Will You Be My Valentine?

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From: Sourwolf
Morning, Stiles. You coming to the meeting tonight?

To: Sourwolf
Morning Der. I'll be there. You need anything?

From: Sourwolf
Nope. See you later :)

Stiles smiled down at his phone. Derek has sent him a smiley face and well that was not normal. Apparently the (sour)wolf was in a good mood today. The younger was already excited to see him but now he was more excited. He even had plans with Scott and Isaac later to play video games all night and pig out. Today was gonna be good. He could tell.

"Hey, Stiles?" Derek called, "could I talk to you for a minute?"

Scott and Isaac stopped in their tracks to look at the last member of their little group.

"I'll meet you guys there." Stiles smiled walking toward Derek.

The wolf was rubbing his hand nervously on his pants waiting for the other two to finally leave. "I just um...are you busy on Thursday?"

"What's Thursday?" He mumbled, more to himself than Derek, "oh Valentine's Day! Nope not busy, why?"

"Do you maybe umm..."

Stiles smiled, "Derek Hale are you asking me to be your valentine?"

"Um...I...yeah..." Derek mumbled looking down.

Stiles smiled, "I would love to be your Valentine." He reaches over to grab the wolf's hand.



Derek nodded a little, smile stitched onto his face, "I um...I made reservations...just in case."

"When're you picking me up??" Stiles asked swinging their hands.

"Seven." Derek pulled Stiles a little closer.

Stiles chuckled a bit, "you're cute when you're nervous."

"Shut up." Derek rolled his eyes.

"I should probably get going before they think you killed me."

"I'll walk you out?"

"I'd like that." Stiles smiled.

"Wait he what?" Scott asked.

"Asked me to be his Valentine."

"It's about damn time." Isaac mumbled, smashing his thumbs so hard into the controller the other two thought it might break.

Stiles snorted, flopping back on Scott's bed. "I've never had a valentine."

"Um, dude." Scott's voice laced with hurt.

He rolled his eyes in response, "Scottie, we were four. And you're my best friend. Doesn't count."

"Yes it does..." he mumbled.

"Are you two going to dinner?" Isaac asked, pausing the game to turn and face the other two who were on the bed. Stiles nodded, smiling. "Where??"

Stiles scrunched his brows, "I don't actually know...I didn't ask." He said pulling out his phone.

To: Sourwolf
Hey...where are we going to dinner??

From: Sourwolf

To: Sourwolf
Uh Der...that's really fancy

To: Sourwolf
And extremely expensive...

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