at my world. "Its beautiful." He said not moving his gaze from the sky. "Yeah" I replied not moving my gaze from him.

First, I'm camping but yet here I am trying to update my stories/one-shots. Dedicated. Haha

Second, I thought of this while swinging and listening to 'Moment Like You' by Lia Marie Johnson. So yeah, if you want to listen to that go for it.

Anyways, if anyone has a request let me know. I get home on Sunday so I will probably work on all my stories then. I'll try to post soon. Have a good 4th of July guys and gals!!!!

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