Let's play a game. Find the Aly and AJ song reference. Name the song.
This has a lot of Scissac for a one-shot book about Sterek...
Isaac groaned to himself as he pulled up to the house Derek had bought in replace of the loft. He could hear the alpha arguing with Stiles from the driveway. It was becoming a normal thing and Isaac wasn't sure how much more he could take. It hurt him when they fought. He looked up to them. Derek was a father figure to the young man and Stiles kind of seemed to take over the role of the mother he never had, despite being a male, so hearing them fight sent an ache through his body.
He sighed pushing open the front door, the yells getting louder as he got further into the house. He didn't know what they were arguing about but he guessed it was something stupid, again. The last time he came home to them fighting they had started an argument over the laundry because Stiles knocked over the bottle of bleach while trying to do a dark load and Derek got overly annoyed by the accident.
The loud slam coming from Isaac's bedroom door is what made the two shut up. Isaac listened quietly only to hear the front door slam and Derek let out a strangled growl, his bedroom door slamming.
Isaac laid on his bed and pulled out his phone to message Scott.
To: Scott
They're fighting again.From: Scott
I'm sorry. What's it about this time?To: Scott
I don't know, Stiles stormed out tho. Derek's hiding in his room.From: Scott
So, it was a bad one? Great.To: Scott
I wish they would stop. All their fights are stupid. 'You didn't do the dishes' 'You forgot to get groceries' 'You're always late' Like, it's so annoying.From: Scott
I know, babe. You want me to come get you?To: Scott
No, you have to work. I'll live. I just wish they'd realize how great they are together and stop fighting. It hurts.From: Scott
Do you want me to start fighting with you like an old married couple too? Dammit Is, you didn't call me this morning.To: Scott
lol no that's okay.
Isaac heard a 'BANG' from the other end of the house and some shuffling around before his phone went off again.
From: 'Dad'
I'm sorry we keep fighting.From: 'Dad'
This one was my fault.From: 'Dad'
You don't have to worry about it anymore.Isaac stared at the messages for a few minutes, ignoring the message he had just gotten from Scott as he got off his bed and left his room. He pushed open Derek's door to see his dresser was knocked over and Derek was laying on his bed, his face buried in the pillow. The younger male sat down on the bed and wrapped himself around the other. It's as if his touch ignited something in Derek because as soon as Isaac hugged him he had broken out into sobs.
He had to hold back his own tears while he waited for his alpha to calm down enough to try to get anything out of him. Derek shook his head. "I'm fine. Go see Scott." Derek said softly.
Isaac rolled his eyes. "Just talk to me."
"We were talking about him moving in here and he was getting really hyper because he forgot to take his Adderall today and I said something about 'not knowing how his dad can put up with his shit' but I was joking." Derek sighed. "He got really upset and said something about not understanding how my parent's dealt with my shit. It just got worse from there." He let out a strangled laugh. "Before he left he said 'If I'm too much for you to handle then maybe we shouldn't be together' now he won't answer me."
Isaac sighed listening to Derek talk. He tried to reassure the other that everything would be okay, that him and Stiles would work it out because they always do. He didn't get an answer.
A few hours passed, Derek had fallen asleep, and Isaac was just getting up when the front door opened. He watched Stiles walk into the room, tear streaks coating his face as he forced a smile toward the other and climbed into the bed pushing himself under Derek's arm waking him up. Isaac smiled watching Derek cling onto the younger male hearing Stiles starting to cry and both of them quietly apologizing to each other.
When he walked out of Derek's room he saw Scott leaning against the counter in the kitchen. Scott smiled at him. "Hey, you."
"Hi." Isaac smiled hugging him.
"Come on, let's go before they finish making up." Scott said planting a kiss on the others lips and pulling him toward the front door.
This week had just better utter hell, Scott got a second job so Isaac now had to work around school, his job, and both of Scott's jobs if he wants to see his boyfriend. Not to mention he hasn't heard anything from the other all day. Derek and Stiles had fought again, this time over getting a pet, which thank god Derek convinced Stiles it wasn't a good idea right now because Stiles was neither financially capable of having a pet or motivationally capable of taking care of one.
But today, fucking today. Today was the cherry on top of the week. Not only had he missed his alarm and was late to class, but he failed his exam, got his coffee dumped on him, had someone spill their drink all over his notes for psychology while at the library on campus, and of course it's his birthday, his stupid birthday.
He sighed pulling into the driveway when he saw Stiles' bright blue Jeep parked right next to Derek's Camaro. He didn't want to deal with them fighting tonight. Any other night, just not tonight. He checked his phone again, hoping Scott finally had messaged him, but his heart seized when there were no messages.
When Isaac heard laughter upon walking inside he got extremely confused. He followed the noise into the kitchen to see Stiles and Derek cooking together, smiling, and Scott, the fucking bastard, was sitting on the counter.
"What's going on?" He sighed.
All three of them looked over. "Happy Birthday!" They chorused.
Isaac smiled before breaking into tears. Scott jumped down to hug him. "What's wrong??"
"I had such a bad day. A-And I thought you guys forgot." He cried.
"We'd never forget. Although, I hope a store bought cake is okay, Derek burned the one I made for you." Stiles added.
"I didn't mean to!" Derek yelled defensively.
Isaac laughed. "It's fine."
The rest of the night was good. The four of them sat cuddled up in the living room watching Disney movies and eating cake. Stiles had fallen asleep on top of Derek's chest. Scott was snoring, his head in Isaac's lap. Isaac lifted his head off of Derek's shoulder making the older male look at him.
"Happy Birthday, Pup." He smiled wrapping his arm around the other.
"Thanks Dad."
Sterek/Scissac family fluff for Daniel's birthday. Blah.

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: