Catching Fireflies(Help A/N)

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Okay, so I made this interactive Teen Wolf book called catching Fireflies but took it down awhile ago. It has Seven chapter currently and I reposted it all. I just don't know if it's a story people actually want to read and I don't know if I should continue it. Basically the readers choose what happens throughout the story. It's all explained in the actually book. I just wanted to know if you guys would be interested in it or not. I'm going to post the first chapter below so you can read it and decide whether or not you want to continue and go to the actual book. I personally really like it and want to continue it but I need people to read it in order to do so. Sorry for the long note, anyways here's the first chapter.


Ships: Stiles/Derek, Scott/Isaac, Allison/Kira/Lydia(I'm gonna try, it might not be very good), Jackson/Ethan, Erica/Boyd, Cora/Aiden, John/Melissa

I didn't establish any other minor character relationships just because they will play such a minor part it's kind of pointless.

Kay, leggo.

"Seriously, the cabin? We haven't been there in forever?" Cora groaned at her older brother.

Derek rolled his eyes. "Exactly. Mom and Dad took us there every summer. I miss it."

"Yeah and then the accident happened."

"Come on, Cor. It'll be fun!" Derek sighed. "Please?"

"If you can convince your boyfriend to spend the entire summer in a ratty old cabin in the middle of the woods, I'll go."

"Fine." Derek said grabbing his phone.




Derek groaned. "Stiles, come on."

"Derek I hate camping." Stiles whined.

"It's not camping."

"No internet, no service, the middle of the woods." Stiles counted on his fingers. "Sounds like camping to me."

"It's better than it sounds, I swear."

Stiles rolled his eyes. "No."

Scott laughed from where he was splayed across Stiles' bed watching the two argue. "I think it sounds fun. Like, a giant pack bonding all summer. There's a lake, right?" Derek nodded. "Cool. I'm in. I'm sure Isaac won't care. Convince Lydia and we should be all set."

"Mmm, I don't know about that. Is Erica gonna be all in too? And I already know Cora doesn't want to go either. How you getting pretty boy Whittemore there? He's not gonna go willingly." Stiles fought.

"Come on, Stiles." Derek begged. "Just give it a try, if you really hate it, you can leave."

"No." He snapped. "I'm not going. I can't leave my dad and I'd rather rot in front of my computer or be eaten by a shark."

"Your dad is fine. He's got my mom." Scott added.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Your mom is at work just as much as my dad is."

"You're going." Scott said.

"I'm not going."


"What are you doing?" Stiles snapped as he watched his dad packing his stuff into a bag.

"Scott told me you won't go with the pack to the cabin. I'm helping."

Stiles' jaw dropped. "Why do you actually hate me?"

"It'll be good for you Stiles. Melissa and I will stop up for a week or so after you guys get there. Alright?"

Stiles sighed, "But I don't want to go."

"You're going." John said. "You'll have more fun than you think."

"Remember that one time we went camping? Yeah, me too. I almost was attacked by a fricken bear!"

"It was a beaver and it just looked at you and ran away."



"Derek! Put me down!" Stiles yelled, Derek had the younger boy thrown over his shoulder.

He pushed Stiles into the passenger seat of the car. "Okay."

"I'm not going."

"Yes you are."

Stiles huffed. "I don't want to!"

"Stiles, come on."

"But, Derek." He whined. "My dad's not there, there's no wifi, and it's in the middle of nowhere."

Derek kissed him. "Please, for me?"

Stiles hit him. "I hate when you use that line on me."

Derek smiled.

"How'd you even get anyone else to agree anyways?" Stiles pouted.

Cora snorted. "Don't worry, this is against my will too." She said throwing a pillow and blanket into the back seat of Derek's SUV.

Stiles whined, "I don't want to go!" Derek pushed him into the car more before he shut the door.

Jackson and Ethan climbed into the car next. "It's okay, Stiles. You'll live." Ethan said, patting the others shoulder.

Stiles huffed, leaning back into the seat, watching as Derek directed Scott and Boyd on what to do for the car ride there. They had three cars, Jackson, Ethan, Cora, Stiles, and Derek in one. Scott, Isaac, Allison, Kira, and Lydia in another. And Boyd, Erica, and Aiden in the last. Derek mentioned something about stopping to get a hotel or something instead of driving straight there since he knew the pack would get antsy over the course of the seven hour drive and they weren't in any rush. Peter made some snarky comment as Derek got into the car making him roll his eyes.

"Ready?" He asked, kissing the younger boy.

Stiles snorted. "Yeah, whatever."

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