Part two of 'Kiss Me Before You Go' as requested by toonsgeek and Always_Reading1410 I hope it meets your standards. :)
Stiles POV
"C'mon guys what the hell." I spoke into the cold air. I was pacing around my Jeep waiting. I have half the nerve to go over there and fucking slap everyone of my pack members. Seriously, it was supposed to be a quick in, out. Go in. Kill some witches. Get out. But no. Its been 3 hours and still no pack."Derek, C'mon" I said not expecting a reply. "Babe, I'm right here." He said walking out. "Oh my God" I hugged him "you look like shit." I laughed helping him to the car. "Thanks?" He said getting in as the rest of the pack showed up. "We're going back to the loft." Derek said. "All of us."
Great. I don't want a pack meeting. I want to cuddle with my alpha and watch stupid movies. Why can't I have that?
"We can watch stupid movies later. Get in." Derek laughed. "Did I say that out loud??" I asked. Derek smiled "you might have."
It took no time to get back to the loft, at least for Derek and I. We got inside and he kissed my cheek before going to take a shower. The rest of the pack filed in as soon as Derek walked out hair still wet and dripping down his face.
"Why did it take you guys so long to fight the damn witches?" I asked. "Oh I dunno Stiles, why don't you go fight them next time?" Scott said. I rolled my eyes. "You guys don't let me fight." I sighed. "I don't need an injured Stiles on my hands. You're already enough of a pain in the ass." Derek joked. "Wow. Fuck you." Derek winked at me.
"Where's Isaac?" The alpha asked shortly after. Scott pointed toward the end of the hall toward Isaac's room. Derek kissed me on the forehead before turning around to go talk to his beta.
"What was that?" Scott asked. "What was what?" I asked. "You and Derek?" Lydia snapped. "I don't know what you guys are talking about." I said pulling out some chicken to make dinner.
"Derek! Stop! I'll be fine!" Isaac yelled as Derek carried him over his shoulder. I watched the broody male set the other one down. "I'm taking Isaac to see Deaton." Derek said grabbing his jacket and keys. "Why what's wrong?" Scott asked "stupid witch hit me" Isaac whined. "And I'm pretty sure my insides are melting." He added. "Isaac!" Scott yelled. "Why didn't you tell anyone you got hit!?" I sighed giving Scott a 'relax' look "It wasn't a big deal?" Isaac said "let's go." Derek said sternly. I sighed watching them walk out.
I turned to the stove watching the flames emerge from underneath when I was turned around. "You're a diamond dear. I'll be back in a few." Derek said softly to me. I smiled pecking Derek softly on the lips. "I love you." I said. "I love you." He replied. "Don't take forever, okay?" I said. Derek nodded pressing a firm kiss to my cheek and walking out.
The pack was staring at me, mouths on the floor.
"EXCUSE ME!?" Lydia squealed. "What the hell was that" Scott asked. I smiled turning back to what I was doing.
Derek and Isaac got back right after we sat down to eat. I felt Derek press a kiss to my cheek before he stole my fork and taking a bite. I chuckled "it should still be warm." I told him. He nodded "you're a dime" he said walking into the kitchen. The pack's confused gazes returned plastered across their faces.
"Isaac are you okay?" I asked as him and Derek sat down. "Yeah. I'm fine." He replied shoveling food into his mouth. "Are we staying here or going to your house?" Derek asked me. "Well I'm already here so..." I said getting a small nod in return.
"Okay, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Scott flipped. "You guys hate each other. You're not supposed to be all lovey dovey." Jackson added. I ignored them, Derek on the other hand spoke up. "Why would I hate my boyfriend?" He asked honestly smirking as the pack nearly fainted. Isaac laughed. "Don't you mean mate?" He said. Derek threw a roll at him "asshole" he mumbled. "Wait, am I?" I asked. Derek nodded "you didn't tell him yet!? You guys have been together for almost a year!" Isaac laughed. Scott choked on his food. "A year? An entire fucking year and you guys didn't think it'd be nice to mention this to us?" He asked. I shrugged. "No. There's no fucking way." Jackson started. "You guys didn't even start acting like a couple until tonight." He said.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Derek asked. "This kid can't go two seconds without touching me." He joked. I rolled me eyes. "Idiot. But seriously you guys are just to oblivious to realize it." I said. Isaac nodded "they're always holding hand and shit." The doe eyed boy said.
"And why did you say that thing before you left?" Lydia asked curiosity laced in her words. "What? The you're a diamond dear. I'll be back in a few.?" Derek asked. Lydia nodded. "He's always done that." I said. "Cause he's a diamond." Derek stated. "I mean look at him. He's fucking gorgeous." He said. "Der, stop." I whined. "No. You're even cuter when you blush." Derek smiled as my face was drenched in red. "Thats adorable." Lydia squealed. "I'll fucking kill you." Scott said harshly. "Excuse me?" I asked. "If he hurts you, I'm going to kill him." He told me. I rolled my eyes. "I'd kill myself if I ever hurt him." Derek replied.
The pack left after dinner leaving me and my alpha alone.
He wrapped his arms around me kissing me. "You're a diamond dear."
I hope this was good, I tried. My migraine isn't helping anything though. So..yeah.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: