Hi everyone! I'm not dead! I got sick but then I was promoted and then it was my birthday but I'm hoping my schedule slows down a bit now so I can get all the requests up!!
Based on Must've Been the Wind by Alec Benjamin
It was hard not to be excited with every little thing I did today. I was finally moving into my first apartment. It was outside of Beacon Hills but not by far. It was near school and I was still close enough to home that I could drive there for the weekends if I wanted. Everything just seemed to be going exactly the way I wanted. School was starting. I got a job. Roscoe was running as smoothly as ever.
I haven't met very many people in the building yet but I wanted to meet everyone. It was five stories. About five apartments on each floor. I got apartment 34. Floor three, apartment four. That's how they told me they decided to label everything. First number was the floor second was the apartment and then boom, 34.
I spent a few hours unpacking and getting some homework done before deciding to head to the store. It was getting late but I needed groceries and going to the store late at night meant less people.
The parking garage was full. Nobody actually around though, no surprise. It took a minute to remember where my Jeep was parked. Keys dropping and a mutter scaring me. I turned to see a man facing his car, he just picked his keys off the ground and opened the door. I got a sense of familiarity but I couldn't quite put my tongue on who it was. He turned a bit before getting into his car and it hit me. The stubble, the scowl, the bushy eyebrows. Everything. Derek Hale lives in my building.
"No, Scott. I'm serious Derek lives here."I could practically hear Scott's eye roll through the phone, "Derek is with Cora, bud. He would've told us if he came back."
"I know what I saw Scott."
"Well then maybe he just doesn't want to be pack anymore. Look, I don't know what to tell you man. Maybe say hi next time."
I sighed, I was about to answer when I heard glass shattering in the apartment above me and he could clearly tell someone was upset. "I gotta go, Scoot."
"Stop calling me that." Was all the he said before hanging up.
I didn't hesitate before leaving my apartment and heading to the elevator. I jabbed my finger into the button that said '4' and watched as the doors slowly closed. As soon as the opened I walked down the hall to the apartment above mine and knocked.
A few moments went by before the door opened and I was face to face with Derek.
"Uh, hey."
"Hi." Derek answered, voice quiet. His eyes were red and their were clear tear stains pressed on his cheeks.
"I heard a bunch of noise and glass shattering and...I just wanted to make sure everything was okay."
"I think your ears are playing tricks on you." Derek responded.
"But I-"
"Thanks for caring, Stiles, but I have to go. I didn't hear anything. It must've been the wind."
I nodded slightly, Derek giving me soft smile before closing the door. I know what I heard.
A few weeks had passed and I continued to hear noises above me. Not just footsteps and water but glass breaking, things being thrown. Noises that unsettled me.
I was laying on the floor, the cold concrete on my back, I was scrolling through different rugs on my phone when I heard it.
Derek screamed above me. It wasn't like a scream of him being attacked. It sounded broken and sad and like a cry for help.
I couldn't just leave him alone. I got up and made my way into the elevator and back to his door. I knocked again hearing some shuffling around before the door swung open.
"I heard screaming...are you okay?" I asked.
Derek licked his lips sighing and for a split second I thought he might let me in and talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Instead he said, "I think your ears are playing tricks of you."
My shoulders dropped in defeat, "are you sure?"
Derek nodded, "thanks again for caring Stiles, but I have to..." he jabbed his thumb back toward the inside of his apartment. I nodded slightly, "it must've been the wind."
It must have been.
Another week passed before I saw Derek again. We got into the elevator at the same time. He gave me a nod but didn't say anything as we waited for the doors to close. He pressed the button for the third floor before pressing the one for the fourth.
"I promise I'm not playing tricks on you." I said quietly, getting his attention. "You're always welcome to come in. You can stay an hour or two, ya know, if you ever need a friend."
I paused between the open doors of the elevator. "We're still pack."
Derek smiled and dropped his head as I walked off.
Later that night there was a knock at my door. I looked at the time seeing it was nearing midnight and I pulled on a t-shirt to answer the door. Derek was standing on the other side, eyes red and full of tears.
"You wanna come in?" I asked, he nodded walking passed me. "We can talk when you're ready." He glanced around the place a bit before shaking his head. "It must've been the wind."
He gave me a sad smile, "thank you."

Sterek one-shots
FanfictionSterek One-shots. Check out book two! Most of these have been only slightly edited by me and are quite old so there are typos and such throughout. When I find time I will go through and edit them so please just ignore it in the mean time. (: