I got the title from this song.
Requested by @NAH206 sorry it took so long. Hope you like it!!I watched as the houses all blurred together as I drove down the road toward Scott's house. The sun was just starting to rise making the atmosphere calming.
I slowed down and turned into his driveway seeing his mom walking out of the house as I got out of my Jeep.
"Morning, Melissa." I said.
"Morning, Stiles." She smiled back tapping my arm as I walked past her.
I walked into their kitchen to see Scott pulling his waffles out of the toaster.
"Hey, bro!" He smiled at me before turning back to his waffles.
"Hey, hurry up. We're late." I laughed.
"We'll be fine. Finstock doesn't even start class right away."
I rolled my eyes pulling a granola bar from his cupboard. "I know, but if we keep showing up late we'll get detention."
"Don't stress so much." He sighed shoving the last pice of waffle into his mouth and taking care of his plate. "Now, let's go before you have a heart attack."
I rolled my eyes walking out to my Jeep. I waited for Scott to get in as I started the car. My arm rested against the window and I bit on my nail.
"What are you waiting for?" Scott laughed. I turned toward him.
"Sorry." I dropped my hand and pulled out of his driveway.
By the time we reached the school first period had already started. Scott had been rambling the entire walk from my Jeep to the front doors. I looked over seeing Derek Hale and the rest of his group off to the side. Erica Reyes was puffing on a cigarette as Jackson Whittemore spoke and Vernon Boyd stood silently by them. Derek, however, was in the middle leaning against the wall staring at me. Me. Why? Did I look stupid? I mean I normally look stupid but..do I look worse than normal? Did I do something to piss him off. I don't even see him during the day. He's a senior. He's a jock. I'm a sophmore. A nerd. We're two polar opposites.
He smirked at me and winked. I felt my breath hitch and my face heat up as I dropped my head and walked into the school.
"Stiles." I looked up from my table in the library to see Erica in front of me.
"Get up. Come with me."
"What? Why? I didn't do anything wrong?" I felt my heart rate increase.
She laughed. "Just come on Stilinski."
I grabbed my books from the table and followed cautiously after the blonde. We made it out front to the parking lot before I finally noticed Derek and the rest of his clique.
"Get in." Derek said softly.
"No." I replied.
"Why?" Derek smirked.
"We're at school..." I was trying to calm down but nothing was working.
Erica scoffed patting Derek on the chest before walking off with Boyd and Jackson.
"Stiles, just get in."
"You're too uptight. You need to learn to relax more."
I laughed "if you knew my dad you'd understand."
"I know your dad. The sheriff. We've had exhilarating conversations as I sat in the back of his car."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: